39 ~ Preparing

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Kimi wasn't sure how long she stood on the roof hugging Kai, but once they separated Kai decided to search for any others showing signs of sickness while Kimi made her way outside to meet Kageyama.

On her way there though she heard a few coughs. "No, no, no, not her," Kimi whispered to herself as she moved into the room that the sound came from.

"Kimi, she is burning up, I think she might be sick," Tsukishima said in a panicked voice when he saw Kimi enter the room. Natsu was laying on a bed, physically shivering.

"Tsuki, keep Mai away from her," Kimi instructed when she saw Mai in Tsukishima's arms. He flashed her a fearful look, but listened and took a step away from the little girl.

"Listen Natsu, Conny is going to take care of you okay. She has lots of blankets and she makes up the best stories! Okay?" Kimi said, doing her best to use a positive voice for the little girl.

Natsu nodded. "Okay Kimi, where is she? Do you think she can come here?" the girl asked before coughing again.

"She already has a nice bed set up for you so let's go to her, how's that sound?" Kimi replied, trying her best to sound exciting.

"Okay," Natsu agreed, nodding and standing up, her legs a little wobbly.

"Okay come with me," Kimi instructed, wanting more than anything to hold her hand but knowing she can't. As she was leaving the room Tsukishima grabbed her arm to stop her. "What's going on?" he asked.

Kimi leaned over to whisper so Natsu wouldn't hear. "There's a really bad virus going around. Keep your distance from people and don't let anyone use those bedsheets," Kimi responded, nodding towards the bed Natsu was just laying in.

Tsukishima nodded, but before letting go of her arm he spoke. "Please be careful."

Kimi nodded in agreement, and he let her go.

Kimi pulled her shirt over her face for extra protection as they walked through the halls. "Okay Natsu, Conny is in there," she said, nodding her head in the direction of the sick room without actually getting too close to it. The door to the room was open and Ukai was walking in, Conny standing in the doorway helping him.

"Conny!" Natsu called out in a hoarse voice as she moved towards the older girl. Conny looked taken aback when she saw Natsu. Her facial expression hinting a bit of sadness. But she managed to fake a smile and pick up the little girl.

Conny looked over briefly making eye contact with Kimi. It only lasted a short moment though before Conny turned her attention back to Natsu and moved into the room, shutting the door behind her.

Kimi stood there frozen for a minute before finally moving back in the direction of the main doors.

When she made it outside, she took off her mask, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. Kageyama was sitting on a curb at the school parking lot, waiting for her.

"What's up?" Kimi asked, moving towards the boy.

"I'm teaching you how to drive. I have a feeling someone might need to take over mine and Conny's job for a while. And with people getting sick it's going to become a more important skill to know," Kageyama explained.

"Okay, but can't you still do it? Just with someone else?" Kimi questioned, confused why Kageyama would have to stop too.

He gave her a look that said way too much. "Kageyama you aren't planning on going in there! That would just be stupid! We need your skills out here," Kimi said, figuring out his plan and why he was so calm.

"Listen to me Kimi. It's not my plan right now, but it's at the back of my mind. Right now, Conny is taking care of the sick people who can't take care of themselves. But what happens when Conny gets too sick to take care of them, what happens when she is too sick to take care of herself? Someone is going to have to take care of them all or them dying WILL happen, it's no longer a MIGHT. I'll do that, I won't be stupid. I will cover up and be careful when they are coughing. But someone's gonna have to go in there, might as well be me" Kageyama explained calmly.

"Besides my old man shot me up with every flu shot out there," he added with a chuckle.

Kimi stared at the boy for a moment, she knew he cared a lot about Conny, but she couldn't believe he would be willing to risk his life just to help her.

"Thank you, Kageyama," Kimi said, not even bothering to argue his plan. Somehow this boy was both the smartest and stupidest person she had ever met. He was loyal to the point of it becoming his own biggest weakness.

"Don't worry about it, you can repay me by staying as far away from that room as possible. You hear me? Don't even go near it. I'll take care of Daichi and Conny but you need to stay healthy so you can lead our group," Kageyama said.

Kimi nodded. "You really think I'm a good leader?" she questioned, since she herself felt like she was failing the group time and time again.

"I think you are the type of leader we need. Someone who can bear the weight of making tough decisions without being overwhelmed with guilt. I know that I could never be able to do that, and I really respect you for it," Kageyema replied.

"Thank you" Kimi said, she was finding that she was respecting and valuing Kageyama's opinion more and more, the better she got to know him. She was definitely happy that someone like him was watching out for her sister.

"Come on I'll show you how to drive. I'm positive now that if I managed to teach Conny, I can teach literally anyone," Kageyama said, laughing lightly.

"Well, Conny is something special," Kimi laughed, hopping into a truck Kageyama had picked out. Kimi took note that it wasn't the same one he would use with Conny. She realized how skilled he must be at hiding his emotions if he didn't show a hint of sadness when his only friend was very sick, then again, she was doing the same thing.

"Alright let's do this!" Kimi said trying to mimic Conny's positive energy.

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