103 ~ Community

19 1 0

Kimi sat on the couch waiting for Kayo to return. She decided to read while she waited. Eventually as the sky was darkening the door to the house opened. The girl walked in immediately noticing Kimi on the couch.

"Hey, sorry but I never actually caught your name" Kayo said as she hung her coat on a hook by the door.

"Sawamura Kimi, call me Kimi though" she answered looking over to the girl.

"Cool! I just go by my first name too, Kayo. It's really cool to meet you! Do you like pasta?" Kayo asked moving to the kitchen.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing! I haven't had pasta in about a year" Kimi said nearly drooling at the thought. Kayo laughed. "Alright pasta it is then!" she said as she began pulling out a few different pots and pans.

"Do you guys leave your generators on all the time?" Kimi asked curiously.

"Nah, we keep them on for a few hours after dark then turn them off. There are some solar panels on the other side of the community that give us power during the day" she explained as she began to cook.

"That's really smart" Kimi muttered.

"Yeah well we really just lucked out more than anything. We built this place at the beginning and it's managed to hold up fine for us" she explained.

"That is fortunate. My group had a lot of problems before we found a good place" Kimi explained.

"Right, you have another group. Akaashi mentioned that you would be leaving again" she said.

Kimi nodded. "I need to go back to them at some point, as nice as it is here I love it there" Kimi explained.

"I get it, I couldn't leave this place. Even if it weren't safe, the people inside are the reasons you stay" Kayo said nodding in understanding.

"Are you close with Akaashi, the way you two talk to each other I got the impression that you guys are friends" Kimi asked, the smell of the pasta cooking making her stomach rumble.

"I guess. The guys an idiot and we bicker constantly but I couldn't ever actually leave him. We sat together at school and hung out a lot even though we only really argued when we did" Kayo said laughing a bit. "Oh and of course I'm friends with Bo, he was always anywhere Akaashi was" she added.

Kimi nodded. She couldn't help but think of her two people back in school. Conny and Kai were constantly being goofs while she had to try to keep them settled down.

"Were you in highschool? Bokuto said he was friends with Kuroo so I'm assuming you guys were second years going into third year" Kimi asked.

"Bokuto was. Me and Akaashi were first years. The two were close from volleyball though" Kayo explained.

"And you guys have been together since this all started?" Kimi questioned.

Kayo nodded. "My mom sorta had a screw lose, she worked in the prison and I wasn't really sure how she was gonna act in this world. But Akaashi and Bo came straight to my house and the three of us found the rest of their team. We built this place and now we take in as many people as we can" Kayo explained.

"It's always so amazing when people take in strangers even though they don't owe them anything" Kimi said in admiration of Fukurodani.

"It's not a big deal, I mean help who you can right? Here's your food" Kayo said handing Kimi a bowl and sitting beside her. "Oh I didn't even ask, tomato sauce is okay right?" she added.

"Oh yeah that's fine" Kimi said already digging into the food. The last time she had food that was so good was the night they celebrated Christmas. It felt like so much had changed in the course of only a few weeks.

"There is a room down the hall to the left, you can have that one" Kayo offered when the two finished eating.

"Thank you" Kimi said before walking down the hall into her room. As she laid on the bed she couldn't help but let her thoughts wander to everyone back at the prison. By now she assumed everyone knew she was gone.

Daichi was most likely really worried about her maybe a little upset that she chose to just take off like that. Conny on the other hand was probably confused. Her sister was so optimistic she believed that everything could just be fixed.

She did miss her two siblings a lot, but she needed to step away. She felt like she was suffocating there. But here everything was fresh and new. It was like breathing that first breath of air after holding your breath for a little too long.

She hated herself for even letting the idea cross her mind but she almost wished she could stay here. A new start where she could just blend into the crowd and be a nobody. But even as she thought about it she was quick to dismiss it. She could never turn her back away from Conny or  Daichi or Kai or even Tsukishima.

Kimi let herself drift off, doing everything in her power not to think about anything.

When Kimi woke again she could smell something cooking. "Is that eggs?" Kimi asked walking out of the room, seeing Kayo standing over the stove.

"Yeah. We've got a mini farm here. Want some?" Kayo explained, she seemed to have lost some of her enthusiasm from the night before. Probably wasn't a morning person.

"Sure" Kimi said. She also wasn't a big morning person so she was happy that she didn't have to carry out a long conversation.

"Bo's going out on another mission today. You wanna join? If you can fight which I'm assuming you can if you were out there on your own" Kayo offered as she handed a plate with an egg on it to Kimi.

"A mission?" Kimi questioned.

"Find survivors to take in" Kayo explained.

"Oh yeah I'll go" Kimi agreed.

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