109 ~ Plan

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Atsumu helped Conny walk to the hospital room where they could find Kita. Connys arms were still shaking from the pain and she still hadn't been able to stop crying. But she felt comfort in the thought that Kita would be there. She didn't trust being alone with Atsumu.

Atsumu opened the door to the room, but it was only the other boy there. Kita was not in the room.

"Where's Kita?" Atsumu asked the boy.

He looked over to Conny and Atsumu, his eyes widening. "She looks awful" he stated.

"Where is Kita?" Atsumu repeated his question sounding annoyed.

"In the other room" the boy said pointing. "Kita" he called out before turning his attention away from the two having little interest in the situation.

In just a few minutes Kita appeared through the doors. His entire face dropped at the sight of Conny.

"Atsumu what the hell did you do to her?" he asked immediately rushing over to take her from him, helping her to a bed.

"I had to Kita" Atsumu said defending his actions.

"Atsumu this is not okay. Look at her, she is terrified of you!" Kita said, he wasn't shouting but his voice was raised quite a bit. He was definitely angry.

"No she ain't scared. She's just in pain" Atsumu said almost sounding like a little kid trying to argue back.

"Yeah and why is that? Huh? Why is she in pain? Because she certainly wasn't like that when she left this room" Kita said, he was pissed. Conny watched as the two argued, she was afraid Atsumu was going to lash out at Kita.

"I had to. She said she wanted to leave. And I thought if she needed you to fix her then she couldn't leave" Atsumu explained.

"What the hell Atsumu!? You can't just hurt her so that she can't leave. If she wants to leave then let her. She doesn't belong to you" Kita argued.

"Just fix her Kita, she is in pain and I don't want her to be in pain" Atsumu said crossing his arms in a pout.

"She's in pain because of you. You can't just fix people like a broken object" Kita said.

"Well do something to help her then!" Atsumu shouted.

"I am going to help her. But you have to get out of here while I do. Just go take a nap or something I can't work with you in here" Kita instructed.

"Okay, but I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't mean for that to happen. It was an accident" the boy said, Conny could have sworn there was a crack in his voice.

Kitas expression softened. "Alright, just go for a bit and let me help her" he said calmly.

"I'm sorry Conny" Atsumu said turning to look at the girl. It took her by surprise because up until that point she had been silently watching.

She nodded. She couldn't bring herself to say anything, especially not the words it's okay.

Atsumu nodded. "I'm going to go now. I will see you later. I'll get some sort of surprise for you, I promise" he said. Then he turned to Kita. "Don't turn off the lights, she doesn't like that" he said.

Kita nodded. "Alright Atsumu" he said.

Atsumu glanced over at Conny one last time before leaving, letting the door shut behind him.

"I'm sorry Sawamura, I shouldn't have let him take you earlier. I knew his head wasn't in the right state of mind" Kita apologized looking genuinely very upset.

"It's not your fault" Conny replied trying her best to smile.

"Actually it is. I believe that the action of not doing something can sometimes be just as bad as doing something" Kita said as he began searching through a drawer of things.

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