15 ~ Mai

53 3 0

Conny quickly pulled out her knife wiping it off on her pants, then cutting the ambilocal cord hoping it wouldn't cause any form of infection. She then held the baby to her chest using one hand to tightly to clamp the ambilocal cord, her other hand was on the small knife. She knew if she let go of the cord the baby would die from blood loss, so she held it tightly and with care.

Conny frantically looked around her until she noticed her hockey stick abandoned on the floor a bit away from her, too far to get to right now. The walkers began running towards them, Conny held the knife defensively. "Kageyama!" she screamed out so the boy would come down to help her.

Conny moved in front of the woman as she desperately tried to get to her feet. She started attacking one with a knife which proved to be a difficult task. She was having a hard time sinking the knife in the skull with just one hand.

The woman crawled over to the hockey stick picking it up. She managed to get to her feet, staring at the man that was most likely her father. She held up the hockey stick ready to swing but never did.

"I can't do it," she cried out dropping the hockey stick as her sister in law took a large chunk out her shoulder.

"No!" Conny cried out as she desperately struggled against the woman's brother, still protectively holding the baby, careful not to let go of the ambilocal cord. Everything was all happening so fast, Kageyama was down only seconds after being called, but it was still too late. He quickly killed the monster Conny was struggling to hold back with the tiny knife she had, then he moved onto the other two monsters.

Conny immediately ran over to the woman already knowing it was too late to save her. "Do - do you want to hold her?" she asked not sure what else to say or do.

The woman shook her head. "That would make it so much harder to say goodbye," she whispered.

Conny nodded. "Kageyama would you take her to the truck with her dad?" Conny asked handing the baby to him, careful with the non-clamped cord. He nodded understandingly. He did a quick scan of the area before going up the stairs.

The woman sat down in defeat as Conny took a seat beside her. She had multiple bites on her body and was clearly in a lot of pain. "I'm sorry this might be awkward. But I don't even know your name," Conny said feeling bad for not ever asking for her name earlier.

"Mai," she answered with a small, forced smile.

"That's really pretty. Do you have a name picked out for the little girl?" Conny asked.

"No, we haven't thought about it enough yet. Silly right?" Mai said. "Would you name her for me?" she suddenly asked.

Conny looked wide eyed at the woman struggling to breath. She nodded. "I promise that Kageyama and I are going to take care of little Mai," she said.

Mai smiled at the name. "Thank you," she whispered through the pain.

"You're in pain. Do you want me to..." Conny let her sentence trail off not even wanting to finish it.

The woman looked at Conny clearly wanting the pain to just end. "You don't have to. I understand that this is difficult for a young girl," she said shaking her head.

"It's okay. You shouldn't have to stay in pain like that," Conny said taking out her knife once again.

"Thank you. I'm convinced you are an angel. I'm so thankful you found me," Mai said giving Conny a sad smile.

Conny was now crying. "Do you want me to count down?" she asked, the knife shaking in her hand as a few tears fell down her face.

The woman nodded. "Okay then. Three... Two..." the woman closed her eyes gently wrapping one hand around Conny's free hand. "One..." Conny whispered as she plunged the knife into the Mai's throat. She choked for only a minute. Then all at once her body went still, no more struggled breaths, no more pain, just still.

When Conny made her way back up the stairs she was met with Kageyama. He was holding Mai in his arms, a clip from the kitchen had been used as a clamp for the ambilocal cord. The baby was wrapped up in a blanket, already sleeping.

"Does her husband know?" Conny asked, Kageyama looked over at her with a pained expression on his face.

"He just keeps whispering 'it's not real'. I don't think he is okay," Kageyama explained.

Conny nodded. "I don't want to just leave her here," Conny said looking down at her feet as she tried to wipe her face clean from the tears.

"Here you hold her and I'll burry the mom," Kageyama said passing the baby over to Conny.

"Mai," Conny responded, taking the baby.

"That's a nice name," Kageyama said looking at the sleeping baby.

Kageyama quickly got to work in the backyard, deciding to burry the whole family out of respect. Conny stood there watching, holding tightly to Mai. She offered to switch but Kageyama refused her offer.

Kageyama looked at Conny's expression as she stared at the limp body. She was the one to end the life. Mai would have died either way, but she was the one holding the knife as it cut into her flesh.

Kageyama wasn't sure how to comfort the girl as he saw her struggle with herself, holding back tears. "Hey, it'll be okay... don't worry you dork" he said trying to lift her spirits. She gave him the smallest smile, but that was enough. It was enough for him to know that she was tough enough to make it through this, she was a survivor.

After the family was buried the two made their way back to the truck. The sun was rising now, indicating they were not only gone all day but also all night.




Mai Takeda

• Baby
• Keeps quiet


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