160 ~ History

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Conny skipped down the hall towards the hospital room once again, she didn't even have the slightest clue how many times she had been there by now. She was sure that she had been at Inarizaki for over a month and she spent most of her time around Shirabu since Atsumu was usual off doing other things.

When she entered the room she was met with Shirabu finishing helping a girl around her age or possibly a little younger. Conny waited quietly while Shirabu finished up with his patient. She picked up the book he was currently reading, flipping through the pages curiously.

"Don't you dare lose my spot in that" Shirabu warned not looking up from his work.

"No worries I'm just looking. Wanted to know what all the excitement was about, I've seen you read this specific book about three times now" Conny said continuing to browse through the book.

"Well it's not like there is a variety of books around here. But that one is one of my favourites" he explained.

"It looks sad" Conny said as she continued to read random pages in the book.

"I suppose it is a little. It's about war, it's actually a historically accurate book. Probably why I like it so much" Shirabu replied finishing up with his patient. "You're free to go, come back in a few days to check up on that" he instructed turning his attention to the girl.

"Thank you" she nodded before running off leaving the two alone in the room.

"You like history?" Conny asked curiously her eyebrows arching at the question.

Shirabu nodded. "I find it fascinating how we have so much information on the past yet continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Plus it's incredible to read something through someone else's perspective and understand their thoughts as their world changes and crumbles around them" he said seeming to be a little more excited about the topic than Conny had seen him when talking about anything else.

Conny smiled at him. She thought it was cute the way he got excited over the subject since it was quite a change from his normal demeanor. "I don't know if I should be concerned about you finding joy in reading about others suffering" she responded with a small laugh.

"Well it's not just suffering. You learn about all their feelings. Everyone is human so they get to experience all emotions. Plus when someone suffers a lot the few times they experience a little joy is just so much better. As if it makes all the suffering worth it" he explained defensively.

"True, I never thought of it that way. Maybe without ever fully understanding sadness we could never really experience happiness" Conny added to his explanation. She liked looking at emotions that way, it made it a little easier to accept the splurge of emotions the world constantly forced her to feel.

"Have you ever considered writing? We can't have history without people documenting their experiences" Conny asked curiously. 

Shirabu thought for a moment. "I really don't think my experiences are all that interesting. Even with this world I don't live an exciting life like you. I can't even remember the last time I actually went outside" he answered.

Conny thought about his words. It made her sad to know how he didn't want to write about himself simply because he didn't think it would be worth reading. "Tell you what. I promise to make your life a little more exciting and you promise to write so future generations can learn about everything our generation went through at the beginning of this mess" Conny declared.

Shirabu let out a small chuckle. "You think you can make my life exciting?" he asked. Although he shook it off as nothing more than a false promise he still wanted her to try, he wanted more than just sitting around reading.

"Yep! You will quickly learn that I am a very exciting person" Conny announced in her normal narcissism. "Oh but you have to promise to add me to your story" she added quickly.

Shirabu allowed himself a small smile. "Okay I promise. But technically it would be a documentary instead of a story" he corrected.

"Same thing" Conny said as she waved her hand in the air dismissively. Shirabu playfully rolled his eyes at her comment.

"Come on" Conny suddenly said as she put his book down and grabbed onto his hand to pull him towards the door.

"Where are we going?" Shirabu asked jogging a little to keep up with the girls sudden burst of energy.

"I'm taking you outside. You said you haven't been out in forever so we'll go for a walk or something" she replied as they exited the hospital room and moved towards the same side door Conny had left out the last time she was there.

"Are we allowed to?" Shirabu asked cautiously glancing around.

"Sure we are, we're just going for a walk and coming back so it shouldn't be a problem, right?" she said.

"Okay" Shirabu said hesitantly trying not to get his hopes up at the thought of leaving the place, even if it was only for the afternoon.

"Oh! I should get my stick just in case" Conny said stopping quickly as she remembered there were still monsters roaming the earth. "This way" she said now pulling him through the halls towards her room.

Shirabu stumbled behind Conny as she ran down the hall still clinging to his hand. When she arrived outside her door she let go of Shirabus hand to run inside her room and grab her stick.

"Let's get going" Conny said grinning as she held up her hockey stick for him to see.

"So you actually use that thing?" Shirabu asked in shock as they walked down the hall to the door beside the hospital once again. "I thought it was just an intimidation tactic" he added as an explanation for his previous comment.

"Yeah, I actually used to play hockey which is why I got the stick originally but then I quickly found out that it was an easy beginner weapon since I don't have to get too close to the walkers to use it" she explained.

Shirabu nodded. "And the blade and nails?" he asked gesturing to the end of the stick.

"I added those when I was alone. I was so scared back then so I thought it would help for a little extra protection if I ever had to use it" she explained.

"I see" Shirabu said. He had never even thought about how he would fight before but now, but hearing Connys explanation he decided that he would definitely prefer a weapon similar to hers.

"Let's climb the fence" Conny suggested as they arrived at the back fence. Instead of waiting for a response she quickly climbed up, hopping over the fence, easily landing on the other side. "Come on" she encouraged Shirabu to follow her.

Shirabu glanced back to the factories where he could clearly see the window to the hospital room. Then he took in a deep breath before climbing the fence and carefully climbed all the way back down not letting go of it until his feet were firmly on the ground again.

"Well that was graceful" Conny teased sarcastically. 

"Shut up" Shirabu retorted before he fully realized he was outside the fence. He looked around at his surroundings in awe. 

When he finally looked back over to Conny she had a wide grin on her face as she watched the boy. She could tell how happy he was in that moment even if he didn't show it well. "Come let's go for that walk" she said happily when his attention had landed on her. 

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