27 ~ Trust

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Conny watched Kageyama like a hawk as he drove down the road at a fast speed away from Karasuno. Conny could feel her hand begin to hurt from how tightly she was holding her knife. The strange thing was that Kageyama wasn't acting any different from normal. But something was definitely different.

"You okay Conny? You've been surprisingly quiet. That's not like you," Kageyama asked, glancing over at her. Was he taunting her? Did he know that she figured out something was wrong?

"Uh yeah. Just tired," Conny responded, doing her best to hide the shakiness in her voice.

"Oh yeah I guess you would be tired. It's been a long day. Don't worry you'll have lots of time to sleep soon," he said, offering her a grin as he looked at her before moving his attention back to the road.

Conny had to stop herself from tensing at his statement. Was that implying that he was planning on killing her? It didn't make sense to her though. He's had plenty of opportunities to kill her before now, why wait? Was she overthinking things?

Conny never was good when it came to thinking. It was only making her head hurt. She felt like she might pass out but refused to. It was possible that she was misreading the situation and there was a reason why he wasn't telling her where their final destination was. After all this was Kageyama, she had put all her trust in this boy time after time and he had never failed her.

"Kageyama?" Conny asked nervously.

"Mhm?" he hummed in response as he continued to watch the road in front of them.

"Why aren't we going back to Karasuno?" she asked. All the over analyzing was too much for her. It might have been stupid to be so upfront with her question, but Conny had always been a straightforward person, if something bothered her she would say it.

"We have somewhere else we have to go," Kageyama replied simply, not seeming to be bothered by her question at all.

"Oh," Conny said in a soft whisper, not sure how else to respond.

Conny leaned back in her seat, waiting for them to arrive at the mystery place. However, the familiarity and safety she had always found from that seat beside him seemed to have completely disappeared.

When Kageyama pulled into the driveway of a house she could barely make out any details since it was already dark out, and the absence of street lights to aid her sight made it that much more difficult to figure out where they were.

"Let's go," Kageyama said as he opened the door beside him to hop out of the truck. Conny hesitantly got out as well, her knife clutched tightly in her hand. She stayed close to the side of the truck not moving until Kageyama spoke again.

"Come on Conny. There are shovels in the backyard," Kageyama said, urging the girl to follow him. Then he briefly glanced up at the house. "I think this is something we should do together," he added with a hint of sadness present in his voice.

Conny's world was spinning, she was going to be sick. Shovels? Backyard? Together? What the fuck was happening?

Conny realized that Kageyama was watching her attentively. She slowly shook her head no.

"I can do it alone if you want me to. I just think it is something that should be done. You don't have to come if it's too hard though, I really shouldn't have dragged you here without warning I guess," Kageyama said, taking a step towards her.

"S-stay back!" Conny shouted, her voice was shaking as she held up the knife using both hands to hold it in an attempt to steady her shaking body. Tears were now streaming down her face. She had no idea where they were or what was happening, but she didn't want the boy to get any closer to her.

Kageyama took a step back in shock. He put both hands in the air mimicking the first time they met back in Conny's bedroom. Kageyama took a minute to think about the whole situation and realized where he went wrong, how it must have sounded to Conny.

"Conny listen to me," Kageyama said calmly, not moving his position at all.

"O-okay" Conny said between sobs, her lip quivering as she spoke. She was so afraid and confused that she couldn't control the emotions that had suddenly taken control of her body.

Kageyama cautiously began to speak again. "I didn't mean for it to sound like it did, I promise," he began to explain. "Look around, I had assumed you would recognize this place when we got here. But I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't," he said as he gave her time to examine her surroundings.

Conny became more confused than before as she finally clued in to where he had taken them. "This is Mai's house," she said, sniffling a bit.

Kageyama nodded "I thought we should end things for Mai. Since only head shots really end it," Kageyama explained. "I realize now that I should have told you where we were going before, I don't know what I was thinking," he added.

Conny's eyes widened at the realization that Mai was probably awake again, buried deep under ground. "That's all we came here to do?" she asked, her voice was high pitched but not as shaky as it was before.

"Yeah, it is. I promise," Kageyama said, his hands still raised, refusing to drop them until Conny trusted him fully again. Conny nodded slowly.

"You wanna come here Conny?" Kageyama asked, slowly moving his arms to outstretch waiting for a hug. Conny nodded again, dropping the knife to the ground as she darted into his embrace, almost knocking him over.

She wrapped her arms around his rib cage, happy to be so close to him again. Kageyama held onto her running one hand through her hair while his other hand rubbed circles on her back to comfort her. Conny was still crying a little, trying to calm herself down.

After a few minutes Kageyama moved his hands to cup her face, making her look at him.

"Conny, I swear to you that you never have to ever be afraid of me. I will never hurt you, okay?" he said in an almost stern voice. He wanted to make sure she understood that. The realization had hit him during their conversation that it would literally destroy him to ever see her afraid of him again.

"Okay," Conny managed to get out through her quiet sniffles as she nodded her head to his statement.

"As long as I'm around things are going to be okay... so you don't have to worry so much you dork," Kageyama said playfully, trying to lighten the mood. Conny let out a laugh, it was obvious she had just been crying based off the laugh, but Kageyama didn't care, a laugh was a laugh.

"Do you want me to do this? You don't have to come, you could just wait in the truck for me if you feel more comfortable," Kageyama asked in a soft whisper as he glanced towards the backyard.

Conny shook her head. "No, let's do it together," she decided. She felt like she owed this much to Mai after all her and the woman went through in such a short time together.

Kageyama nodded, taking her hand to lead her to the backyard. Conny let him intertwine their fingers, following closely behind him.

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