13 ~ Challenge

67 4 2

After arriving back to Karasuno, Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Kiyoko were overjoyed to see Daichi and Sugawara. Conny couldn't help but smile at the thought that her and Kageyama had managed to reunite the five of them.

The parking lot was a lot emptier now, almost all the monsters had been cleared out with the exception of a few stragglers. During the afternoon Kimi and Kai took the time to clear their way into the workshop from the outside, it was still impossible to get to it from inside the school but it could be accessed through the outside doors.

Things were looking better, and everything was coming together. Tanaka took charge in leading a group to build a fence around the perimeter of the school yard.

"Have you built stuff like this before?" Kimi questioned while she held the wood up for Tanaka to hammer in a nail.

"Yeah, I took workshop and used to help out with stuff like this around the house," Tanaka explained.

"Well, that's definitely a helpful skill now," Kimi replied with a small smile.

"Yeah... Does that guy just stand there watching everyone else doing the work?" Tanaka questioned jerking his head towards Tsukishima who was standing in the doorway.

Kimi sighed. "Yeah, he's kind of useless. Not sure what his problem is though," she said. She had been trying her best to ignore Tsukishima's stuck up personality.

"Maybe he's afraid to be out here?" Tanaka suggested.

"Yeah maybe," Kimi said distantly, meeting Tsukishima's eyes for a split second.

Kimi turned noticing her sister and Kageyama running up to her. "Hey Kimi. Daichi is busy gardening right now. But can you let him know that Kageyama and I are going to look for more food since yesterday was a bust. We are going to try some houses around here," Conny said taking a second to catch her breath after running and immediately after speaking so fast.

"Yeah sure, but you be careful out there," Kimi warned. She knew Conny wasn't going to be stupid, but she still didn't like the idea that it was always her sister venturing out to potential danger.

"Yeah, I know," Conny answered. Then she turned to face Kageyama who had run up behind her. "Race you to the truck!" she challenged enthusiastically.

"It's on!" he replied as she burst off taking a head start, but he was quick to catch her even though she was fast.

"Are they your scavengers?" Tanaka asked watching the two run off.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Conny likes going out better than doing stuff like this. And I think Kageyama wants to make sure the whole group survives," she explained.

"They seem to work well together. I wouldn't worry too much, he seems to take care of her. When we met he had hidden her so he could determine if we were safe before revealing she was even there," Tanaka explained, sensing Kimi's weariness as she watched Conny and Kageyama run off.

"Really?" Kimi asked looking back over to Tanaka in shock. Kageyama had just met Conny, she had no idea what kind of person would be willing to risk their life for someone they didn't know all that well. She glanced back over to Conny and Kageyama who were now laughing as they had arrived at the truck and couldn't help but grin. Maybe he was a blessing in the hard times.


Conny made it to the truck only seconds after Kageyama. "Close at least," she said proudly.

"Yeah, you're pretty fast," Kageyama said in response. He had always been on the more athletic side, so he was surprised that she came so close since he had no idea how active she used to be.

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