119 ~ Manipulation

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Nearly a week had passed since Kimi made the visit to her parents. She still hadn't decided whether or not she should talk to Conny, but she was sure now that she needed to go to Daichi to get his opinion on the situation. Daichi was usually really good at figuring things out and giving advice.

Kimi couldn't help but feel a slight bubble of guilt every time she saw Conny. It wasn't really Connys fault what was happening either, sure the girl was optimistic but she wasn't stupid. Unfortunately their mother had the ability to walk up to a stranger and punch them, then convince them it was their own fault.

Kimi had subconsciously began to avoid Conny just so she wouldn't feel so bad about what was happening. If she didn't see Conny then she could force herself to think about something else and push the thought far away from her mind.

Kimi found Daichi outside walking around, it was morning and looking to be a fairly nice day out. She jogged a little to catch up to him. "What are you doing?" she asked confused as he continued to walk around the yard.

"I'm trying to determine the best place to start a garden. Things will grow a lot better out here than inside. Plus February is almost over, which means spring is fast approaching the ideal gardening time" Daichi explained.

"Oh, I see. You know how you used to be volleyball obsessed? You're kind of gardening obsessed now" Kimi replied. She found it funny how Daichi had basically not changed at all since everything had happened.

"I just found a hobby to keep myself busy that's all" Daichi replied.

"Daichi, you know how Conny always comes to you when she needs advice? Can I do that right now?" Kimi asked. Although Conny was constantly looking up to Daichi asking for his opinion, Kimi liked to be more independent trusting in her own decisions and not second guessing herself. It was strange to ask for help like this.

Daichi turned all of his attention to Kimi slightly surprised. "You can always talk to me about anything. You know that" he said.

Kimi nodded before speaking, at least if she told Daichi she could see if his reaction was similar to hers. Daichi had always been their parents favourite so they always treated him a little better than the twins. But wothout fail he took his sisters side each time.

She took in a deep breath. "Alright. I went to talk to Kimiko last week. We had a really interesting conversation but now I'm left at a bit of a stand still and I don't know what to do" Kimi started. Daichi seemed surprised by the fact that Kimi was talking with their mother but he didn't interrupt her.

"She admitted that she is only manipulating Conny, saying what she wants to hear so that they can stay here. She doesn't actually give a crap about Conny or either of us, she is just looking out for herself" Kimi said watching carefully as Daichi clenched his jaw, his hands forming fists.

"She's just taking advantage of Connys kindness?" Daichi questioned, his voice straining from anger.

Kimi nodded quietly. "I can't tell Conny though, it will destroy her to know that our parents don't actually give a shit about her" Kimi admitted in frustration.

Daichi nodded, shaking his head in disappointment. "Guess people really don't cahnge" he mumbled with a sigh.

Then he looked back over to Kimi. "Thank you for telling me. I will deal with the situation" Daichi added.

"What are you going to do?" Kimi asked immediately. She had already gone through every different scenarios in her mind over what she could do and came back with no good options.

"I don't know yet but I'll figure something out" Daichi decided.

"Thanks Daichi, I really needed to talk to someone about this" Kimi replied.

"Of course, you shouldn't ever sit with something like this. I can always help" Daichi replied with a small reassuring grin.

Kimi didn't return his smile though, she didn't think she would be able to smile again until her parents were dealt with and gone.


It was now evening as Conny sat on the roof of the prison with Kageyama, both their feet dangling over the edge.

"Can I confess something Tobio?" Conny asked as they sat there.

"Of course" Kageyama responded almost immediately, he had been watching the sun slowly disappearing behind the tree line but he moved his full attention to the girl sitting beside him.

"Something doesn't feel right about my parents. I do think people can change, but I think it comes in slow steps not all at once. It just feels like their change is a little too forced" she admitted. As much as she enjoyed talking to her mother over the past few weeks, she knew that at some point she would have to admit that she was lying to herself. 

"You think they are lying?" Kageyama asked softly.

Conny shook her head. "Honestly I don't know what to think. I want so badly to believe them but my brain is screaming at me that there is something wrong" she tried to explain.

"Maybe take a step back from them for a while so you can clear your thoughts without them clouding your judgement" Kageyama suggested. He wanted to be supportive for Conny, but something about her parents just didn't sit right with him either and he didn't want to see the girl get hurt.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna do that. If things don't work out with them, then I guess that's just the way things have to be" Conny said shrugging. She wanted things to work out, but lately she was becoming more and more doubtful. But she chose to cling to the possibility that the end of the world opened them up for now.

"Oh fuck my arm hurts" Conny cried out suddenly. Although her wounds were healing fairly well, her burns would sometimes experience small spurts of pain.

"Do you still have pain killers?" Kageyama questioned moving to rub her back.

"Yeah, Kita gave me a shit ton. They're in my pocket" Conny said, she had stuffed them in her pocket after having one in the morning. However, when she moved her hand to her pocket she only found it empty. 

"That's odd" Conny said as her face scrunched up in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Kageyama questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"They aren't in there. Maybe I dropped them at dinner, I'll go check where I ate. Could you check our room to see if they are there? Although I'm sure I had them this morning" Conny questioned.

"Yeah of course" Kageyama said standing and offering her a hand up. Conny accepted it walking with him until the two parted paths.

Conny moved to the empty cell where she had sat with Kai to eat. She searched the ground and under the mattress but found nothing. As she stood up something clicked in her head.

No they wouldn't...

She swiftly moved through the halls towards a different place she had been that morning. At the entrance to the other cell block she picked up her hockey stick where she had begun leaving it since she always used it whenever she would visit the two in the second cell block. 

Conny entered the cell block. She took note of the door being unlocked, which seemed strange to her. She continued to walk in. She couldn't help but notice the baggie she had been looking for on the ground, several pills littering the floor. No, no, no.

"Mom... Dad..." she called out.

Her heart dropped when she heard the low growl coming from around the corner. She took in a deep breath already knowing what was waiting for her on the other side.

But when she turned the corner, her hand immediately tightened around her hockey stick as she let out a blood curdling scream.

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