65 ~ Idea

23 2 0

Kimi and Tadashi both sat on the porch swing together, each absorbed in their own book they were reading. It had been nearly two weeks now since Kai and Kimi had returned from Date Tech, neither one spoke about the incident or dared venture out past the store for baking ingredients, which was now their main source of making food.

"Kimi.." Tadashi suddenly said putting his book down on his lap.

"What's up?" Kimi asked looking up from her book but not putting it down.

"I've been thinking for a while now of how to find the others. And at first I thought the most obvious thing to do was leave messages around for them about where we were so that they could easily find us. But then I realized that was dangerous in case people like Jozenji see it then we are stuck in a similar situation as earlier" Tadashi began to explain his thinking as Kimi nodded along listening to his train of thought.

"But what if we left a message about where we are that only the others would understand. I know this isn't everyone but for example we could write messages all over the place telling them to meet us at the place where the first years first hung out. If Kageyama, Conny, or Hinata see it then they would know to go to the arcade with the rollar skating. It's not that helpful but it's a start right?" Tadashi finished explaining his thinking.

Kimi sat up, now placing her bookmark in the book to put it down on the porch table beside the swing. "That's not a bad idea Tadashi!" she said not able to stop herself from getting her hopes up.

"We could put them on random stores and places, then they are more likely to see them because they can't have gone that far away from Karasuno" Tadashi said also getting excited. "...We could even leave a message at Karasuno just in case" he added hesitantly.

No one really seemed to talk about Karasuno since it had burned down. Like no one wanted to be reminded that their friends might have burned alive and that their former home, a place they considered safe, was no longer there.

"Yeah it makes sense, in case any of them go looking there" Kimi agreed.

"I'll go talk to Tsuki and you let Kai know then we can leave today, it might be nice for us all to go so Natsu can get out of the house as well. Then we can camp out at the arcade for a few days in case anyone sees the signs" Tadashi said.

"Sounds like a plan" Kimi said getting up to go find Kai.


".... and you'll never even have to worry about this stuff. When you grow up this is just going to be stories people tell you..." Tadashi could hear Tsukishimas voice as he walked into the backyard where Tsukishima was sitting.

The second Tsukishima heard Tadashis footsteps on the back deck his head shot to the side to look at him.

"Sorry Tsuki, I didn't mean to bother you" Tadashi apologized immediately.

"It's alright Tadashi. Just don't tell anyone... I um heard you're supposed to talk to them. It helps them learn to talk" Tsukishima quickly explained.

"Okay Tsuki. It's really nothing to be embarrassed of. It's completely normal to talk to babies" Tadashi said smiling at Mai who was staring up at Tsukishimas face.

"You want to see something amazing?" Tsukishima asked Tadashi, shaking off Tadashis statement about talking to babies.

"Sure" Tadashi replied.

"Alright watch her" Tsukishima said. Tadashi turned his attention to Mai again.

Then Tsukishima slipped his finger under her neck to tickle her, the baby began to giggle waving her arms around before moving them both to grab Tsukishimas arm with both her tiny hands.

"That really is amazing. It's such a beautiful sound. I hope she can always giggle and just be happy like that" Tadashi said smiling at Mai who was now wearing a giant grin as she stared up at Tsukishima.

"She will. I'll make sure she doesn't ever have to suffer from this world" Tsukishima said immediately.

"You really are so great Tsuki" Tadashi said. He had always looked up to the boy since they were younger and he had helped him with his bullies. But it was times like this that he was reminded just how great his friend really was. People didn't always see it right away and sometimes not ever but Tadashi was one of the few people who got to see this side of Tsukishima, the real Tsukishima.

"I told Kai to confess to Kimi" Tsukishima said suddenly.

"What Tsuki? But what about you?" Tadashi asked instantly. He was confused, he knew that his best friend cared about Kimi as more than just a friend, so why would he tell someone else to take her away from him?

"I just want her to be happy. Trust me Tadashi I thought about it constantly before finally doing it, this was my decision not a spur of the moment thing" Tsukishima explained.

"Alright Tsuki if that's what you want" Tadashi replied. He wanted to convince his friend that he deserved happiness too but he didn't know how to do that.

"Yeah it is" Tsukishima responded ending the conversation on that topic.

"So uh we came up with an idea of how to maybe find a few of the others. We want to post up messages around the place saying to meet at the spot where the first years first hung out, then we will wait at the arcade for a while" Tadashi explained to Tsukishima.

"Alright, are we going now?" Tsukishima asked.

"Yeah I think so" Tadashi replied.

Both boys then reentered the house to find Kai, Kimi, and Natsu already waiting at the door. Natsu holding Kimis hand ready to go. They then all left the house, it was a little sad after spending so much time there but they were determined to find the rest of the group.

"We should split up so we can cover more ground then meet at the arcade afterwards" Kimi suggested.

"Alright, Tadashi and I will take all the area on this side of the school, you two take Natsu and go to the other side of the school" Tsukishima suggested.

"Okay, see you at the arcade" Kimi agreed.

"Oh here's your gun back... and just... be careful" Tsukishima added almost shyly, handing her back the same gun she had stolen from him months ago.

Kimi smiled, taking the gun then nodded. "Of course, you take care of yourself as well" she said before turning and heading off with Kai.

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