82 ~ Two New

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Conny wandered outside for a change of scenery from the cells. As she walked outside she was greeted with a bright light from the sun. It was a really nice day out despite it being November.

"Hey, what are you up to?" Kimi questioned walking over to her sister.

"Just taking a walk" Conny said shrugging. "You and Kai seem to be doing well" she stated. It made her happy to know that they worked things out, she could still remember how upset Kimi had been when she was arguing with him.

"Yeah, things are good now. But it's almost a little awkward, did you ever have that problem with Kageyama?" Kimi asked. She found it funny that she was the one coming to Conny for relationship advice, she had always thought it would be the other way around.

"Not really, but we weren't childhood friends like you two were. Maybe that's why? I'd say just give it some time" Conny suggested.

"Alright, he is really sweet, it just sort of feels like it's still a friendship not a relationship" Kimi confessed.

"I can put in a word with him for you. But don't worry I won't let him know it's coming from you. I mean I am his wingman after all, I gotta help the guy out" Conny said.

Kimi smiled. "So I'm guessing you've known for a while" Kimi said raising an eyebrow at Conny.

"About his massive crush on you? Yeah, you're actually denser than I thought. I don't know how you couldn't figure it out" Conny teased.

"Hey, it's not my fault! I wasn't expecting it!" Kimi complained punching her sisters arm.

"Fair enough, you're still a little dumb though" Conny said giggling.

"Oh says you!" Kimi joked back laughing.

Then a thought occurred to her as she sat there with her sister, watching the sun that was beginning to set.

"He's had a crush on me for a long time hasn't he?" she asked. Conny nodded to her statement.

"It's why your crush on him went away isn't it?" Kimi asked although she was almost positive that she was right. She couldn't help but feel guilty even though she did nothing wrong. She was all too familiar with the feeling of liking someone only to watch them choose her own sister over her. When they had been younger Kimi had a massive crush on Kuroo, but he was always closer to Conny. She never failed to notice the way his eyes would light up whenever Conny would walk into the room but they never did that when she walked in.

Conny laughed. "Yeah, thank god!" she responded to Kimis question. Kimi looked up surprised, she hadn't been expecting that reaction.

"Me and Kai would have never worked, it's just one of those things that can't be more than a friendship. Plus, I am happy with Tobio, I don't like the thought of not being with him" Conny explained.

Kimi couldn't help but smile. "I'm really happy for you Conny" she said. And it was the truth, Conny was possibly the most important person in the world to her, she never wanted to see her hurting.

"Hey, what's that?" Conny suddenly asked, standing up to look at the gate. There were two figures standing there. Kimi looked up to see Yaku was the one on gate duty.

"Yaku!" Conny called out running towards the boy who had climbed off his standing posit and was now looking at the two people standing outside the gate. Kimi was quick to follow Conny.

"They say they are looking for a safe place. Apparently they've been out there on their own for quite a while" Yaku said quietly glancing over to the boys on the other side of the gate.

They were both fairly tall, one with flat brown hair that was probably once combed but now was a mess. The other had brown spiky hair. They were both covered in mud and blood.

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