81 ~ Adjusting

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Karasunos group had now been living at the prison for about two weeks. Since then Daichi and Kiyoko had started on an indoor garden in a room they converted into a make shift greenhouse. 

Daichi looked proudly at the vegetables planted in the garden. "I'm not sure if it will grow in here or not but one can hope" he said.

"It'll grow stop worrying so much" Kiyoko responded moving closer to the boy to kiss his cheek. Daichi still blushed every single time she kissed him, he couldn't help it, even when he only just thought about her he would get butterflies at the excitement of seeing her again.

Suddenly the door bust open as two kids ran in giggling as they chased each other.

"Careful around the garden, you don't want to stomp over anything" Daichi called out.

"We are being careful Daichi, but we had to come in here, we're playing tag" Natsu answered as she continued to run away from the little boy.

"Sorry Mr. Daichi" Tanjiro said shyly as he stopped running.

"Don't worry it's alright, why don't you two go outside and play" Daichi suggested. It was safe for the two little kids to be outside alone since the monsters couldn't get in due to the high security fence surrounding the prison.

"Okay, let's race there Tanjiro!" Natsu said excitedly as she took off in a run.

"Okay, wait for me!" Tanjiro said running after the girl.

Kiyoko giggled as the two left. "Kids are amazing" Kiyoko said smiling at the doorway where the two kids had just exited.

"They are a handful, I still remember when the twins were younger" Daichi said shaking his head at the memories.

"You act like you're so old, don't forget you're only two years older than them" Kiyoko said while she ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, I've just been looking after them for so long that it feels like they are so much younger than me, even when our parents were around I was still the one responsible for them" Daichi explained.

"You're amazing for that though. Let me guess... Conny was quite the handful?" Kiyoko asked.

"Actually when she was young she was quiet and shy, it was hard to even get her to talk. It actually wasn't until after she met Kuroo that she really opened up out of her shell. Then she was a real devil" Daichi said sighing.

"It's hard to imagine a quiet Conny" Kiyoko said in thought. Then as if on cue they could hear Connys loud laughter from somewhere down the hall.

Daichi couldn't help but laugh at that. "Yeah my few years of peace" he sighed.

Kiyoko laughed softly. "And Kimi? Has she always been the same?" she asked, curious about getting to know Daichis family.

"Yes and no I guess. Her personality never really changed but she did go through a rough few years that left a real indent on her mental state. But she is better now and I'm thankful for that" Daichi explained without diving into too many details.

"You are going to make such a great parent one day, I can't wait for that day" Kiyoko said smiling happily.

Daichi smiled at the girl. In his mind she had no flaws. "Me too"


"Hey Tsuki, what are you doing?" Tadashi asked walking into the cell he shared with the taller boy.

"I'm helping Mai sit up, she can mostly do it on her own now" Tsukishima said, he was sitting on the floor beside Mai with one hand behind her back to help keep her steady but mostly letting her do everything on her own.

"Wow, she is really growing fast isn't she?" Tadashi said in amazement at her development already.

"Yes, she's around six months now" Tsukishima said. Halfway through his sentence he was interrupted by the baby babbling a bunch of nonsense. 

"She's very noisy" Tsukishima said then looked at the girl. "You sure do have a lot to say don't you?" he said, he didn't speak to her with a baby voice but just in his normal tone. The baby looked at him as he spoke to her then burst out into giggles as she excitedly waved her arms in the air, nearly knocking herself over. Tadashi laughed as he watched the interaction.

"I actually wanted to ask you a favor if that's alright Tadashi?" Tsukishima said looking over to the boy for a split second before quickly turning his attention back to Mai.

"Yeah of course, anything Tsuki" Tadashi responded.

Tsukishima glanced outside the door quickly to ensure that there was no one listening in, when he saw the empty hall he spoke again. "Natsu came to me this morning because she lost a tooth, I told her to put it under her pillow but I've been pretty busy with Mai all day. Do you think you could talk to Kimi or Conny or someone about getting some sort of chocolate or something for her. I don't want her to be disappointed" Tsukishima explained.

Tadashi smiled. "It's the end of the world and you're worried about a little girl not getting something from the tooth fairy. You really are amazing Tsuki" 

Tsukishima shrugged. "It's not a big deal, I just don't like the idea of her waking up sad when I can prevent that" he responded.

"Of course I can do that for you Tsuki, I'm sure Conny and Kageyama have found something along those lines at some point. I'll talk to one of the two of them today" Tadashi said.

"Thank you" Tsukishima said looking back over to Mai who was already looking at him and began to babble again once she got his attention.

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