159 ~ Stable Again

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A truck drove through the open gate that was quickly closed up behind it. Nishinoya was the first to hop out of the drivers seat, followed by Tanaka getting out of the passenger seat. Kimi immediately ran over to the two upon their arrival back. 

"What's the news?" she asked barely giving them any time to settle after their journey.

"I'm sorry we didn't find anyone" Noya answered. 

Kimi felt her face fall at the boys words. She knew not to get her hopes up but she still couldn't help it. Over a month had passed since Inarizaki attacked the prison. The group was separated for a few days but most people eventually made it to their planned meet up spot at Fukurodani. Akaashi was more than welcoming to them.

There were still several people missing from that day. Tanaka had informed her that Yamamoto had died during the attack while Tanaka also lost his right arm, nearly dying himself. No one had heard from Oikawa or Iwazumi or where they might be. The only hint they had was that Yaku had spoken to them a little before the attack. The two were by the gate though so Kimi was forced to assume they were more than likely dead. Kimi knew that both Aone and Koganegawa were now dead, as well as Tadashi. Everyone else had eventually showed up at Fukurodani... everyone but Tsukishima.

Kimi felt guilt and regret for not going back to their meeting spot. She hated that she didn't fight her way through the walkers to get there. For all she knew he might have died waiting for her when she had left. Everything that happened that day was such a scramble that she hadn't been thinking straight. Now she could only hope he'd randomly show up at their front gate.

Her final concern was her twin. Although Conny had disappeared well before the prison was attacked she was afraid that if Conny returned to the destroyed prison it would set her off triggering a negative reaction.

Kimi tried her best not to spend too much time thinking about the prison, but that had become a nearly impossible task. In the middle of the night she found that her thoughts would travel to Daichi and how his grave had now become a walking ground for monsters. She wanted the grave to survive so that Daichis future kid could visit him. She wanted Kiyoko to be able to bring the baby to his garden when it was born.

She had been sending Tanaka and Noya out about once a week to cheek if there were any signs of survivors. She wanted to go but didn't trust herself not to do anything stupid when she saw the place again.

"But one thing Kimi" Tanaka added nervously pulling the girl away from her thoughts.

"What's that?" Kimi asked. At this point she knew that pretty much any news was bad news. She really missed the days when she used to stress over tests, now life was one big joke as if no matter what she did things would always blow up in her face.

"Inarizaki has started clearing out the area. I think they are going to fix the fence and move in soon" Tanaka explained.

Kimi felt a wave of sadness hit her. There wasn't anything she could do this time. She couldn't defend a place when she wasn't even anywhere near it. "That's expected I guess" she mumbled not even attempting to find a positive. There were very few positives left in her life... if any.

"We are going to report to Akaashi" Tanaka said not sure how to offer her any sort of comfort. Kimi nodded barely even looking at the two. Akaashi was still the one running the place, their group just seemed to add on to his. Although he did put in a good effort to listen to and consider Kimis opinions.

Tanaka and Noya ran off as Kimi walked through the streets of the large community seeming to have completely lost her purpose. 

As Kimi walked alone Kai noticed her quickly moving to walk beside her. Even Kai seemed to have lost his smile. No one really had a reason to smile anymore.

"Inarizaki is taking the prison now" Kimi said. Her and Kai told each other everything lately, the two had gotten considerably closer since they were using each other as a shoulder to lean on. Each being the only stable and consistent thing in the others life.

For a while Kimi was terrified that she was going to lose Kai. She thought he would turn after having been scratched multiple times by a walker but he lucked out since the monsters blood had never mixed with his. He ended up with some painful scars though. His arm was still in a sling since it was slowly healing from having been broken. Kita was helping him through that process though.

"What should we do" Kai questioned. He had half expected something like this to happen but never thought of a solution to it.

"I don't know" Kimi mumbled shrugging. She was so done with everything. She didn't want to be the one making decisions anymore, she just wanted to fade into the background and become forgotten by everyone.

"What would past Kimi have done?" Kai asked instead. It hurt him to see how broken she had become.

"She probably would have attacked Inarizaki after they fixed the prison but before they moved in" Kimi replied. The idea came to her almost instantly, it wasn't hard to have the same thought process she used to. But she didn't trust in that plan, none of her plans had worked in the past so why would this one be any different. More people would probably just end up dead.

"Let's do that" Kai said confidentially.

Kimi looked over to the boy surprised. Her quickly thought up plan did not sound like his style at all, in fact it sounded like an idea he would fight against.

"I trust your plan and I think we can pull it off" Kai explained to her before she could even ask any questions about his sudden confidence. Part of Kai hated the idea of attacking, but he didn't want to watch the group slowly lose everything that gave them joy.

"We would have to train hard and prepare for the right moment" Kimi said starting to consider the plan more. Maybe they could pull it off. Maybe they could take back their home.

"Let's spread the word to people and get ready. It might take weeks or months but we'll get the prison back" Kai said trying to get Kimi pumped up and bring her spirits back up a little.

Kimi thought for a moment. If they attacked before Inarizaki had the defense of the prison they might actually stand a chance...

"Fuck it. Let's take back our home" Kimi finally said feeling a small amount of confidence and hope return. Kai smiled to see her returning to her normal self. They both looked at each other and knew one thing for sure. The war wasn't over and they were going to win.

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