140 ~ Let it Go

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Conny pulled the truck into the prison as Iwazumi let her in the gate. He looked over at her with a confused look as she climbed out of the drivers seat, blood staining her shirt. But she walked straight past the boy with a blank look on her face not even bothering to acknowledge his existence. 

Everything about her was almost robotic as she walked through the hallways of the prison, each action she took simply something that had already been drilled into her brain. One foot in front of the other, each time she repeated this action she would take a step. Deep breath in then deep breath out, each time this action was repeated she would give her lungs a breath of fresh air. Close her eye lids then open them, each time this action was repeated she would blink. It was little tasks that she didn't have to think about that she could accomplish. She didn't think she could really handle doing anything else.

"Conny?" Kimis voice rang out from down the hallway. Kimi glanced over to Kai who had been walking along side her, he also shared her look of worry. Conny did not look okay. Nothing about her presence was settling.

Conny continued to walk staring right at Kimi but by the way her eyes were glazed over Kimi got the feeling that Conny hadn't even processed that there was another person in the hallway at all. Conny nearly passed the two completely ignoring them when Kimi took hold of her arm to stop her.

"Conny are you okay?" she asked in serious concern. She had never once seen Conny act like that. It was starting to scare her a little.

"I didn't get the bomb" Conny stated continuing to stare straight ahead of her.

"Bomb?" Kai questioned looking over to Kimi. The last thing Kimi wanted was for Kai to know she had sent Conny out in search of a bomb, she almost cursed under her breath but stopped herself.

"It's a long story I promise I will explain everything to you later" Kimi said to Kai. She was being serious too, she planned to tell not only Kai but everyone everything. Kimi wanted people to know about the bomb and about Inarizaki and the threat hanging above their heads. But first she needed to talk to Conny.

"Conny what do you mean? Where is the bomb?" Kimi asked her sister, she tried to make eye contact but Connys eyes wouldn't stay focused on hers as they moved around looking at everything but not really seeing anything.

"In the song Let it Go there are two people breaking up and choosing to go their own separate ways... do you think it's possible that one of them actually died and that's why they are telling their partner to let go because they will never truly be able to be happy together since one is dead?" Conny asked finally looking at Kimi.

Kimi was left there shocked staring at her sister. She had no idea where that question had even come from or how it had any importance at all.

"I don't know Conny. What happened to the bomb?" Kimi asked again. It was important information to know the location of a weapon that could literally kill them all at any time.

"Maybe the problem isn't that they are too different to be happy together. Maybe the problem is that one person continues to age and change while the other is forever stuck at one age and can't change, and maybe that's why they are so different" Conny said still stuck on the thought of the song.

"Okay sure that's right you figured out the meaning of the song. Now it would be really great if you could tell me where that bomb is" Kimi replied a little urgently. She didn't know what was wrong with her sister but she knew that their clock was ticking if the wrong people had the bomb.

"I wish I could remember the lyrics better. I only remember the main chorus" Conny stated deep in thought still ignoring Kimis questions. Kai met eyes with Kimi, concern noticeable in his entire face as he nervously shifted his weight to the side.

"Conny, do you think you could tell me where the bomb went to?" he asked softly trying to help Kimi out a bit.

"Oh hi Kai" Conny said looking at the boy as if it were the first time she even realized he was standing beside her. "Do you think that James Bay is still alive so I can ask him the real meaning behind his song?" she questioned looking over to Kai.

"I - uh I have no idea Conny" Kai stumbled sighing in defeat.

Kimi suddenly thought of something she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of till then. Someone who would definitely be able to help as much as she didn't like asking for his help.

"Conny where is Kageyama?" she asked. Kageyama seemed to always help her sister, he would know what was wrong with her. Plus he was there with Conny meaning he probably knew where the bomb went.

But the second she said Kageyamas name Connys eyes glazed over as her entire expression went blank once again. This gave Kimi a knot in her stomach, she wasn't entirely sure why but something about this felt so wrong and unsettling.

Conny moved her attention to look Kimi right in the eye before speaking. "Tobio is dead" she said blankly as if it were an automated response. Kimis heart dropped at her sisters words. While she wasn't nearly as close to Kageyama as Conny, Kimi still considered him one of her only friends. He had always seemed like someone who would just always be there no matter what, joking and taking care of Conny and watching out for the whole group.

Kai seemed taken aback by the news as well, complete shock displayed on his face as he stared wide eyed at Conny. Neither Kimi nor Kai had any idea how to help Conny, if anyone were able to pull her out of this spunk it was definitely Kageyama but he couldn't do that.

This was different than when Daichi died. Back then Conny seemed so angry and frustrated about it, being stupid and reckless. But this was something entirely different. It was like Conny wasn't Conny. As if she were just barely teetering on the edge of sanity the simplest nudge could send her plummeting down to a point where she would never recover.

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