9 ~ Now What?

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Daichi limped out of the room with Sugawara's assistance. He immediately hobbled over to give Kimi a quick hug and ask her the burning question on his mind since he had seen her again. It was a question he wasn't sure he really wanted to know but he still had to ask.

"Is Conny..." he couldn't even bring himself to finish the question. He couldn't stand the thought of anything having happened to his little sister.

Kimi quickly shook her head, instantly knowing what he was asking her. "She is here," she answered Daichi's unasked question.

"Oh, thank god," Daichi sighed in relief.

"Come on we have to go get them though," Kimi said leading Daichi over to the other room where the rest of the group was still locked up.

"Them?" Daichi asked following behind his sister with Sugawara.

"Yeah, there are a few of us. Including Kai," Kimi explained fiddling with the keys.

"Oh, I'm glad he stuck with you guys," Daichi said as Kimi opened the door. Since Kai had been friends with the twins since they were children, Daichi also knew the boy well and trusted him.

Conny looked over at the door anxiously. After hearing the gun shot she had begun to lose it, she was worried about her sister. Kai had done his best to calm her down but she knew she wouldn't really feel okay again until she saw Kimi.

As the door swung open Conny looked over and almost started crying at the sight. "You're okay!" Conny almost shouted. Daichi nodded but Conny took off towards Sugawara instead, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Oh okay," Daichi said sarcastically rolling his eyes at Conny.

"I'm kidding, I'm very thankful that you are okay Daichi," Conny said giving him a smile.

"Me too, I was worried about you two. Especially you Conny," Daichi said as Conny walked over to him to hug him. It wasn't that he cared more about Conny than Kimi, he loved them both equally. He just had a hunch that Kimi would adapt much quicker and easier than Conny.

"Don't worry about me, did you forget? I'm kinda awesome," Conny replied making Daichi grin at her familiar narcissism. It usually took people by surprise when they first met Conny. But the more they got to know her, they quickly learned her hugely narcissistic tendencies. Although Daichi was sure that a lot of it had become a joke to Conny at this point.

Daichi then glanced over to the others in the room. "Oh, this is Kageyama and Hinata. And that's Hinatas little sister Natsu," Conny introduced them. "They've helped us a lot," she added.

Daichi nodded examining the boys not entirely trusting them. He usually wasn't too hard on strangers but in the current circumstances he wasn't going to entirely trust anyone around his sisters unless they earned his trust.

"Now that everyone is here we should go home," Sugawara suggested. Conny looked over to the older boy immediately being hit by the reminder that he wasn't aware of what had happened to his parents.

"No Suga, we can't go home," Conny said shaking her head, holding in the tears. She knew her friend was desperate to see his parents, the parents that wouldn't be waiting for him at his home.

Sugawara seemed to sense the sudden change in mood. "Oh," he said nodding and looking down. He understood what Conny was silently saying, the seriousness of their situation hadn't fully sunk in for him until that moment.

"I'm sorry," Conny whispered to the boy barely able to contain the tears threatening to make an appearance. She didn't want to have to tell him, but she also couldn't sit there and pretend everything was okay, it wasn't fair to Sugawara that way.

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