114 ~ Allies or Enemies?

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Kageyama hummed quietly to himself as he drove towards Tokyos center where Tokyo hospital was located. His hand rest gently on Connys thigh while he stared out the front windshield taking backroads that wouldn't be as full.

"You seem happy" Conny stated looking over to the boy. He had a small smile on his face as he drove.

"I am happy. You're back home and alive, and now I'm doing one of my favourite things. Going out on a mission with you beside me" he said grinning as he lightly squeezed her thigh.

Conny couldn't help but smile at his words. "Yeah that's probably one of my favourite things too. Brings me back to when we were just friends though" she stated.

"We still are friends dork. You're still my best friend, that's not ever changing" Kageyama said looking over to Conny.

Conny smiled again happily. She always felt so giggly and happy around this boy, no matter what he said or did she could never lose that feeling of comfort she got around him. Kageyama looked back to the road as he began to hum again.

"What are you humming?" Conny asked.

Kageyama grinned. "Say You Won't Let Go. It's been playing on a loop in my head lately" he replied.

Conny let the name of the song roll around in her head for a moment. "I know the song, it's just so hard to remember what it sounded like after not listening to music in so long" she said trying to remember the lyrics to the song.

"Well unfortunately for you, you don't get my talent of constantly having a radio playing in your head" he teased lightly jabbing her in the ribcage. 

Conny burst into a fit of giggles. "Alright but I have much better talents" she said proudly.

"Oh really?" Kageyama questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"Of course! ....But could you just continue humming before I list off that endless list?" Conny replied laughing a bit.

"Alright" Kageyama said with a grin as he moved his hand back to her thigh while he continued humming. Conny closed her eyes, letting the sound completely engulf her.

After several moments Kageyama stopped the car, putting it into park. "We're here love" he said as he looked at the girl who was completely at peace.

Conny opened her eyes, glancing around the small alley they had parked in confused.

"It's probably better we park here and fight our way over to the hospital than try to drive the car through that area, we would draw a lot more attention driving" Kageyama explained, answering Connys question before she could even ask it.

"Oh okay, that makes sense. Is it close?" she asked.

"Yeah we just have to get across an intersection" Kageyama said nodding. "I'll do the majority of the killing though, you just back me up if I need it" he added. He trusted Conny to kill the monsters, but he didn't want her to overwork herself with her injuries. She had begun using a cane to help her walk, which helped a lot with her leg which was already becoming a little easier to put weight on.

"Yeah, good idea it's sorta hard to swing my stick with my cane" Conny agreed.

They both climbed out of the car they had taken there. Kageyama taking the lead with Conny close behind him. Even with the cane she could still keep up with him. Thankfully it was a short walk to the hospital, Kageyama was able to kill the small hoards wandering around them although most monsters had already been cleared out of the area.

"Freeze right there!" a voice called out behind them. Both stopped moving, putting their arms up as they slowly turned, Conny let her cane fall to the ground as she raised her hands. A boy with black hair in the style of a bowl cut stood there pointing a large gun at them.

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