31 ~ Mistake

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Kimi entered the first classroom with Tadashi and Ennoshita. Ennoshita was fairly decent at killing the monsters, while Tadashi still struggled a bit.

"Need any help over there?" Kimi called out to the two boys who were on the opposite side of the room than her.

"All good over here," Ennoshita grunted out while killing a walker.

"Okay let me know if you need help, I'm gonna try to take care of the ones over here," Kimi said, focusing her attention on the walkers in front of her. It only took them a few minutes to fully clear out the room.

"Should we meet up with the others now?" Tadashi questioned when the room was empty and their task was complete.

"Nah, they can take care of themselves. I want to look around here, it looks like this was a science room, we might find something interesting in here," Kimi replied. She had full trust that each person in the other groups was fully capable of defending themselves.

"That's actually a good idea. And yes, this was a science lab room, I had a class here," Ennoshita said, reminding Kimi that he had spent almost a full year as a Karasuno student. Ennoshita moved to the drawers of the teachers desk to look through them. Tadashi was over near the cupboards filled with chemicals beside Kimi.

"You look uncomfortable fighting," Kimi stated, not moving her gaze from the label of a bottle she was reading.

"I am still uncomfortable killing them, I can't shake the feeling that they were once like us," Tadashi confessed as he leaned over to read the label as well.

"Then why force yourself to fight? You can take your time adjusting you know," Kimi said, doing her best to show the boy compassion, she still felt guilty about accidentally shooting him.

"I have to know how to fight. Just in case," Tadashi said as Kimi put the bottle back, picking up a new one to examine.

"In case what?" Kimi asked, still keeping her attention on what she was doing.

"In case Tsuki does something stupid and you guys kick us out, then I'll need to be strong enough to defend him out there," Tadashi admitted, he said the words as if they were normal, but his words took Kimi by complete surprise, so much so that she looked up to make eye contact with the boy.

"Tadashi, we aren't going to kick you out because of Tsuki," she said, surprised that the boy must have been worried about this for a while now.

Tadashi gave her a confused look. "You're not?" he asked.

Kimi shook her head. "When people look at you, they think 'it's Tadashi' not 'oh there's Tsukishima's friend'. You are your own person," Kimi explained, shocked that she even had to explain this to him to begin with.

"Really?" Tadashi asked making sure he heard her right. He was so used to just living in Tsukishima's shadow that this was a real shock to him that people saw him as someone separate from his friend.

"Of course. Besides you two are a part of the group now, we're in this together. Nothing either of you do will get you kicked out because you are one of us," Kimi said as she gave him a smile. Tadashi nodded and stuck out his pinkie finger. Kimi looked at it and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Promise me that you won't ever send me out there alone. I'll believe your word," he said in a short explanation. Kimi softened her face when she realized what he wanted. She then wrapped her pinkie finger around his and they shook it.

"I promise I won't send you out there alone," she agreed.

Tadashi smiled, seeming satisfied by the action. "And don't go thinking I'm going to give you a reason to send me out there. I just wanted that reassurance," Tadashi said, quickly waving his hands in the air.

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