138 ~ Tree House

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It didn't take Conny long to find Kageyama. He was in their room curled up on the bed. "Hey sleepy we've got a job" Conny called out to him giggling at how the blankets engulfed his whole body except his head.

"I'm not sleepy just comfortable" Kageyama corrected her as he opened the blanket motioning for her to get in.

Conny shook her head. "No way if I lay down I won't want to get back up" Conny argued.

Kageyama thought for a moment then grinned. "Too bad" he said reaching out to grab her arm and pull her onto the bed sending Conny into a fit of laughter.

Kageyama swiftly pulled the girl closer so he was leaning over top of her letting the blankets completely cover them, their heads included.

Conny laughed. "You're such a dork, and as much as I'd love to stay here, we really do have to go" she said but even as she spoke the words she made no attempt to move.

"Oh we have to go do we" Kageyama asked grinning as he peppered her face with small kisses between each word.

Conny laughed some more at the boy. "Yeah we do, Kimi needs us to get her a bomb" Conny explained. Kageyamas face flashed seriousness for a moment before smiling at the girl.

"Does sound important. But unfortunately... you look too perfect right there so you're gonna have to give me a kiss before we leave" he said grinning.

Conny giggled. "Gonna have to?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright you don't HAVE to..." Kageyama gave in with a sigh.

Conny just rolled her eyes at the boy before pulling his head down to bring him into a kiss.

After that the two swiftly climbed out of the blankets leaving them in a piled mess on the bed before headed outside.

They climbed into a truck to drive there and told Lev that they were headed out to get supplies as he let them out through the gate. Kageyama had taken the spot of the drivers seat letting Conny just relax in the passenger seat.

He seemed to be in a good mood as he held Connys hand in his while humming to some new song. 

"Can I ask what you're humming this time?" Conny asked with a smile on her face. One of her favourite things was to listen to him hum, it caused a sense of warmth and comfort to wash over her entire body every single time.

"Let it Go" Kageyama replied continuing to hum.

Conny couldn't help but giggle. "You mean the song from that kids movie?" she questioned. She could recall that there were two princesses in the movie but she never actually watched it so she didn't know it well, that didn't stop her from knowing the entire soundtrack though.

Kageyama laughed. "No but I wish I were now. That song slapped" 

Conny laughed some more. "I'm not gonna disagree with you on that opinion" she stated. 

"It's actually a song by James Bay about a relationship that just isn't working and they need to go their separate ways because they've both changed too much" Kageyama explained.

Conny raised her eyebrow at the boy. "Are you trying to send me a message Tobio?" she asked a small grin planted on her face.

Kageyama chuckled lightly before pulling her hand up so he could lightly kiss it. "Absolutely not you dork" he responded.

"Good because I never actually gave you permission to break my heart" Conny replied.

Kageyama laughed once again. "Oh? I need your permission to break your heart?" he questioned with an eyebrow raised. 

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