25 ~ Defence

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After the commotion of the day Conny stayed close by Kageyama's side as they searched the building for the baby only a few weeks old.

"Don't worry Conny, no one even got near her. She's fine. Probably with someone," Kageyama tried to reassure the girl since he could tell that she was beginning to panic.

Kageyama knew that Conny felt somewhat responsible for Mai since she didn't really have parents, and she had promised Mai's mother that her baby would survive.

Kageyama glanced into a room finally finding the girl they were looking for. She was tucked into Tsukishima's arms, sleeping while the boy spoke with Tadashi.

"Conny~" Kageyama called out grabbing her hand to pull her back towards the room she had quickly walked past in a panic.

"Huh?" the girl said, looking back at him. He nodded towards the door making Conny turn her attention to the people occupying the room.

"Oh, thank god" she mumbled almost running into the room. "Thank you, Tsukishima," she said as she wrapped the boy in a hug out of pure joy that Mai was okay.

"Ew don't touch me. And don't thank me she just happened to be where I was," Tsukishima said shrugging it off and quickly pushing Mai into Conny's arms.

"Well either way I am thankful," Conny said smiling as she skipped out of the room with Kageyama following behind her. The two of them made their way up to the roof where they had talked a while ago.

They sat down allowing their feet to dangle off the edge. "Can I hold her?" Kageyama asked, stretching out his arms towards Mai. Conny giggled handing Mai over to the boy who held her close to his chest.

"What are you laughing at?" Kageyama asked, a grin making its way across his face.

"Well, it's just... you've got a soft spot for babies," Conny teased.

Kageyama grinned. "Maybe," he said, not even putting up a fight against the statement. Although he was honestly starting to doubt in the fact that Mai was the only girl he had a soft spot for.

"Well, me too!" Conny said, staring at Mai.

"Hey, the moon is out," Kageyama said, remembering Conny's fascination with it.

Conny instantly looked up to the sky. "Yeah. It's beautiful," she whispered with a soft smile. Kageyama couldn't help but glance towards the girl with a smile of his own.

They let the silence overtake them for a few minutes before Conny broke it. "I wanna talk about today," she said.

Kageyama flashed a look of surprise for a minute before nodding. "Yeah okay, let's talk about it," he agreed. He wasn't going to bring it up, but he was okay with discussing it since Conny had wanted to.

"We go out a lot together on runs right?" Conny began, waiting for him to agree before continuing.

"Yeah, that's right," Kageyama replied, not sure what she was getting at with that statement.

"Okay, then I think that we should have some sort of understanding of what to do in a situation like that," Conny explained. She didn't ever want to find herself in a similar position, but she still wanted to be prepared just in case.

"That would be smart," Kageyama agreed nodding, still attentively waiting for Conny's suggestion. He could tell that she had clearly spent some time thinking about it and he wanted to hear her out.

"I think we should never lead them back here, ever. It's just stupid. If they wanna kill us, then they kill us. Just us," Conny said, then she let out a small laugh. "We'll go out together," she added.

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