167 ~ This is Bad

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Conny and Shirabu left the Inarizaki grounds temporarily to burry Kuroos body in a nice garden area. Conny was doing everything to hold in her sobs. She knew she would be a wreck when she got the opportunity to curl up in her bed again, safe from the rest of the world. It was still the middle of the night and she expected that after talking to Atsumu she would hide away alone in her room for the whole day, then leave to go to the prison.

Conny took in a deep breath. "I love you Tetsu. I'll see you when I'm ninety three" she whispered to his grave. Everything within her hurt. She didn't want to keep losing people. She was tired of losing people. That was when she realized she couldn't keep prolonging her problems. Kuroo died so their group would have a better chance of living. She had to keep fighting to save everyone, she could no longer afford to break down every time she lost someone. Kuroo would want her to keep fighting and help save the group.

After she made sure Shirabu was safe she was going to confront Atsumu about the prison and then return to her group. She believed she could stop people from dying anymore. Today was her last day at Inarizaki, she was going back to the prison today. She was going to stop a war today.

"Kenjiro, I need you to just be careful for now. I am going to talk to Atsumu about you. Then I'll be back to let you know how it goes" Conny explained looking back towards the factory buildings surrounded by fence.

"Okay, be careful though. Don't get yourself in trouble for me" Shirabu said showing clear worry for the girl.

Conny gave him a small smile. A long time ago it would have surprised her to see him display any sort of emotion that pertained to anything but taking care of himself, but now here he was worried that she would get hurt for him. He had changed so much in so little time. She wondered briefly what caused the sudden change but she didn't linger on the thought. She had more important things to worry about at the exact moment.

"I'll be careful. I promise" Conny said. Shirabu nodded as they reentered the Inarizaki complex. Then Conny ran off in the direction of Atsumus room.

Conny quickly arrived at the closed door. It seemed a little intimidating to knock having no idea what state the boys mind would be in right then. But Conny still forced herself to knock on the door thinking about Shirabus safety.

"It's Conny" she said calmly as she knocked.

After a minute Atsumu opened the door. His eyes were puffy, a clear indicator that he had already been crying. Meaning he already knew that Suna was dead.

"Did ya come here to laugh in my face since you were right?" Atsumu asked, his voice was more sad than angry.

Conny stood there in shock for a minute. But she was quick to snap out of it as she moved to wrap him in a hug without saying a word.

"What are ya doin Conny? Ya know I'm cryin cause of Suna. You hate him" Atsumu said in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, I do hate Suna. But I don't hate you. I know you just lost a friend so I am here for you. Let it out, you have my shoulder if you need it" she said. She could only hope that letting Atsumu cry on her because of Suna wasn't a betrayal to Kageyama.

Atsumu slowly wrapped his arms around the girl in return then buried his face in her shoulder as he sniffled and sobbed.

"He was gonna try to kill me. But I still miss him. He was one of my only friends" Atsumu sobbed out. Conny could only feel bad for the boy. She knew he had a hard time controlling his emotions, but he had accidentally pushed everyone away from him and almost no one chose to stay around when he was going through a rough patch.

"I'm here for you" Conny whispered slowly rubbing her hand on his back. She was sure that she should be breaking down herself because of Kuroo. But somehow she knew that Kuroo made a choice after carefully thinking it over. She knew that he was gone but so that he could allow the people he loved to be happy. He wouldn't approve of her crying over him.

"Are you gonna leave me too? Are you gonna betray me?" Atsumu muttered in a shaky voice.

"I won't ever betray you Atsumu. I believe that things can always be talked out" Conny replied softly.

"I'm sorry I always hurt you. I don't want to be like this, but sometimes I just lose control. I want you to stick around though. You are the person I hurt the most yet you are still somehow here" Atsumu mumbled but his voice was still clear enough for Conny to understand.

"Atsumu I -" Conny began to talk but was cut off by the buzz of a walkie talkie on the bedside table. 

"Atsumu. The prison group is attacking! We've got to take them out, they have a lot of weapons and people. This could be bad" Iwazumis voice came through the speaker of the device.

Conny was too shocked by the words to even question why Iwazumi was at Inarizaki or why he would be informing Atsumu of a surprise attack. All she could really register was that her group was attacking and there was about to be a big battle. She didn't resolve the war fast enough. Things were about to get really bad.

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