80 ~ Old Friends

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Conny woke up fairly early the next morning. As she sat up in bed Kageyama slowly opened his eyes to see what she was doing. "Everything okay?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah, no worries. I was just going to look for Tetsu or Kenma, we have a lot to catch up on. You sleep, I'll see you later" Conny said gently leaning over so she could kiss his forehead.

"Alright, love you" he mumbled before rolling back over in bed. Conny then left the room quietly tip toeing through the halls in an attempt not to wake anyone. She was pretty sure Kenma would still be asleep but Kuroo had always been an early riser she just had to figure out where he was.

She was about to go outside to look when she noticed the boy in a room sitting in a chair at a desk with various objects on it.

"Morning Tetsu!" she said enthusiastically as she entered the room.

"Good morning Conny, isn't it a little early for you to be up? I remember one in the afternoon used to be an early wake up time for you" Kuroo said keeping his attention on the object in his hand.

"Yeah well things have changed I'm an early riser now, just like you" Conny explained.

"Things have changed. How has your group been doing out there all this time? I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you guys" Kuroo asked glancing over to the girl then returning his attention to his desk.

"We've had our difficulties. We used to be at Karasuno high school, it was safe there. That's why we could take so many people in. But then we had problems with another group and the place ended up burning down, that's when we all got separated. And we were apart for over a month before we all managed to find each other again" Conny tried to explain the long story in as easy a way she could.

"Damn sounds like you guys got involved with a bad group. Luckily we haven't really seen other groups. We were fast to get here, a lot of Tokyo are just the lurkers now so as long as we don't go into the busy streets we seem to be okay" Kuroo explained.

"Well thank you for taking us all in then, I'm sure Daichi can get to work on a garden to help keep us all fed" Conny said. She felt genuine gratitude towards the boy, even though he was one of her closest friends she knew how hard it was to help people anymore given the worlds circumstances.

"Of course Conny. I'll always be here to help you no matter what. Don't forget that, even though it's been months since we've even talked I still love you" Kuroo said now looking up to make eye contact with the girl.

"Love you too Tetsu" she replied smiling at the boy. "What are you working on?" she finally asked bringing both their attentions back to the desk.

"This is flesh from where a person was bitten before they turned. I'm trying to figure out what changes people but I'm still at a loss. Everytime I think I have something it ends up being nothing" Kuroo said.

Now curiosity overtook Conny and she took a step closer to also look at the flesh Kuroo had been observing through a microscope.

"But it's not just bites that turn people" Conny protested.

"Yeah, the scratch marks too. I have a sample of one of these. Given that I can only collect these after people have already turned because I've never actually experienced someone turning" Kuroo explained.

"But Tetsu... you guys haven't watched anyone die?" Conny asked a little nervous to tell him everything about the dead monsters.

Kuroo looked over to her confused before shaking his head no

"People turn when they die Tetsu, even without the bite marks or scratches" Conny explained remembering the shock they all felt when they found out.

Kuroo looked at the girl eyes wide. He then sighed as he ran a hand through his messy hair. "Well that's just great isn't it?" he said clearly frustrated.

Conny reached forward and took hold of her friends hand. "Don't worry you'll figure it out, you're smart. And if you don't figure it out it's fine we can all just stay here and make our own society" Conny said offering him a smile.

Kuroo smiled back. "Thanks Thing 1" he said.


"Kimi.." Kenmas quiet voice rang out as he walked over to the girl sitting alone outside leaning against a wall.

"Oh hi Kenma" Kimi said looking up to smile at the boy.

"I'm really glad you guys are okay, it means a lot to see you two... I was really worried" Kenma said, his voice got quieter at the last statement.

Kimi smiled. "Same with you two, I didn't even want to think about what things would be like out here in the city" she replied.

"It was really bad, especially at first. I can't go too far into the city because there are just so many lurkers it'd be just about impossible to go unnoticed" Kenma explained.

"Are there really that many?" Kimi asked. Miyagi was bad but the population was small so they didn't have as many people that could be turned to begin with.

Kenma nodded. "Kuroo was the one who thought to come here. He heard on the news that with everything happening they began to let a few of the criminals with less serious crimes out. So Kuroo figured that everyone would be running away from the prison not towards it, giving us an easier time taking it over" Kenma explained.

"That was smart. Although that makes sense since it was Kuroos idea" Kimi said.

"Yaku, Yamamoto, and Fukunaga were on our team so they came along with us. And Lev has been with us since the start too, he's really annoying though" Kenma said.

"So it's really just been the six of you and you guys have been fine?" Kimi asked in shock.

"Yeah, like I said most people in Tokyo are dead or haven't bothered us so we haven't really had any problems" Kenma said shrugging.

"And how have you been adjusting to everything? I know it must be hard for you" Kimi asked thinking back to how the boy used to always be so absorbed in his video games. It was actually through a gaming tournament that Kenma met Conny. The four never would have become friends if not.

Kenma shrugged. "I'm surviving"

Kimi couldn't help but think back to Kageyamas words, there's more to living than just surviving.

The two went silent for a few minutes. It was a nice silence though. Unlike Conny and Kuroo who were constantly talking and laughing, Kenma and Kimi liked to just enjoy each others company even if it was just through being near each other.

"I do like being out here though. I used to always stay inside with my head stuck in a video game but now I really like it out here" Kenma said looking around them at the outside world.

Kimi smiled and she was about to speak when Kenma started talking again. "Can I tell you a secret? You can't tell anyone though because they won't get it, but you've never once judged or made fun of me" Kenma asked. Kimi nodded curious about the boys next words.

"I really like killing them. It gives me the same rush I get when I'm playing a video game" Kenma said, Kimi couldn't help but notice the glint in his eyes.

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