118 ~ Sawamuras

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It had been nearly three weeks since the Sawamura parents had shown up. It was now mid February. The parents hadn't done anything bad, Conny and Daichi occasionally went to visit them. Never Kimi. When either of them would go they'd talk with their parents for a while until one of the parents would lose it and snap, but in that case they would simply just leave.

Kimi and Conny were now following Daichi down a hallway towards his garden. "Seriously Daichi, you aren't getting anymore free labour from me" Conny teased as she followed her brother.

"Yeah Daichi, what's up? I'm supposed to meet up with Kai today, can't this wait" Kimi asked. Neither one of the twins knew why their brother had asked them to follow him.

"You two are impossible. I swear I will only take up a few minutes of your precious time but this is important to me" Daichi said. The girls glanced at one another but continued to follow Daichi.

When they made it into the room Daichi stopped walking and turned to face them. "Kiyoko said today is February the fifteenth" he said as a sort of explaination.

"Oh sweet!" Conny said excitedly at the news of it being her birthday.

"I got you both a gift. But bare with me because I couldn't get anything special given the circumstances" he said grabbing two separate packages wrapped up in paper towel.

"Do we get to pick which one?" Conny asked raising an eyebrow since the two gifts were clearly different sizes.

"Actually they are specifically for each of you. Here" he said handing the smaller one to Conny then tossing the larger gift to Kimi.

Conny watched curiously as Kimi opened her gift first. Kimi raised an eyebrow at her brother. "Really? A carrot Daichi?" she asked holding up the vegetable in her hand.

"It's actually my prized possession, it grew better than all the other carrots" Daichi explained.

"Thanks" Kimi said smiling. Even though it wasn't a fantastic gift she was still thankful that Daichi was trying.

Conny opened her gift and looked over to Daichi. "Oh sure, give Kimi the carrot but make me work for mine" she said sarcastically holding up the seeds in her hand. Conny couldn't help but laugh though.

"Stress reliever, remember?" Daichi replied.

Conny giggled a little. "Are you sure you just didn't want me to hit you with a carrot again?" she asked.

Daichi chuckled at that. "Thanks though Daichi!" Conny said wrapping her arms around him to hug her brother. Kimi also nodded a thank you before leaving.


Kimi made her way down the hall until she found the familiar red head. It was now the next day since she had decided to cancel her plans on her birthday, not wanting to ruin the day with what she needed to do with Kai. "Hey Kai, thanks for meeting with me" she said.

"Of course, I'll always be here for you. Are you sure you want to do this?" Kai responded clearly worried about the girl.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah I have to talk to them at least once. Find out if they really are different. Although I seriously doubt it" Kimi explained. She had asked Kai to go with her to visit her parents. Kai was around when they were younger so he knew a lot about them already with no explanation needed.

"Just know that I'll be here with you the whole time, backing you up. As soon as you need to leave we're both out of there no problems" Kai said.

The two walked down the hallway, Kimi had barely even spoken to the boy since returning from Fukurodani. But his message he left on her desk still remained fresh in her mind, his promise that their friendship wasn't going anywhere. So she didn't worry about not talking too much, they would be just fine.

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