72 ~ Choices

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Kimi ran down the hallway, closely followed by Kai.

"We have to check every door, we can break it down with this. It's from one of the beds Tanaka managed to take apart" Kai said holding up a metal object identical to the one Tanaka used to break into the girls room.

"Okay" Kimi nodded stopping at the first door they came across. She moved to the side so Kai could break it open. The door flung open revealing an empty bedroom.

So they quickly continued forward, not lingering. She stopped at the next door for Kai to break open. When he did the sight made Kimis heart drop. There were several woman restrained. She scanned them with her flashlight not sure if she wanted Conny to be among them or not.

Kai immediately started to walk into the room but Kimi quickly grabbed his arm. 

Kai looked back at her confused. "She's not in here, let's go" Kimi said coldly.

Kai scrunched up his face at her. "Go? We need to help them anyways. We can take them with us, they won't be okay here" Kai said, confused about why Kimi wouldn't be thinking the same thing as him.

Kimi shook her head. "Kai... We can't take them with us. We don't have the resources to help them, we can barely keep our group alive as is" Kimi said pulling on his arm.

Kai pulled his arm out of her grasp. "What the hell Kimi?! We aren't leaving them like that! If we don't have the resources to help them then we'll just have to let them free and they can take care of themselves" he argued angerly.

"We don't have time for that! Conny could be somewhere like this, you wanna just abandon her?! The longer we take to help her the more chances of something happening to her. Do you have any idea how long it would take to free them all! Besides, there's no way we can get them all away from this building" Kimi argued back.

Kai stared at her, a look of disappointment and sadness in his eyes. "Who are you?" he asked shaking his head at her.

"We don't have time for this Kai, if you wanna be pissed at me do it later! The more time we waste arguing the more chances of Conny getting hurt or those creeps finding us! They won't be able to survive on their own out there anyways, not after this" Kimi tried to explain in frustration.

Kai didn't say anything. He was pissed, but he held it in. Kimi began to move forward not giving any other argument or explanation. If Kai didn't want to follow her then he didn't have to, she didn't care. Or at least that's what she told herself as she continued on in her path.

Kai glanced at the room one last time before biting his tongue and reluctantly moving forward to follow Kimi.

The two went through several other rooms before finding one containing another human being. This one was a little boy sleeping in a bed.

Kimi stopped herself from moving forward, she couldn't leave the kid. Even if he belonged to one of the people from the group she wasn't going to let him turn into a monster like them.

"Hey" Kimi said gently shaking him awake. The boy rubbed his eyes looking up at Kimi. "Do you know where your parents are?" Kimi asked softly.

The boy stared at her before speaking. "They are gone. I don't know where they are but I'm the only one left here" the boy said in a sad tone, but not quite crying.

Kimi bit her lip in an attempt to keep her tears back. She shook her head. "How about you come with us. We have a little girl your age. You could be friends with her" Kimi said. The boy thought about it for a minute. "Okay" he finally decided.

"What's your name?" Kimi asked in her best friendly voice. 

"Tanjiro" the boy answered quietly.

"Alright Tanjiro, I'm Kimi and this is Kai. Can you get on Kais back so we can take you to her?" Kimi suggested.

The little boy looked at the red head then nodded. He climbed onto Kais back. Then the two took off in a run checking the last two rooms before making it to the door.

"Let's go to the supermarket and see if they found Conny. If not we'll come back" Kai suggested.

Kimi thought about it, she didn't like the idea of leaving the building without her sister but she figured that was the safest and best option at the moment, especially with Tanjiro.

The two exited through the door, quickly disappearing into the streets out of sight.

It didn't take them long to make their way to the supermarket. They stayed on the outside though since the inside had been littered with walkers. "Let's go to the back" Kai suggested.

Kimi nodded as the two walked around the building, finding the group standing there.  Natsu ran over when she noticed the little boy. "Hi, I'm Natsu! Come on we can play" she said excitedly taking the boys hand. Tanjiro looked at her before smiling and nodding, following as she pulled him along.

Kimi noticed that Conny  was there a bit away from the group sitting against the building, Kageyama was crouched across from her quietly talking with her. Kimi wanted to go hug her but she got the feeling that this wasn't the time.

She scanned the group, everyone was there except for one person still missing. Panic began to fill her and a need to protect the missing person when she realized who it was. She was about to turn and run back to factory eight when she heard his voice behind her.

"It seems you are always losing this thing and I have to constantly steal it back for you. I mean seriously I've stolen this thing three times now" he said looking down at the gun in his hand as he placed several weapons on the ground.

"Tsuki!" Kimi said running over to him and throwing her arms around him, her emotions getting the better of her. Tsukishima hesitantly hugged her back allowing a small smile to show on his face.




• Child• Very quiet• Brave• Trusts Natsu

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• Child
• Very quiet
• Brave
• Trusts Natsu


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