24 ~ New Discovery

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Kimi struggled to get her gun but between the monster clinging to her arm and fighting to stay away from its mouth she couldn't get it. However, the corpse slumped back down after having its head bashed in by a bat.

Kimi looked up to see Kai holding the bat. "Was he... bit?" Kai asked confused. It didn't make sense for the man to reanimate unless he was infected by the monster.

"I didn't think so, he was shot," Kimi answered, shaking her head to the question. She then began to strip to corpse.

"Wow what are you doing!?" Kai questioned, immediately as his eyes widened.

"I am looking to see if he was bitten. Is there a problem?" Kimi asked, continuing to remove the shirt from the man.

"No, I guess not, do you want help?" Kai asked hesitantly. He knew it was important information, but he still didn't like the idea of disrespecting a dead man.

Kimi shook her head. "Its okay, I don't mind doing it," she said, not looking up at the boy. She knew he was uncomfortable by the situation so she wouldn't force him to be apart of it.

Kai knelt down to be beside her anyways. "I'll help," he said as he pulled off the pants to inspect his skin. As much as he didn't want to do the task, he didn't want Kimi to have to do it alone.

"It looks pretty clear..." Kimi said, giving the new information a minute to sink in.

"This is really bad," she whispered absent mindedly as she stood up. While the realization was shocking to her, she knew that she didn't have time to dwell on it. She needed to warn as many people as possible before anything bad happened.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked, still confused about the situation.

"Think about it Kai. Up until now we figured you only turn when you get bit, but this man was never bit. He turned when he died," she explained, watching as the realization hit her friend.

"Of fuck, that's bad," Kai said as he instantly jumped to his feet. Both ran back into the school, noticing a few other corpses reanimating.

Kimi quickly pulled out her gun to shoot another one but discovered that she was now out of bullets. "Damn," she mumbled as she tried to spot a weapon to fight with.

"Here, let's do it together," Kai said, tossing her a golf club, holding a bat himself. Kimi nodded to his statement as she caught the bat from him.

The two began attacking the heads of the corpses. A few had already started moving while others looked like they were just dead bodies. "Kai, what are you doing?" Conny asked. She had been a little startled when she noticed the boy bash in the head of an already dead person.

"People don't just die anymore, they turn," he called back, moving onto another person.

"Oh shit, seriously!?" Conny asked as she quickly glanced around the room at the countless corpses that could transform at any given moment.

"Yeah, wouldn't be a funny joke," Kai answered.

"Yeah, I guess not," Conny agreed, mentally preparing herself to help in Kais mission.

It didn't take long before each corpse was taken care of. Now each person contributed to the process of 'cleaning' up.

"We should burn the bodies, no point in burying them," Kimi said to Daichi. Daichi thought about it for a few minutes.

"Yeah, you're right. I know it seems heartless, but we can't afford to burry every walker we come across," Daichi agreed. Plus, he felt very little empathy for the people who tried to kill his family. Kimi, Daichi, and Kai were the ones who ended up actually burning the corpses after everyone had carried them outside.


Tadashi walked down the hallway after watching the days events unfold around him. He was thankful that he didn't actually have to kill anyone, but he still hated that he had to sit back and watch people being murdered, even though he understood that they had to be.

He walked forward with a specific destination in mind. There was someone not present during the whole attack and he thought he had an idea as to why. He continued walking until he got to the familiar office where he and his best friend had first found safety.

"I knew it," Tadashi mumbled as he saw the tall blonde haired boy holding Mai close to his chest while holding Natsu's hand, who had her face buried in his arm.

"Knew what?" Tsukishima spat, clearly embarrassed by the situation.

"Why you never came when there were gunshots," Tadashi explained as he leaned down next to Natsu.

"Hey Natsu. You know me, right? Tadashi. You don't have to worry anymore. You are safe, all the bad guys are gone," he said in a soft voice. Natsu slowly lifted her head from where it was hidden looking at Tadashi while still holding Tsukishima's hand.

"All the monsters are gone too?" she asked in a quiet voice.

Tadashi nodded. "Yeah, the monsters are gone too," he said offering her a smile.

Natsu nodded, finally letting go of Tsukishima's hand. "Shoyo!" she shouted when she saw her brother in the doorway.

"You want me to give you a piggyback ride Natsu?" Hinata asked as he bent down for his sister to climb on his back. Once she was steady on his back Hinata took off down the hall on his roller skates that he had refused to take off pretty much since finding them.

"Everything has been dealt with?" Tsukishima asked Tadashi, watching the overly hyper orange haired boy disappear from the doorway.

"Yeah. Tsuki, things are worse than we thought though," Tadashi responded.

"How much worse?" Tsukishima questioned, not showing any emotion to the statement.

"Death is the cause, not being bitten," Tadashi answered.

"You mean you turn no matter how you die?" Tsukishima clarified.

Tadashi nodded slowly. "Yeah... why aren't you freaking out?" he questioned, confused by his friend's calmness.

Tsukishima just shrugged "I guess I've gotten used to the idea. I mean what's the point of getting upset over something you have no power over?" he explained.

"I guess... it's just - aren't you scared you'll have to see someone you care about changing into a monster in front of you?" Tadashi asked with nervousness lacing his voice.

"No, if I just don't get close to people then I don't have to worry about losing them," Tsukishima stated.

"Oh, I mean that makes sense. But it's kind of a sad way to live, don't you think?" Tadashi asked, curious about the other boy's response to the question. Tadashi had known Tsukishima since they were children and although Tsukishima acted cold, he knew that he wasn't really. Even if Tsukishima tried to keep his distance from people, he could never truly stop himself from caring.

"Maybe. But it's better this way," Tsukishima replied shrugging.

"What about Kimi?" Tadashi asked.

"What about her?" Tsukishima responded quickly, almost spitting the words at Tadashi.

"Tsuki, I've known you for a very long time now. I can tell when you like someone. You act differently around them," Tadashi explained almost shyly.

"Shut up. I don't like her," Tsukishima shot back quickly. He then looked down at the ground. "Besides I'd be better off staying away from her. It's not like I could ever protect her. I just put her in more danger by being around her," he confessed.

"I really don't think Kimi feels that way Tsuki. You should give her a chance to teach you. Then you can be around her without feeling like a burden on her," Tadashi tried to explain to his friend. Being able to watch the two from an outside view, he could already tell that their feelings towards each other were definitely complicated.

Tsukishima thought for a few minutes. He valued Tadashi's opinion over almost everyone else's. "Yeah, maybe I'll give it another chance," Tsukishima finally decided.

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