66 ~ Feelings

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Kai and Kimi walked along a path towards the school, they needed to pass by the school in order to get to the other area to start making their messages. 

"Wait, let's stop in this store and get some spray paint, it'll make it a lot easier" Kai said looking at a small arts shop.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea" Kimi agreed. They walked in, Natsu still holding Kimis hand. So Kai was the one to move ahead, killing the monsters still in the shop. They quickly found a few cans of spray paint before headed back on their path towards the school.

"So... how bad do you think it actually is?" Kai asked nervously.

"Honestly I have no idea. Usually when a building like that is on fire the fire fighters are quick to arrive. But without them who knows, maybe there is nothing left of the building" Kimi said shrugging. She didn't like the idea of their first safe home being gone but she could accept that in the end it was only a building, they would find another one.

They reached the block of the school. The smoke had now settled down. The building was no longer standing, just a large pile of rubble, everything gone now. There were monsters everywhere, some were unrecognizable from where the fire had burnt them. The fence had been completely torn down allowing the walkers free access to the entire area. 

Kimi could make out an area that she was sure was the remains of Daichis garden, only now it was all dead with large pieces of building covering it.

"Let's go, we can't leave a message here. There are far too many walkers for either of us to deal with" Kimi said turning. She didn't want to look at it anymore, she didn't think she could anymore because each time her eyes landed on a walker that had been mutilated by the fire her mind reminded her that it could be one of her siblings.

"Yeah" Kai nodded absently. Unlike Kimi who avoided looking at the monsters, Kai intensely scanned the crowd attempting to figure out if he recognized any of them. In his mind if he did know someone who had died he wanted to know so he could at least end it for them.

But he was unsuccessful in picking any out since a lot of their distinguishing qualities had been burned away from most of the walkers. Kai continued to follow Kimi and Natsu away from the school, or what was left of the school and towards the neighbourhood beside the school.

They began to spray paint their message on houses, trees, and buildings. Anywhere that anyone might notice it. After visiting several neighbourhoods and spray painting multiple copies of the message they decided to make their way towards the arcade.

Tsukishima and Tadashi were already in the arcade when they entered. 

"WOW!! Do any of these games work!?" Natsu asked excitedly looking at her surroundings.

"Yeah, you want me to take you around to different games?" Tsukishima offered remembering that the games ran on battery not electricity.

Natsu nodded excitedly, running over to Tsukishimas side. The girl took his hand pulling him towards the games. Tsukishima followed handing Mai over to Tadashi, who gladly accepted the baby.

"You miss skating?" Kai asked Kimi raising an eyebrow at her. Kimi nodded excitedly looking over to the other half of the building. 

"Shall we then?" Kai asked raising his arm for her to link. She did and they moved towards the roller skating arena.

Kimi quickly found a pair of roller skates to put on. Kai looked through the remaining pile of rentals. "They don't actually have another pair my size, but I'm sure that the bigger size won't be that hard to use" Kai said putting the skates that were clearly too big for him on his feet.

"Kai you're going to fall immediately in those" Kimi said laughing at the boy trying to fit a size that clearly would never work for him.

"No no trust me I've got this" he said. He then stood a bit unsteady in them. "See?" he said proudly.

"That doesn't mean you can skate in them" Kimi laughed.

"Trust me everything is under complete control" Kai said as he began to move. Kimi laughed some more.

"Okay go on then" she said moving her hand to motion for him to skate.

"Alright, watch and learn" Kai said as he went to move. But the second he started to move he lost balance tripping and falling, taking Kimi down with him.

Kimi landed beneath him but didn't seem to care as she giggled. "Complete control?" she asked still laughing a little.

"Alright maybe not 'complete' maybe only partially" Kai said laughing as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

He realized then that this was the Kimi he loved, the one who would laugh at his stupidity. The one who would stare up at him with a grin despite him falling on top of her.

"Kimi..." Kai said. He knew that if he didn't say anything now he never would.

"Yeah" Kimi said, still smiling while she looked up at him.

"I think I fell in love with you a long time ago" he said staring at the girl. It was definitely an awkward way of saying it, but at least he had finally said it and got it off his chest.

"You what?" Kimi asked confused. She had never thought about the idea of her and Kai before, he had always just been her friend.

Kai swallowed thickly not wanting to have to say it again, terrified he was messing up something good. But he still managed to repeat himself. "I'm in love with you" he said.

"Kai... I had no idea" Kimi mumbled.

"Sorry" Kai immediately said feeling stupid. He was about to climb off of her when she grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him down into a kiss.

Kais eyes widened in surprise. Out of all the responses he had thought up that she would have, this was one he never would have allowed himself to think was possible.

At that moment the doors to the building opened revealing Hinata, Yachi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka.  

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