147 ~ Gone

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It had been around two weeks since Conny had left with no word of her or where she might have gone. Kimi felt awful when she found out. She wished she could have stopped Conny from leaving, she wished she could have helped her somehow. Now she had to live with the fear that Conny might never return again. For all she knew Conny could be just another one of the monsters wandering the world aimlessly with no purpose but to kill. The thought nearly destroyed her.

Kimi didn't know what to do anymore, her world around her had completely fallen apart. Daichi was gone forever, Conny had lost it and left, Kuroo had been kidnapped by an enemy group, Koganegawa had been missing for at least two weeks now, and on top of all that there was the threat of war hanging heavy over their heads.

"I don't know what the hell I'm even supposed to do anymore. I don't think things have ever been this bad, even when we were all separated" Kimi confessed to Kai who had been sitting beside her snacking on a celery stick.

Kai didn't meet her eyes as he continued to eat. "Honestly I don't know what there is to do. I think Inarizaki isn't going to wait much longer to attack. I don't know how to save Kuroo. I have no idea where Koganegawa could have gone. And Conny... I really thought we could help her..." Kai said letting his voice trail off. He knew that Conny was teetering on the edge of sanity but he never thought she would just take off like that. He couldn't even imagine what could have been going through her head at the time.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Kimi asked, she was hopeful but not counting on it. She had a feeling Conny was gone and wouldn't be found until she was ready to be found, which could take years or maybe would never happen. She could already feel the guilt building up from snapping at the girl. She didn't mean to do that, she just burst. Now she was terrified that she pushed her sister away when Conny had needed her the most.

"I don't have a clue" Kai answered sadly. He wished there was even just the slightest of hints as to where Conny ran off to but there was nothing.

"I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it hurts. I miss her and just want to make sure she is okay" Kimi confessed. She needed her twin, Conny was always there. Like Daichi, Kimi had taken it for granted that she would just always have her sister. She felt almost like she was missing a piece of herself. She hated herself that her last words to Conny was a frustrated yell, she should have ran after her when she left the room. Now she could only wait and hope Conny would return so she could make things right again.

"You don't think she is with Inarizaki do you?" Kai questioned breaking Kimi away from her thoughts that were threatening to consume her.

Kimi quickly shook her head dismissing even the thought. "Iwazumi said she left of her own free will meaning she wanted to leave. And I know for a fact that Conny wouldn't betray us by running to the enemy, which means she had somewhere else in mind as her destination" Kimi explained confidently. She also was sure that Miya wouldn't kidnap her for the second time when Conny said he had told her she was free to leave the last time they ended up at Inarizaki.

"Well that's a win I guess" Kai said attempting to find at least one positive in the situation, it was something Conny constantly did. Kimi nodded silently not wanting to agree that there were any positives in the situation at all. The facts were that everything about their lives were shit at the moment. 

"I think I need to go lay down for a bit. My heads starting to hurt from all this" Kimi said standing up, she had been seated on Kais bed in his room and now just needed some space to be alone in the privacy of her own room.

"Yeah okay. Come find me when you wanna talk again" Kai agreed. Kimi nodded to his offer before leaving down the hall.


"Are you full?" Tsukishima asked the toddler who had been sitting on the bench beside him in the cafeteria. Every time he spoke with the girl he was always sure to make direct eye contact to ensure she understood what he was saying.

Mai smiled and nodded. "Okay let's go play then" Tsukishima said as he lifted her off the seat and placed her on her feet. The little girl could now walk on wobbly legs as long as she had something stable to hold onto, which Tsukishima always gave her his hand.

"Sook!" she said happily as she walked along beside the boy clinging to his hand. 

"You know Mai generally when people say my name they have a reason for it, but you seem to just blab it whenever you're bored" Tsukishima stated as he looked down at the little girl. She looked at him with wide eyes not understanding anything he said besides her name. But after a minute she began to giggle.

Tsukishima couldn't help but smile at her though. "I'm not so sure why you find my face so funny" he said. Mai just laughed some more.

"Glass. Glass" she said reaching her free hand up towards him.

"No way. I am not giving you my glasses. Last time you took them you nearly broke them. Do you know how difficult those would be to replace? Plus you got your fingerprints all over them" Tsukishima responded refusing to give the girl what she had asked for.

Mai laughed not seeming to care that he had said no to her. Instead something else caught her eye as she let go of Tsukishimas hand falling to her knees and crawling towards someone else.

"Ga, up!" she said happily raising her hands in a motion to be picked up.

"Oh how could I say no to you!" Sugawara said happily picking the girl up and swinging her in his arms for a minute causing a fit of laughter from her. 

"She really likes dancing. If you put her on the ground and take both her hands just to jump around she goes wild" Tsukishima said moving closer to Sugawara.

Sugawara raised an eyebrow at Tsukishima. "Really? I'll have to keep that in mind" he said then turned to look at Mai. "Won't I?" he asked her swinging her a little more so she would laugh.

"Mind if I take her off your hands for a bit?" Sugawara asked looking back to Tsukishima. Tsukishima was the one who spent practically everyday with the girl and he had become known to everyone else as her parental figure.

"Of course not, have fun. You can bring her back to me when she gets too much or if she is cranky" he said shrugging.

"Thanks, we're gonna have fun right Mai?" Sugawara said turning to her again causing her to grin at the attention.

"Alright I'll see you later" Tsukishima said turning, waving as he started to leave down the hall.

But as he was walking Mai called out. "Sook!" she was reaching out for him from Sugawaras arms.

Tsukishima moved back to stand face to face with her again. "I'll be back soon Mai. Play with Sugawara again and I'll see you later" he explained to her. "Okay?" he added.

Mai nodded seeming to understand some of what he was saying. 

"Alright, behave" he said before leaning forward to place a small kiss on her forehead and quickly leaving before Sugawara could comment on it. He didn't show affection often and definitely not in front of anyone else but he always made exceptions for Mai. He couldn't help it.

He figured he'd go back to his room for a bit and either rest or read while he had some time to himself. He sometimes read stories to Mai, surprisingly she never got bored of them she would sit there watching him intently like she could sit there for hours. He planned to start teaching her how to read in a few months when her brain was developed enough to learn words. He figured it was an activity she would enjoy. Although he had to admit he wanted to push it back further so that he would have an excuse to continue reading to her instead of having her reading on her own.

Tsukishima finally made it to his room deciding on a nap. But as he entered his room he was met with his roommate, tears streaming down his eyes as he paced the room.

"Tadashi?" Tsukishima questioned concerned.

The boys attention snapped to Tsukishima almost instantly. "Tsuki I really need to talk to you... I think I messed up" 

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