41 ~ Mixed Feelings

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It was early in the morning when Kimi decided to sneak outside. She was headed for one of the trucks. "You know generally teenagers sneak out at night, not in the morning," Kageyama's voice rang out from behind her.

"You know we barely spoke for months and now all of a sudden you are becoming a pain in my ass with your smart-ass remarks. I think I liked you better when we didn't talk," Kimi teased, turning to face the boy who was perched on the curb playing with his knife in his hand.

"Wow I open up to you about my childhood trauma and teach you to drive and you call me a pain in the ass in return?" Kageyama questioned, grinning.

"Trauma?" Kimi asked. "You mean your mom leaving you?" she asked as her voice softened.

"No, I mean not being able to play volleyball because the other kids didn't like me. Having volleyball taken away... now that's traumatic," Kageyama corrected with a grin Kimi could only explain as stupid.

Kimi rolled her eyes. "Of course it was the volleyball part! You're an idiot you know?" she responded, but even she couldn't hold in the small laugh that bubbled out.

"Now I'm being bullied for my lack of brain, wow you're really trying to add to that trauma, aren't you?" Kageyama sai,d acting as if he were about to break out in tears.

"Yeah, and I'm happy I'm adding to it," Kimi joked, but was unable to contain the small grin appearing on her face.

"Well, I refuse to be bullied by someone with greasy hair," Kageyama said nonchalantly, pretending to not notice her face contort in anger.

"What did you just say?! My hair is not greasy buddy!" she said, trying to act calm.

"Okay," Kageyama replied sarcastically.

"Listen here," Kimi started, but when she noticed the smirk on his face she stopped. "You're just trying to get a rise out of me, aren't you?" she asked.

Kageyama raised both eyebrows. "It's working," he said.

"Whatever, I need to go before I bash your head in with this club," Kimi said jokingly as she let a chuckle out.

"Where are you going?" Kageyama asked, his voice changing to a more serious tone.

"I want to go get some blankets and stuff to make the sick people more comfortable. I just feel like I need to do something to help them," Kimi explained.

"I'll come with you. You shouldn't go out by yourself. That's why Conny and I always pair up, we watch each other's back," Kageyama offered.

"Well actually, I was hoping you would be here to sort of be in charge till I get back," Kimi said, knowing that she trusted his judgment more than just about anyone else who was there.

Kageyama sighed heavily.

"What's your problem now?" Kimi asked.

"Well, you see, I kinda prefer to be a bit more behind the scenes. The guy on the sidelines never has to make the impossible decisions," Kageyama explained.

"So, you prefer to just sit back and watch me lose my mind?" Kimi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Now you're catching on!" Kageyama exclaimed with a nod.

"You're an idiot. I won't be gone that long but with so many people sick something might come up and I just need you to be here in case that happens. Look, I'll go find someone so I don't break your pair rule, okay?" Kimi said in a serious tone.

"Alright fair enough. But if they try to take off my head, that's on you," Kageyama agreed.

"Just don't do anything stupid then," Kimi said, shaking her head.

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