38 ~ Contagious

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Conny managed to get Daichi into one of the beds near Ennoshita, she quickly threw a couple of the extra blankets over him. She then moved her hand to his forehead like she did with Ennoshita, and like Ennoshita her brother was also burning up.

"Fuck Daichi, how does it happen so quick?" she questioned in slight panic. She really just wanted to curl up in one of the beds and cry and sleep. But she was doing everything she could to keep it together.

"Don't know," Daichi mumbled out weakly.

Conny took in a deep breath only to sigh it back out. "I'm going to warn the others about this. Do you need anything?" she asked.

"No, I'm going to rest if that's okay," Daichi quietly replied.

"Okay, get some sleep then," Conny said, giving him a small smile. She then stood and pulled the blankets up higher on her brother to cover his chest, attempting to keep him warmer.

"Thank you," Daichi whispered, his eyes closed and voice barely audible. Conny placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly as a 'you're welcome' before walking away.

Before she left the room, she double checked on Ennoshita. He was still alive, his breathing heavy. He was sleeping so she was careful not to wake him. Although he seemed to be in a sleep deep enough that it would take some effort to actually wake the boy.

Conny ripped off a small piece of a blanket to create a mask for herself before entering the hallway. She was hoping the first person she ran into would be Kimi since she knew her sister would be the best person to explain this to. But she wasn't that lucky.

"Hey Conny! - Why are you wearing that around your face?" Kais voice filled the hallway as he moved closer to her with a look of confusion.

"Don't come closer!" Conny yelled, putting up a hand as a stop motion. Kai stopped dead in his tracks.

"What's going on Conny?" he asked, his face furrowing in worry. He could tell there was something wrong with his friend.

"There's a virus spreading around. I need you to tell Kimi. Anyone who even just coughs, needs to be isolated in the room near the main office," Conny explained in the sternest voice she could manage.

"Virus? Conny who is sick? Are you okay?" Kai asked, taking a step closer to his friend.

"Kai! Stay back! Ennoshita and Daichi aren't doing well. I'm still okay but I've been exposed to it so I'm not taking any chances. You need to tell Kimi, but keep it on the down low till she decides what to do, I don't want people to begin to panic," Conny tried to explain.

"Okay. But promise me you will stay safe. Don't be stupid, okay?" Kai said. He still wanted to go closer to Conny. He could tell she was stressed out and was downplaying the whole situation, but he also knew there wasn't any way for him to comfort her in the moment.

"I promise," Conny said, holding up her pinky finger.

That action brought Kai back a bit, to before when they were kids. The two of them would both hold up a pinky finger when they were promising anything. It had been a long time since that happened though, the last time being in middle school when Conny had figured out that Kai had a massive crush on Kimi. Kai was freaking out because he was sure she would tell on him but instead she just smiled and held up her pinky finger. Since then the two of them seemed to have forgotten about it, that was until now.

Kai smiled and held up his pinky finger as well. "You're not allowed to break that promise now," he said.

"Have I ever broken a promise with you before, idiot?" Conny asked, also managing a smile.

Kai rolled his eyes. "I guess not, loser," he replied. Conny giggled and in that moment she had forgotten about the shitty situation she was in. Kai just smiled, knowing he gave his friend a moment of comfort.

"I'm going back to take care of Ennoshita and Daichi, you go talk to Kimi," Conny then said. She didn't want to be out of the room for too long for two reasons. First she didn't want to risk spreading the illness, and second she was afraid that Daichi or Ennoshita would need her help while she wasn't there.

"Okay," Kai nodded as Conny turned to walk back down the hall. He couldn't help but notice her stumble on one of her steps, he wondered if it was her normal clumsiness or if she was lying about how she was feeling. It was definitely a Conny thing to act like she was okay just so people wouldn't worry about her.

Kai watched to make sure his friend made it back into the room okay. She shut the door behind her, probably trying to keep the sickened air in the room.

Kai turned back and left to search for Kimi. He eventually found her on the roof with Kageyama. The two of them both looked over when he entered the area.

"Kimi, we need to talk," he said, glancing over to the other boy. He remembered the way Kageyama had clung to Conny when he found them in the science hall. Kageyama had been with their group pretty much since the beginning of everything and had proven over and over again that he was on their side. Kai made a decision in that moment, to trust the boy.

"Kageyama you might want to hear this too," he added. Kageyama nodded, raising an eyebrow seeming to immediately sense the seriousness behind Kai's voice.

Kai cleared his throat before speaking, genuinely having no idea how either of the two would react to the news.

"There is a virus going around. I don't actually know how bad it is, I just know that it's bad enough that they feel the need to quarantine and keep their distance from the rest of us," Kai explained.

Kimi nodded, never breaking eye contact. "Who is sick?" she asked with a slight shake in her voice.

"Ennoshita, Daichi, and Conny" Kai said. He knew there was no point in hiding it since Kimi would find out eventually. "Conny isn't bad yet. But based off the way she was talking the other two are really bad off. You know she has the worst poker face," Kai explained.

"She isn't bad yet?" Kageyama asked, cutting in to the conversation.

"Not yet, but I think she is going to catch whatever it is. Right now she's taking care of the other two," Kai explained.

Kimi glanced over to Kageyama, surprised that he was staying so calm over the news, especially considering the way he lost it last time Conny was in danger.

"Okay, Kimi can you meet me outside at the front of the school when you're done?" Kageyama asked calmly, looking from Kai to Kimi. Kimi nodded, so Kageyama left the rooftop.

The second Kageyama was gone Kimi moved closer to Kai, throwing her arms over him, letting him wrap his arms around her for a hug. "Both of them?" she whispered into his ear, her voice failing her and cracking.

"They're gonna be okay. They are Sawamura's which means they're way too stubborn to let some stupid virus keep them down for too long, okay?" Kai said as he rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Okay, but what if -" Kimi was cut off as Kai grabbed her two arms to pull her away from him so she was forced to look at him.

"No," he was the only thing he said.

"Kai, it could happen," Kimi said again, her voice cracking for a second time.

"No Kimi, we aren't going to think that. At least - at least not yet," Kai broke as a tear slipped down his face. "Not yet," he repeated, his voice shaking. Kimi nodded, realizing that Conny and Daichi were also important to Kai.

The two pulled each other into a hug once again. This time Kai cried into Kimi's shoulder while she held onto him.

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