125 ~ Acceptance

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A week quickly passed by. Both Conny and Kimi were reluctantly beginning to cope with their new reality. Kageyama and Tsukishima were both doing everything they could to make it as easy as possible on the two.

Conny walked outside to find Kimi. She was sat beside Daichis grave. One thing the girls had not done yet was speak to each other about the situation. Or anything at all for that matter.

"Hi Kimi" she said to announce her presence as she moved to sit beside her sister.

"Hey" Kimi replied not bothering to look up. It was odd to be near her sister again. Kimi had wanted to talk to Conny but she couldn't, she didn't want to break down in front of Conny. She didn't want to know how much the death was destroying Conny. So it was easier for both them to avoid each other.

"Spring is quickly approaching. I guess you were right about not needing to worry about Inarizaki" Conny spoke attempting to make small talk that didn't relate to Daichi. But the mention of spring made her think about Daichis garden, and talking about Inarizaki made her think about how Daichi had believed her and helped her calm down. But Conny had come to terms that things were going to remind her of Daichi, that was life and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Yeah the weather has really warmed up" Kimi responded. Her answer was short and to the point.

"I think Kiyoko is going to start a garden soon. He wanted there to be an outdoor garden when spring came..." Conny said. It hurt her to use the word 'wanted' instead of 'wants' but she knew that she needed to accept the fact that he was dead. She wasn't over her pain, and didn't think she ever would be, but she knew that she needed to accept the fact that he was gone to start her healing process.

"Yeah" Kimi responded still using as few words as possible to contribute to the conversation.

"I think you should know something Daichi told me a long time ago. I think it's going to help me a lot and might help you too" Conny said trying her best to hold in her tears that were now threatening to spill out.

"What's that?" Kimi asked still staring at the ground rather than her sister.

"Back when Ennoshita died, I was having a hard time and what he said really helped me. He told me that people aren't meant to be around forever. But the good ones. The ones who really love and care for you. Those are the ones who never want you to lose your smile because of them" Conny explained. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about how he had held her and comforted her that day. She wished more than anything that he were here to comfort her now.

"Daichi was always too wise. He kind of reminded me of an old man" Kimi said laughing lightly.

"I think he was an old man disguised as a teenager" Conny laughed along. A painful laugh but it was something.

"Damn. He'd definitely complain that we shouldn't speak ill of the dead..." Kimi said glancing over to the grave.

Conny smiled. "Yeah. He was a bit of a cry baby" she agreed.

"I'm the reason he was in that cell block you know. I told him something about our mom and he was just trying to fix things. If I would have just tried to deal with it on my own he might still be alive" Kimi confessed, allowing a few tears to roll down her cheeks.

Conny stared at her sister for a moment. "They were my pills... Our parents died because they overdosed on my pills..." Conny mumbled quietly, also allowing a few sobs to escape her body. 

It was the first time either of them had admitted just how guilty they felt about it.

"Let's do better. You and I are going to be strong and survive for him" Kimi said finally looking over to her sister.

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