121 ~ Falling to Pieces

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Once Daichi had been gone for a while Kimi reached over with a shaky hand to pick up the knife Kiyoko had discarded on the ground. She held it up knowing that she definitely didn't want to see her brother reanimated as a monster.

But after several minutes she realized that she couldn't do it. She couldn't bring the knife down into Daichis skull, even if he was already dead. Suddenly Kais hand wrapped around the knife handle, taking it from the girls grasp. 

Kimi stared at him as he took the knife. "Let me do it" he whispered. Kimi nodded slowly, knowing she would never be able to do it herself. "Look away" Kai instructed, not only to Kimi but to Kiyoko as well.

He waited for both girls to do so. He didn't want either of them to have to watch what was about to happen. Kai carefully held the knife in his hand, then took in a deep breath as he sunk it down into Daichis skull. This was a difficult task for him, he had known Daichi since he was young and always looked up to him as a role model. But as hard as it was for him to do, he knew it would be a thousand times worse for either of the girls.

"Come on let's go sleep, we will bury him in the morning and give him a funeral" Kai said carefully helping Kimi stand, then reaching forward and helping Kiyoko up as well. Kimi refused to look back to Daichi, while Kiyoko was the opposite staring down at him.

"He will be okay there till morning" Kai assured the girl. Kiyoko slowly nodded and moved to walk away with them. Kai had an arm wrapped around Kimi as he began to lead her out of the room.

Kimi glanced over to Conny who was still mutilating their mothers body in frustration. She looked to Kageyama who motioned his head for her to go, as if he were saying I'll take care of her.

When they entered the hallway of their own cell block they were met with a small group of people. Kuroo seemed to have contained the crowd, stopping everyone from going into the other cell block. Kimi wanted to thank him but she didn't want to talk so instead she continued walking, not making eye contact with anyone.

"You can sleep in my room tonight" Kai said as he held her closer to himself while they walked with his arm around her shoulder. Kimi nodded continuing to walk with him.

Kiyoko immediately ran over to Sugawara when she was met with the crowd, wrapping him in a hug and talking quietly to him as she sobbed.


Conny continued to swing her stick over and over again. There was now only guts and blood and chunks of flesh left of her mothers body but she couldn't stop herself from continuing. She felt so much hatred. A hatred that she had never experienced before.

Finally Kageyama spoke. "Conny let's go back to our room" he offered trying not to sound too worried. 

"I can't" Conny replied not even looking over at him as she continued to swing her stick.

"Conny, come on. There's nothing you can do here" Kageyama said, his heart was breaking at the sight in front of him.

"I said I can't Tobio" Conny cried out as she continued in her action.

Finally Kageyama chose to step in as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's not going to help" he said trying to pull her back to reality.

"But I have to -" Conny yelled back in a sob, fighting against his hold as he held her from behind. She tried to shake the boy off of her so she could keep swinging her stick but he continued to hold her.

"Let go of me Tobio I have to" she cried out frustrated as she was unable to shake his hold.

"I have to - " Conny cried out again, this time in a whisper. She finally let her stick fall to the ground as she also sunk to her knees, Kageyamas arms still wrapped around her from behind.

Conny began to loudly sob out. Kageyama let himself fall to the ground behind her, pulling the girl in closer to himself so her back was pressed up against his chest. 

"I know" he whispered, holding onto her while she cried.

"They killed him... They killed Daichi... Daichi is dead..." Conny sobbed out, her voice cracking multiple times. 

"I know" Kageyama whispered, as he held her close. "I know" he whispered again as she continued to cry.

"Let's go back to our room now" Kageyama whispered after what was close to an hour when her sobs had finally calmed down a little.

Conny nodded quietly still sniffling. 

Kageyama stood up, picking the girl up in his arms. Holding her bridal style while her head rest against his chest. He quietly carried her back to their room and tucked her into their bed, climbing in beside her to hold onto her.


The next morning Conny slipped away to the garden where only a month ago she was joking with her brother, hitting him with a carrot and teasing him about how her seeds would grow much better carrots than his.

She sat in the same spot where she had planted the seeds staring at the ground. She could feel her vision blur as tears began to fall landing on the dirt in front of her. 

"Damn it!" she yelled in frustration as she began recklessly tearing up the dirt, destroying the seeds she had planted but not daring to touch the seeds her brother was growing.

"Damn it Daichi!" she yelled again in anger. She couldn't control her emotions, she felt as if she might break down into tears but at the same time she wanted to punch a hole through the wall.

"I'm not gonna let mine grow better than yours" she whispered when she had finally gotten rid of all her work from the previous month.

"Conny..." Kimis voice rang out from behind her. Conny turned to face her sister, her hands covered in dirt. Kimi didn't ask any questions or bring any attention to what Conny had just done.

"We are going to have the funeral now" Kimi spoke, moving closer to her sister and offering her a hand up. 

The twins walked outside to find everyone gathered around a small spot at the side of the prison. It was a place that got a lot of sunlight, almost perfect for a garden...

Everyone watched as Daichi was buried. It was the first time they had to bury someone on the inside of the prison fence. No one spoke as they all watched in silent disbelief and shock. Things had been happy at the prison, they hadn't had any serious problems until now. This was just another reminder of the harsh world they were living in.

"Thank you Daichi. I promise to live everyday thankful for life. I wouldn't be here or be me without you" Conny finally spoke.

"You saved both our lives. I promise to always fight and survive" Kimi added.

"See you again one day Daichi" Kiyoko said in a whisper.

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