111 ~ Your Word

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Kageyama helped Conny move to their room. When she was sitting on the bed he grabbed a change of clothes from the top bunk. "Here Conny put these on they will be warmer since they've been inside" he said placing them on the bed beside her.

Conny carefully changed out of her pants off being careful not to hit her left leg. When she looked at the shirt she sighed and looked at Kageyama who was looking away from her. "Um Tobio" she said.

"Yeah?" he asked turning to face her.

"Can you help me change my shirt? It's really hard to do it without hurting my arms" she asked. She felt embarrassed, not because she would be naked in front of him but because she didn't want to seem like such a wimp.

"Yeah of course. I thought it was your leg that was shot" Kageyama said moving to sit in front of her. 

"Yeah... my leg was the only thing shot" Conny stated quietly biting her lip. She couldn't understand why but she felt embarrassed about her injuries.

Kageyama carefully pulled Connys shirt over her head as she lifted her arms for him. He immediately noticed her bandaged arms. 

"What the hell happened to you Conny?" he asked carefully taking her hand to pull her arm closer to look at the bandaged area, quickly noticing her fingers were also wrapped up. He sounded genuinely concerned.

"I was um... I was at this place... the Inarizaki group. The leader asked me questions about the prison..." Conny tried to explain her experience while holding back her tears. Kageyama nodded along while listening carefully to every word she said, giving her his full attention.

"I tried to lie but he always knew when I was lying" Conny continued, she was having a hard time explaining.

Kageyama shook his head at her. "It's okay, I get it. Let's just get your shirt back on and cuddle. How's that sound?" he said in a soft voice.

Conny nodded. "Yeah I wanna do that" she whispered. Kageyama carefully pulled a shirt over her head being extra gentle as he helped guide her arms through the sleeves.

"You lay down however it is least painful for you" Kageyama instructed softly. Conny nodded as she laid down on her side so that he left leg was resting on her right leg and her arms lay in front of her.

"Can I hold you from behind?" Kageyama asked. Conny nodded and Kageyama took that as his cue to carefully climb in bed and spoon her from behind.

The two laid there for a while. "Tobio..." Conny finally spoke into the darkness.

"Yes Conny?" Kageyama immediately responded.

"Does it make me a terrible person to not hate someone I'm supposed to hate?" she asked. She was really confused, she wanted to hate Atsumu but she couldn't. He just seemed so broken to her, as if when they were in the hospital room he was the one in real need of help not her.

Kageyama was silent for a moment thinking. "No, it doesn't. It would make someone bad to like the terrible actions a person does, but it is okay to like someone who has done terrible things. Hell I've done things I'm not proud of" Kageyama responded.

"Okay... I'm just so confused. One moment he'd be losing his shit and burning my arm. Then the next he was taking me out to dinner and leaving a night light on for me. I just don't understand... But I can't bring myself to hate him or even dislike him. I guess I sort of feel bad for him, he couldn't have always been like this. This world can really fuck with people" Conny tried to explain.

"The fact that you can still say stuff like that is nothing short of incredible. I think you are an amazing person for not hating him" Kageyama said leaning closer to gently kiss her neck. Then he chuckled. "Out for dinner? Sounds like a date, should I be jealous?" he asked.

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