107 ~ Accident

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Conny barely got any sleep throughout the night despite being exhausted. Every time she was nearly asleep she was reminded of how much pain she was in. On top of that her left arm was extremely numb from being stuck above her head all night.

Conny sighed in defeat when she finally came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to get any sleep. She looked over to the bottle of water on her bedside table. Reaching over to grab the bottle she undid the cap, carefully holding it over the burn on her left arm.

Even though there was tape covering the wound she figured it was still a good idea to get some water on it. So she slowly poured some water over it. But she was unable to stop herself from crying out as soon as the liquid hit her skin.

Within a few seconds the door was slammed open reveling the familiar blonde. "Are you okay?" he asked quickly racing over to the bed.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to be so loud" Conny said placing the water bottle back on the table beside her bed.

"Are you in pain?" Atsumu asked looking at her arm. Conny wanted to say yeah you burned the fuck out of my arms, of course I'm in pain. But she stopped herself and just nodded instead.

"Kita is gone out right now, but when he gets back later he can fix you" Atsumu said, eyes wide as he looked her in the eyes. "Come on" he added as he leaned over her to take the cuffs off her left hand.

"Where are we going?" Conny asked nervously as the boy stood up waiting for her to follow.

Atsumu had to think about her question. "Well I would offer to play volleyball with you since you said you liked it, but I don't think that will help with your pain too much" Atsumu said laughing lightly. "So do you like card games?" he asked.

"Um... yeah I guess" Conny answered. She did enjoy them, although she didn't know a large variety and almost never won since Suga, Daichi, and Kimi were all better than her. But truthfully she didn't want to sit around playing card games, she wanted to go home.

"Okay, follow me then" Atsumu said. "Are ya sure ya don't want me to help you walkin? I won't do anything you don't want me to, I promise" he asked as she limped.

Conny thought about it, she still didn't want his help. But her leg was screaming at her with every step, so she gave into the pain. "Yeah okay" Conny agreed hesitantly.

"Okay!" Atsumu said, sounding almost giddy to help her. He quickly wrapped an arm around her back, letting her rest her arm over his shoulder so she could take the weight off her left leg. Conny felt odd letting him be so close to her, but she was already thankful as her steps didn't hurt nearly as much anymore.

"You know, I could always just carry ya" Atsumu said with a cheeky grin.

"Don't push it" Conny replied grinning a little back. He led her to a room with a table and a few cushions and other things sprawled out around the room, including a couch. Atsumu helped Conny sit at one of the seats around the table taking a seat in the one across from her.

"Oh I'm sorry for barging into yer room this mornin, I thought you were in trouble. I'll knock from now on, I promise" Atsumu said as he began shuffling a deck of cards.

"Alright" Conny said nodding slowly. Again she hated this assumption that she would be there for a long period of time. But at least he was willing to respect her privacy.


The two had spent pretty much the entire day playing cards. Conny finally managed to work up the courage to ask the question lingering at the back of her mind.

"Um Miya..." she said shyly, almost afraid to continue her question.

"Call me Atsumu please. We're close enough friends, plus I've never gone by Miya because of Osamu" Atsumu said, collecting the cards that were sprawled out over the table from their previous hand.

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