61 ~ Scars

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When Conny woke the room was being lit by the sun peeking in from behind the curtains. She felt much better after getting sleep. She looked up to Kageyama who was already awake.

Her eyes widened at the sight of his face though. There was dried up blood stuck to various different places of his face and neck. His face was covered in scratch marks that looked painful and his left eye had a bruise forming around it.

She hadn't realized just how much damage she actually did when she was kicking and scratching at him.

Conny reached forward to lightly touch one of the sores on his check causing him to immediately flinch away at the pain.

"It's not actually that bad. It looks a lot worse than it really is." Kageyama said laughing lightly when he saw the saddened look Conny gave him. "I'm serious, don't feel bad about it Conny" he added when she didn't flash her signature smile.

"Who said I feel bad?" Conny laughed trying to make a joke out of it. Kageyama chuckled even though he could tell she still felt incredibly guilty.

Conny then leaned closer and planted a kiss on his cheek where one of the cuts were. "What was that for?" Kageyama asked laughing.

"Suga used to kiss my cuts when I was younger and they'd feel better" Conny said shrugging.

Kageyama gave her a weird look laughing. "Oh yes, thank you for your magic kiss. That one cut feels better now" he laughed out.

Conny laughed at him, this time it was a real laugh. She rolled her eyes before leaning forward to kiss another one of his cuts. "There, now two of them feel better." she said giggling.

"That's all I get only two magic kisses? What about this one?" Kageyama asked, grinning as he pointed to his forehead.

Conny made an overexagerated sigh as she moved to get even closer so she could reach his forehead. She then gave him another kiss, this time on his forehead.

"Wow, you should have been a doctor! How about this one? Or this one?" Kageyama said pointing to another cut on his cheek followed by one on his neck.

Conny laughed before deciding to just kiss each one of his cuts before he could complain about another one.

"Happy? They should all have my magic kiss healing power now" Conny joked laughing.

Kageyama laughed. "Actually, you missed one" he said.

"Really? How could I possibly have missed one?" Conny asked with a giggle.

"Right here." Kageyama said pointing to a small scrape on his lip.

Conny laughed "well we wouldn't want you to be in pain, now would we?" she said smiling.

"No that would not be ideal" Kageyama responded.

"Then guess it would be irresponsible of me not to heal you with my magic abilities." Conny said staring at the boys lips.

"Very irresponsible" Kageyama agreed nodding.

"Alright then" Conny said. Then she leaned forward so her lips brushed against his. She closed her eyes as she leaned in more to kiss the boy. Kageyama kissed back, moving one hand to her waist and the other he rested on her thigh gently rubbing his thumb on it.

When Conny finally pulled away to stare at him, he pouted. "It's still a little sore" he said.

Conny laughed but didn't say anything as she put both hands on either side of his face to pull him closer to her, smashing their lips together as they kissed for the second time. This time they deepened the kiss as they closed the space between their bodies.

They enjoyed the kiss, neither pulling away until they had to for air. 

"It's feeling a lot better now." Kageyama said smiling as he rest his head on his hand, staring at her. 

Conny laughed "you're a dork" she said shaking her head at the boy. "Can I wash up somehow?" Conny suddenly asked realizing how disgusting she was. She hadn't been able to stay very clean while she was sick and she just spent a few nights outside in the forest.

She couldn't chuckle at the thought that she never would have imagined her hair would be covered in mud and grease and her clothes filled with dirt for her first kiss. Before everything happened she had assumed her hair would be done up nicer than her usual messy style and her clothes would be a nice clean outfit she picked out and it would be during such a romantic moment. But somehow this was so much better than that.

"Yeah I can boil you some water on a fire, then we can fill up the bath tub down the hall for you." Kageyama said getting out of the bed.

"Alright!" Conny said jumping out of the bed to follow him. She tried her best not to linger on the sight of him limping slightly. Must have been from when she kicked him in the knee.

"I'll get the water if you wanna find some clothes in the closet. There's already soap and shampoo in the bathroom." Kageyama said. Conny nodded moving over to the closet while Kageyama left the room.

She began searching through the clothes. By the looks of the outfits and styles, a younger couple lived in the house before. Her sight settled on a cute sun dress. She was never really big on dresses before but it had been so long since she wore something nice that she decided to pull it off the hook and take it into the bathroom.

After a few minutes Kageyama managed to fill up the bathtub enough for her to clean herself.

"Take as long as you need. I'll just be around the house." Kageyama said once the tub was filled with water.

"Thank you" Conny said happily.

"Yeah no problem, you getting clean will do us both a favour anyways" Kageyama teased, ruffling her hair.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Conny shouted.

Kageyama just chuckled. "See you after Conny" he said before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Conny couldn't help but laugh at the boy as he left the room.

As she sat there alone with nothing but her thoughts she tried not to think too much about the boy, but she couldn't help it. It was strange but the more she thought about him the more she got this giggly feeling, one she didn't have before. She tried to shake the feeling as she continued to wash herself. She took a good hour in the bath just relaxing and scrubbing at the dirt. She eventually gave up on some of the dirt stuck in her nails deciding that it would just be permanently stuck there.

Conny got out of the bath tub and changed into the dress. If she had to guess it was somewhere around the beginning of September, still nice weather. Conny searched the drawers until she found a brush she could try to untangle her hair with.

She then left the room wandering down the hallway in search for her friend. "Tobio..." she called out.

"Living room" she heard Kageyamas voice call back.

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