132 ~ Kita Shinsuke

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"Kita" Conny said smiling brightly at the sight of the boy. She liked him a lot, plus she owed him so much for putting himself on the line just to help her out.

"Shirabu saw you here. I thought I might come see you to let you know your sister is in the hospital room if you would like to come visit her" Kita said in his normal polite manner.

Conny perked up at the idea. She had really wanted to see Kimi since Sakusa had taken her out of the room. "Can I go with him?" Conny asked Atsumu without thinking. The second the words left her mouth she mentally scolded herself, she didn't want to get in the habit of asking him permission to do simple things.

"Go, we can talk later" Atsumu replied.

Conny nodded quickly moving to walk beside Kita. When they had exited the cafeteria and were now walking down an empty hallway Conny began to speak.

"Thank you" she whispered. She didn't want to say anything else that could get him in trouble in case anyone was listening in on their conversation. But she knew Kita would know exactly what she was talking about, he helped her when he had zero obligation to.

"You're welcome" Kita answered simply. Kita seemed to be a very formal person. Instead of explaining reasons why she shouldn't have to thank him he simply excepted the thanks for what it was.

"You know I don't actually know that much about you besides the fact that your name is Kita and I owe you my entire life" Conny stated laughing lightly as they walked.

Kita watched her laugh allowing a very small smile of his own appear. "My full name is Kita Shinsuke. I am from Inarizaki. I am eighteen years old. I lived on a rice farm with my grandparents" he explained.

"Oh wow! A rice farm sounds like a lot of fun! I mean don't get me wrong it's probably a ton of work but you'd have so much space to just run around!" Conny said excitedly trying to imagine what life on a rice farm would actually be like.

At her excitement Kita couldn't help but let his smile grow slightly. "It was a lot of work, but there is something soothing about having the same work waiting for you each day when you get home from school. I liked the repetitive schedule, always knowing what I would be doing without worrying about any unexpected surprises" Kita explained.

"I guess I could understand that. Although I tend to be the exact opposite, I love surprises! The excitement of not knowing what your life has in store for you is so thrilling" Conny said enthusiastically.

"I suppose I understand that, although I could never see myself adjusting well to that lifestyle. I'd like to know more about you though Sawamura" Kita said. 

Conny shrugged. "I'm Sawamura Conny, which you already know. I was supposed to attend Karasuno. I'm sixteen. I had a shit ton of family drama but my brother and sister were always good to me" Conny explained her life. It hurt to think about Daichi but he was the main reason she ended up the way she did. As much as she used to hate to admit it, she had always looked up to him. She used to try to be like him despite mocking and bullying him.

"It's good to have siblings that are close, I had always wished I had siblings" Kita said.

"Yeah, I guess I lucked out" Conny said. She smiled at the ground, she wished she had told Daichi just how thankful she was for him but at least she could smile for him now. He told her to smile no matter what and that was what she planned on doing.

"We are almost there Sawamura" Kita stated as they turned another corner.

"You know you can call me Conny right? Pretty much everyone calls me Conny. Plus I owe you everything, I think it's fair that you have permission to use my first name. But there is one condition..." Conny said.

"I thought that might be the case since you had a twin but I didn't want to assume anything. What is your condition?" Kita questioned.

"I get to call you Shinsuke" Conny stated.

Kita looked at the girl with wonder. Having people he barely knew call him by his first name wasn't something Kita was used to, nor was it something he ever imagined himself allowing. Yet the thought of Conny using his first name almost excited him. He didn't understand why but he really wanted to hear her refer to him as a friend.

"You may call me Shinsuke" Kita said, still surprising himself. It was something so informal and definitely not his style, but he didn't regret his words. In fact he was happy with his decision when the girl gave him a bright smile showing all of her teeth. Her teeth were a little crooked, definitely not perfect, she probably would have worn braces had the world not ended up such a mess. But Kita couldn't help but find that little imperfection about her smile make it that much better.

"Right in here Conny. Kimi is just eating" Kita said as he opened the familiar door, allowing Conny to walk in first.

Connys heart dropped when she saw the bandages wrapped around Kimis head covering her left eye. An instant guilt piled in her stomach as her head went hazy. She thought she was ready to see Kimi, she thought she could handle it but this was overwhelming.

"I'm so so sorry Kimi. I didn't want to hurt you. I shouldn't have..." Conny spoke letting her voice trail off as she ran over to her sisters side.

Kimi placed the bowl of soup she had been slurping onto the bedside table. "I'm just happy you're okay Conny. Come here" she said holding her arms open for her sister to crawl into. Conny immediately climbed into her arms, burying her face in Kimis neck. She felt safe and happy around Kimi.

"I'm sorry" she whispered again. She wished that she hadn't scooped out Kimis eye. She should have fought harder to resist Sakusas demand. It wasn't like an eye could just grow back, this was something Kimi was going to have to live with for the rest of her life.

"Don't you apologize to me Conny. I would never blame you for what happened. The thought never even crossed my mind okay?" Kimi said holding onto her sister. Although Conny was technically the older one, Kimi had always considered it her responsibility to take care of Conny.

"Okay" Conny whispered.

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