53 ~ Please

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Kimi was pissed by the time morning rolled around. Between being forced to stand and unable to move all night, and having to smell the piss bucket, she was ready to put a bullet in Terushimas head.

She had lost count of how many hours she had been standing in the closet when the door opened again.

"Oh shoot that stinks! I'm really sorry!" Koganegawa said as he helped both of them out of the closet. "They don't usually stay for too long, I'm sorry" he added.

"It's fine" Kai said, knowing full well that Kimi would explode if she was the one to answer the boy. 

"You still got the plants?" Koganegawa asked.

"Yep" Kai said reaching back into the closet to pick them up from the place they were left. Kimi remained silent still not saying a word. Koganegawa led them back to the front of the store.

"Keep in touch! We'll be here if you ever need anything!" Koganegawa said with a bright smile.

"We are going to kill them" Kimi said. It was the first thing she spoke since entering the closet.

Both Kai and Koganegawa looked at the girl. She had a glint in her eyes. "Jozenji, we'll avenge your group" she repeated, this time looking Koganegawa in the eyes.

Koganegawa nodded slowly. "Please don't do anything rash though. It would seriously kill me to see another group end up like ours did. It's not a nice experience" Koganegawa said in a worried tone.

"It'll be a calculated move, and I don't know when yet. But that group is not going to last. They messed with the wrong people" Kimi said.

Kai should have been happy that Kimi had gained her footing again, recovering from the attack. But instead it worried him. Kimi was focused on murder, it felt like he was slowly losing Kimi as she was being replaced by this new person.

"I understand. We are here to help however we can" Koganegawa said.

"Thank you, but we really don't want to risk your groups safety." Kai said looking around at the store that had basically become a nursing home.

"Yeah you've already done enough, thank you for the plants" Kimi said bowing to show her appreciation.

"No problem!" Koganegawa said happily.

The two then turned and left the building, taking the short walk back to the store they had abandoned their vehicle at.


There was a knock on the door, Kageyama whipped his head around afraid there would be another sick person to join the room. Tsukishima was standing there, he had a cloth over his mouth and nose. Kageyama quickly pulled one over his own face before moving to the door.

"I need Conny right now" Tsukishima said quickly.

"You what? Conny is sick, she can barely move" Kageyama said.

"Well Kimi was supposed to be back yesterday and she's still not here. Terushima is going to be here soon and he won't be happy if she's not here for when he arrives. So Conny needs to pretend to be Kimi" Tsukishima explained quickly.

"Hold on, take it back a step. Kimis gone? And who is Terushima?" Kageyama asked trying to calm Tsukishima.

"Kimi went out to get stuff for Terushima but still isn't back. I'm sure she is okay, somethings just holding her back. Terushima has a short temper and won't be happy if she's not here waiting for him." Tsukishima tried to explain still in a panic to be quick.

"Okay you still didn't tell me who Terushima is, he's the one who threw the brick isn't he?" Kageyama replied. It was then that Tsukishima realized just how much the isolated group was in the dark about the whole situation.

"Yes he is the leader of the group called Jozenji. They basically own our group now and we have to give them our stuff" Tsukishima explained.

"What? We agreed to that? What happened to fight back?" Kageyama asked.

"We did... it just didn't go in our favour" Tsukishima explained. "Look Terushima is going to be here, I really need Conny" he added.

"She can't walk, her voice is barely understandable" Kageyama argued. Although what he was saying was mostly true, he couldn't help but feel like he had a more selfish reason for not wanting Conny to deal with this dangerous man. So he couldn't help but overexaggerate Connys condition a little, she had been showing signs of improving a little.

"I'll go" Connys voice came out from behind the curtain. Neither one of them were sure how long she had been listening to their conversation for. Kageyama pulled the curtain back so the girl could see the two of them.

"My voice isn't that bad right after I drink water, and if I use a softer voice. And I can just lean on you, I'll say I hurt my ankle out there" Conny explained.

"Alright I'll help you" Kageyama said immediately. He knew that Conny was stubborn so he didn't even bother arguing her.

"No, they don't know how many people we have. It's better they think we are a smaller group. I'll help her." Tsukishima said.

"It's a smart idea but you'll get sick." Kageyama said shaking his head at the suggestion.

"You aren't sick, maybe I'm like you and won't catch it. Plus if me catching some stupid virus helps give the group a fighting chance then who cares." Tsukishima said shrugging.

"Wow you've changed. But I'm still not letting you be an idiot." Kageyama said. He was genuinely shocked at the selfless offer by the same guy who tried to kill them all months ago.

"You can't stop me. Stay hidden. I have a feeling you are one of this groups best chances at survival. So let me just contribute for once." Tsukishima said moving over to Conny.

Conny hesitated to let him help her, but she also had a selfish desire that she couldn't explain or understand. One that made her want to go with Tsukishima so that Kageyama didn't have be on the front lines.

"Tobio, I'm going with him. Stay hidden" Conny said, then turned to Tsukishima. "Just give us a minute, then you can come help me, okay?" she asked. Tsukishima nodded quickly disappearing into the hallway.

"Conny this is stupid. He is going to know you're faking it. You aren't anything like Kimi. We'll figure out a different plan" Kageyama had resorted to begging.

Conny shook her head. "I have to try. I don't want people to get hurt because I didn't even try." Conny said. "Besides I used to swap places with Kimi all the time, do you know how many teachers we fooled!" she added with a smile.

"Conny this isn't a game though. You mess up and it's death not detention! Besides listen to yourself, your voice is weak!" Kageyama shouted frustrated.

Conny reached forward and placed her hand on his cheek. "I have to do this, you know that I won't be able to live with myself if I sit back and that guy lashes out because Kimi isn't here" Conny said, rubbing her thumb softly over his cheek. She was glad that she was getting some movement back, she was hopeful it was a sign of recovery.

"Please don't do this Conny, I have a bad feeling and my instincts are very accurate." Kageyama pleaded one last time.

Conny looked down at her hands, unable to make eye contact with the boy. "I have to do this" Conny said, not looking up.

Kageyama sighed. "I figured you'd say that. Go then." he said.

He didn't offer any words of encouragement or reassurance that she was doing the right thing. When Conny glanced over at the boy he wasn't looking back at her. Instead he was staring intensely at the wall, and she could have sworn there were tears threatening to make an appearance on his face.

"Sorry" Conny whispered before calling Tsukishima back into the room.

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