179 ~ Years Go By

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The sun was the first thing Kimi took note of as she opened her eyes. She knew it was probably just her imagination but the world always seemed brighter on this day. August twenty eighth.

She let out a deep sigh before forcing herself out of bed. She figured it was maybe six in the morning but she found herself getting up early a lot lately. Besides this date was always a busy day for her.

Kimi glanced back to her bed taking note of the missing boy from it. She took his absence as her opportunity to make the bed instead of leaving it in a clumped mess. 

Kimi was quick to get dressed before abandoning her room to step outside onto the prison grounds. There was a small car parked near the fence that she planned on using for her journey. But as she started walking in the direction of the car she was stopped by a girl pulling on her sleeve.

She turned and gave the girl a smile. "What's up Mai?" she asked in a cheerful tone.

"I was just wondering if you know when Natsu and Tanjiro will be home?" the girl asked as she adjusted her glasses on her face. It hadn't taken long for Kimi to figure out that Mai required a prescription to see, and she did her best to find a pair that worked okay for the girl. Although Mai never once complained about them.

"I think Natsu said they would be staying at Fukurodani for a few days at least. Why?" Kimi answered.

"I was just hoping they could venture out and find me a new book. I already finished all the ones here" Mai explained. Natsu and Tanjiro had been the two going out for supplies and various materials lately, although there wasn't much they actually needed that they couldn't get at the prison.

"Tell you what. I'm going to be gone for most of the day, but on my way home I will find you a good book" Kimi suggested.

Mai nodded. "Thank you! Are you going to - what was it called again Migi?" Mai asked deep in thought about the name that had completely slipped her memory.

Kimi couldn't help but laugh a little. "Miyagi. Yes I am" she replied.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back then! I'm going to find Enichi, he is probably gardening" Mai said giving a giant grin before skipping off. Kimi smiled as she watched the girl leave. Enichi was Kiyoko and Daichis kid. He was a very kind little boy who constantly reminded her of Daichi by the little habits he would pick up. 

Enichi. The name meant garden. Every time she thought about it she was left with a small smile.

As Kimi made her way over to the car she heard someone elses voice call out. "No goodbye before you head out?" he questioned.

Kimi turned to see him jogging towards her. "You know where I am going Kai" she answered.

Kais grin quickly faded into a serious expression as he pulled her into a hug. "Yeah I know. Say hi to her for me, would you?" he asked squeezing her tight.

"Yeah, you know I will" Kimi replied. The boy slowly let go of her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Be safe. I'll see you when you get home" Kai responded fully letting her go.

"I'll see you" Kimi said as she climbed into the small drivers seat. She started the car and left her home venturing out to Miyagi to visit someone elses home. 

When she got there she moved to the back of the house, taking a seat on the grass of the backyard beside two graves. She could feel the tears well as she looked at the two graves side by side. She didn't stop the tears, letting them fall. She always cried at this part, she couldn't help it.

"Hey Conny, it's been ten years now. A lot has changed since I last came here. I think I finally understand what it means to be happy. It took me a long time to get to this point but I can admit now that I am happy with where my life is at right now. Kai and I don't ever fight... he really treats me right" she began to explain. Any time she visited her sisters grave she would treat it like a conversation, as if she were just simply updating her sister on everything she missed.

It took her forever to end up with Kai. Maybe five or six years after things had settled down. They finally admitted their feelings to each other one day. It still hurt her to think that Tsukishima may be watching her move on, but she had to convince herself that he would want her to be happy.

"You should really see Daichis garden now. Kiyoko and Enichi have taken good care of it. It keeps so many of us fed now" she said then chuckled a little. "I think even Daichi would have to admit that Kiyoko did a better job than him"

"Mai has grown quite a bit, her and Enichi spend a lot of time together... she still asks about the boy holding her in pictures from when she was a baby" Kimi said trying not to get overwhelmed with emotions at her own words.

"And every time she does, I always explain to her how much he loved her. How she was the most important thing in the world to her and that he is watching over her even now. I tell her what an amazing person he was... and how much I love him. Please tell him I said hi" Kimi added with a tiny sob. The pain of losing Tsukishima had never fully left her and probably never would, but she was going to make sure Mai knew everything about him.

"I still talk to Kenma every once and a while. I'll sometimes travel out to Fukurodani to catch up with him. And we sometimes stay up late chatting over walkie talkies, it really reminds me of when you used to stay up all night on call with him gaming" Kimi said thinking back to when they were kids living in a normal world. It was a strange idea to her to think that the world wasn't always littered with monsters, it had only been eleven and a half years but it honestly felt like an eternity to her. As if the world had always been that way.

"I've completely stepped away from the leadership role. It was a responsibility I had hated for so long, but I feel much better now. Suga actually runs the place. I don't know why he never did before because his leadership skills and decision making abilities are amazing. I trust him fully to lead, although there was never a moment when I didn't trust him"

"You know Kita lives at Inarizaki with Atsumu? He stops by the prison quite randomly now. He said it had something to do with wanting to live a lifestyle with more surprises where he doesn't know what's in store for him each day. I believe he called it 'thrilling'. Although for some reason I have a hunch you might have had something to do with that" Kimi explained grinning. She knew that despite not knowing each other for long, Kita and Conny had developed a close friendship full of trust.

"I know you cared a lot for Shirabu but I haven't heard from him since he left. I'm sure he must have found his grandparents by now though. And I'm sure you are wondering about Atsumu... I think you were right about him the whole time. You could help him, and you did. He is doing a lot better now. He comes by the prison sometimes but he mostly stays at Inarizaki, although he doesn't run the place anymore. I know he comes here almost weekly to see you, Kita told me. So I'm sure you already know everything about him"

"Like me, Atsumu stepped down from his role as leader almost instantly. Iwazumi now runs the place with Oikawa. It took me a long time to forgive them but I just don't want to be filled with overwhelming hatred anymore. So I am letting go of it. I'm sure you would be proud of me for that"

"I still have a hard time looking in mirrors though, it hurts me so much to see someone look back who doesn't look like you. I got to age while you will forever remain a teenager. How is that fair? I can't even remember what your voice sounds like anymore. It faded from my memory and it's just far enough out of reach from me..." Kimi whispered as she let herself silently cry. "I can still clearly remember your laugh though. Isn't it funny how memory works?" she added. Although she wished she could hold onto every single detail about her twin, she was glad that the one thing she managed to keep over the years was the memory of her laugh. Something she had heard so many times it was like second nature.

Kimi couldn't help but smile as she looked up to the sky with tear stained cheeks. "You know, I think you would really like things here now. This is the future you could see that no one else could. Thank you for helping us get here" 

The sky was bright. It always seemed to be on August twenty eighth. 

She always thought people were so strange for caring so much over whether they were remembered or not when they died. Why bother worrying about something that you won't even be there for. But now she understood that she had known someone who truly deserved to be remembered without ever once giving the idea a second thought. Someone who cared more about others than she thought possible of humans. Perhaps in the end the important thing wasn't if you get to be remembered, but more if you deserve to be remembered. 

She knew for a fact that she had gotten to live in lifetime where she got to love someone worth remembering.

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