30 ~ New Mission

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"Hey Kimi!" Conny called out to her sister as she ran down the hallway.

"Hey Conny. What's up?" Kimi asked, stopping so that her sister could catch up and walk beside her.

"Not much, I was just wondering if we could get a group to clear out more of the school together. It would be smart to expand our space. Plus, wouldn't it be nice to not have the thought that there are monsters living in the same building as us?" Conny suggested. Her main goal was to make it to the classroom she was supposed to be in, but she knew Kimi needed reasons a little more logical to agree to it.

"That's actually a good idea. I can help you get a group together. I'm assuming that Kageyama is planning on helping already?" Kimi asked. She had actually wanted to clear out the school for a while but seemed to always find herself busy with other tasks instead.

"Yeah, he is. How'd you know?" Conny replied curiously.

Kimi smiled. "Conny you have been practically inseparable with that boy. It wasn't hard to figure out that you probably already told him about your plan," she explained.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But we haven't been inseparable, we just stick together a lot. You know since we have the same job in the group," Conny explained. Although now that the idea had been brought up, she realized just how much time she spent around Kageyama. She liked being near him, he made her smile.

Kimi laughed. "Alright if you say so," she said, not seeming very convinced of Conny's statement. But she was happy that Conny had someone she could spend her time with.

"What about you? You doing okay?" Conny asked, she was starting to get the feeling that they haven't checked up on each other in a while. It was weird since Kimi was like her second half, she depended on Kimi but lately she's barely even been able to talk to her.

"I'm doing okay I guess," Kimi answered honestly. There was no point in even trying to lie, Conny would be able to pick up on it instantly.

"That didn't sound like a Kimi answer. When are you ever not sure of yourself?" Conny questioned, hoping Kimi would open up to her a little more.

"Alright you got me. I hate having everyone looking to me. It seems like whenever a decision needs to be made, I'm the one who has to make it. But Conny how do I know that I'm making the right decisions? I just want to do what's right for the group, but I think that no matter what I do I'm somehow in the wrong," Kimi confessed. If there was one person she trusted with her feelings it was her twin sister.

Conny gave Kimi a sad smile then moved in closer, wrapping her arms around her sister to pull her into a hug. Kimi froze at the action, unlike Conny, Kimi wasn't big on showing affection. She didn't want to seem weak. But she let her sister hug her, feeling comforted by it.

"Don't worry Kimi. You're doing fine! I trust your decisions and I'll stick by your side no matter what," Conny said. Her words weren't a lie, if she had to trust her life to her sister, she would with no objection.

Kimi smiled, wrapping her arms around Conny to finally return the hug. "Thanks Conny," she whispered. She was almost convinced that Conny could read her mind since she always seemed to know exactly what Kimi needed to hear.

Conny moved away from Kimi and smiled. "Don't worry! That's what big sisters are for!" she said giving a thumbs up to her sister.

Kimi's face flashed temporary annoyance. "Two minutes! It's two stupid minutes, idiot," she yelled.

"Aww that sounds like jealousy~" Conny teased.

Kimi laughed. "You're a moron you know," she said jokingly. But truthfully, Conny was one of the few people who could bring out her smile without fail.

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