73 ~ Everything is Different

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Conny sat against the wall, doing her best not to cry. Kageyama was crouching across from her. "Look at me Conny" he said trying to get her attention. Conny looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears but not crying. "Listen, that man - he - he" Kageyama struggled with his words not entirely sure what he was trying to say.

"He didn't touch me Tobio" Conny said.

"He still wasn't a good man, whatever happened between you two. You were in the right" Kageyama said in a stern voice placing a hand on her check and rubbing his thumb over it.

"I killed him though, how can that be in the right?" Conny asked breaking eye contact to stare at her hands that had blood stuck to them.

"Listen to me Conny, you know how you have to kill the walkers because they are just monsters now?" Kageyama asked. Conny nodded still not moving her attention from her hands. "Well monsters come in other forms too. And in this world we have to kill those monsters as well. Because if we don't there will be no humans left, just a bunch of monsters" Kageyama explained. Conny nodded again still not looking up.

Kageyama suddenly pulled her into his chest. "You are good okay? Sometimes we are forced to do bad things, but it doesn't make us bad" he said holding onto her, wishing he could take all her pain away.

"Okay" Conny whispered allowing him to hug her, taking in his familiar scent.

"It'll be okay... don't worry you dork" Kageyama whispered back, not wanting to let go of her.


Kimi stayed by Tsukishimas side. She didn't want to talk to Kai, she knew that if she did she would instantly feel guilt about the whole thing. She might have been able to help the woman, there was a possibility they could have gotten them out. But she truly believes that even if they made it back to the group with them, there really wasn't much they could do after that. They weren't stable enough to help them.

"That was a huge waste of time. We still have no idea where your brother or the other third years are" Tsukishima stated what was already on her mind. "It's too bad he's not predictable enough for us to just know where he is" he added.

"Yeah" Kimi sighed. But his statement got her thinking. She had known Daichi for pretty much all her life, and he was fairly predictable. He was responsible, overprotective, and a homebody.

A homebody.

"I think I might know where Daichi went" she suddenly said looking over to Tsukishima.

"Where?" Tsukishima asked confused. "Well Daichi has always loved being at home, even just hanging out there. I think there is a chance that when we all got separated he might have gone there in hopes that we would figure out where he was" Kimi explained.

"It definitely doesn't hurt to look" Tsukishima said. Kimi nodded. "Yeah, I'd like to get far away from this place anyways" she said.

Kimi quickly explained her thinking to the rest of the group before they all got their weapons from the pile and left. Headed back to the place where it all started.

Kimi walked beside Tsukishima. Everything seemed to have changed so much since they first left their house. Hell when she left the house she didn't know more than half the people around her. She didn't trust Kageyama at all back then. She didn't think Conny would ever be capable of killing one of the walking monsters. And she never thought she would see Kai as more than a friend.

Although out of all those things the biggest change for Kimi personally was herself. She never viewed herself as a leader, yet here she was with a group that trusted her and was willing to follow her through anything.

As they made it onto her old street she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort fill her as she grinned.

"Were you broke or something?" Tsukishima asked looking at the house Kimi was staring at.

Kimi smacked his arm. "Shut up, it's not even that bad. Besides it's only in such bad shape because Conny abused that house" she said defensively.

"Alright" Tsukishima responded smiling as he shook his head at her.

"Just shut it, you're ruining this moment for me" Kimi said letting out a small laugh herself as she prepared herself to walk up the steps again.

Conny looked up at the house smiling to herself. "You know this is where our great love story began" Kageyama said grinning over at her.

"Great is it? And I'm the narcissist?" Conny asked chuckling.

"I'd say it's great. Besides, you yourself said it's not narcissism if I am just admitting certain truths" he said grinning, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Stop it before you make me cringe" Conny giggled pushing his face lightly with her hand. Kageyama laughed, happy to hear her giggling.

Kimi had already climbed the steps. She took in a deep breath before knocking on the door.

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