92 ~ Aftermath

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The group had decided they would let the prisoner go the next day, leaving him in the cell for now. But the area was still blocked off stopping anyone from going near the mans cell.

"Kageyama" Kimi called out running down the hall after the boy who was walking alone. Kageyama stopped letting the girl catch up to him.

"It's been a while since we talked" she stated as she fell in stride walking beside the boy.

"Yeah, I guess so... what's up greasy?" Kageyama asked as they walked.

Kimi frowned. "I think I know why I've been so happy since we've gotten here. Because I haven't talked to you" she said.

Kageyama chuckled. "Alright, what did you want to talk about?" he asked.

"The debate. I can't stop thinking about what you said. Do you really think he might come back for revenge?" Kimi asked referring to the prisoner.

"It's a good possibility. If he doesn't die out there he will probably be pissed with us. But that really does depend if he can survive and find a group. Although I am sure if he does find a group it won't be hard to convince them to attack us since we are a bunch of kids and we have a good set up here" Kageyama explained.

"Oh, I don't like leaving it open for even the possibility though" Kimi said a little disappointed. She still wasn't happy with the way the debate turned out.

"Yeah, but there's not much we can do about it now. That's how the majority decided. It would only cause more problems to go against that" Kageyama explained.

"Are you mad with Conny for being naïve like that?" Kimi asked curiously since ultimately Conny ended up making the final decision.

Kageyama shook his head. "Absolutely not. Conny is entitled to her own opinion. I disagree with what she chose but I'm not mad about it. Honestly I would have been worried about her if she didn't vote the way she did, that's just her nature" Kageyama said clearly.

Kimi nodded. "You are really something" she mumbled. Then she looked up to him. "Thanks for talking to me, I have to go now. I have some things to think over" Kimi said turning to leave.

"See you greasy" Kageyama called out as she began to walk away. Kimi flipped him off without looking at him, but she could hear his laughter behind her and couldn't stop her own grin from appearing.


Conny moved along the hall looking for Kimi. She wanted to talk to her sister after the vote. Kimi looked visibly upset about it and Conny wanted to try to comfort her however she could.

She stepped into Kimis room glancing around but only finding Kai. "Have you seen Kimi?" she asked the boy.

"No, she hasn't been back here yet since we voted" Kai stated angerly. Then he realized that he was getting mad at the wrong person. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you Conny. I'm just upset about that whole stupid thing" he apologized.

Conny shook her head moving into the room to sit beside him. "It's alright Kai. Don't get too mad at Kimi she's doing her best in this world. She is so used to needing to make difficult decisions for all of us that it's become difficult for her to accept help in the decision making process" Conny said.

"How are you not mad about that? It was idiotic! How could so many people think that it's okay for us to kill people when we don't need to?" Kai asked clearly in distress. 

"I can understand it" Conny said.

Kai looked at her shocked. "You understand? You? Conny? But you were always so happy and just wanted things to be okay for everyone" Kai said not understanding how the sweet girl who had always tried so hard to make everyone happy around her could understand the desire to kill.

"Yeah Kai, I get it. They are trying to protect everyone. Things aren't black and white, there is all this grey part in between. There is more to taking a life than just it being good or bad now" Conny tried to explain.

"But I just don't understand Conny. Sure maybe sometimes we have to kill people in this world, but this isn't one of those times" Kai argued.

"I agree with you on that, which is why I voted with you. But you have to try to understand Kimis perspective okay?" Conny said calmly. Kai was reminded how good his friend was at comforting people despite not seeming like she would be. Perhaps that was because Conny knew exactly what it was like to need comforting.

"I'll try. I just have a hard time imagining myself ever actually killing someone so it's hard for me to understand how Kimi finds it so easy to accept that she has to kill someone. How do you have such an easy time understanding when you are the same as me?" Kai asked genuinely curious as he looked at Conny.

But Kai felt confusion and pain as he watched Conny bite her lip holding in tears as she shook her head no. "... I know exactly what it feels like to watch someone become lifeless because of my actions..." Conny said her voice breaking several times through the sentence.

"I'm sorry Conny" Kai said immediately pulling the girl into him for a hug. "I'm sorry" he whispered again.

Conny shook her head, pushing away from him to wipe her eyes which were now red. "It's alright, you did nothing wrong" she said trying to even out her breathing. "Please never kill someone unless you absolutely have to. It will haunt you forever, popping into your mind randomly when you least expect it to" Conny whispered. She hated how even thought the man she killed wasn't a good person and she had no other choice but to kill him, she still could never get him fully off her mind.

"Okay, I won't" Kai said holding up his pinky finger. "I promise" he added.

Conny gave him a small smile as she held up her own pinky finger.

"I really do want to find Kimi" Conny said remembering why she originally came into the room. Kai reached over to ruffle her hair on the top of her head. "

Alright, see you later Conny"

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