76 ~ Relationship

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Kimi followed her sister and Kageyama off the bus. "Conny, Kageyama, can I come help you carrying the guns?" Kimi asked running to catch up to them, she just needed to be away from Kai right now.

"Yeah of course!" Conny said swinging her arm around Kimis shoulder to walk with her. Kageyama worked on opening the small hatch.

"I'm just going to double check that there are still some left before we all crawl down there. I'll call up to you two" Kageyama said climbing down.

"Alright" Conny said giving him a thumbs up.

"Conny can I ask you something?" Kimi questioned as Kageyama disappeared into the basement.

"Of course" Conny replied.

"Do you and Kageyama ever fight or argue?" she asked. From the outside watching, it looked like their relationship was perfect and Kimi just couldn't understand how they did it.

"Um, well... we did argue once before when we were just friends. I felt awful about it like I was betraying him. But Tobio said it's completely normal to disagree but that doesn't mean that we are going to abandon one another. I think it's okay to disagree, I mean we aren't the same person right? So we won't have the same opinion on everything. But it's important to understand each other still, and be able to move on from that disagreement. But that's just what I've learned from being with him" Conny explained.

Kimi stared at her sister taking in her words. "When did you mature so much?" she asked.

Conny laughed. "Don't worry I'm still Conny, your idiotic goofy sister" she said giggling. "Are you and Kai okay?" she asked after in a serious voice.

"I really want us to be. And like you said I can understand where he is coming from, but I don't think he understands my side of the argument. I don't think he wants to understand" Kimi explained.

Conny pulled her sister into a hug. "I think talking might help, not yelling, but just talking to each other. Try to explain your reasoning in a calm manner. Tell him that you still want things to work out between the two of you, that will help a lot" Conny said as she held Kimi close.

"Thank you Conny" Kimi whispered, thankful to have her sister. She was also thankful that Conny wasn't the type to push Kimi to open up to her about the argument, Conny understood personal space when it came to this stuff. It had always surprised Kimi since they were kids, but Conny had always been skilled at comforting people.

"You don't have to thank me. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. And if Kai doesn't listen to you just tell me so I can knock some sense into him" Conny said laughing a bit.

Kimi let out a small laugh. "Okay" she said nodding.

"They are still down here. You two can come down and help me carry them up" Kageyamas voice suddenly rang out from the basement.

The two girls then climbed down on the ladder. Kageyama took Connys hand helping her get off safely, then did the same for Kimi.

"Should we just take the rest Tobio or still leave some?" Conny asked moving to the shelves while Kageyama helped Kimi getting off the ladder.

"There aren't too many left so I think we might as well just take them. If worse comes to worse we'll look for some other gun store and hope they have the same hidden basement thing" Kageyama called back.

"Alright, sounds like a plan" Conny said beginning to pack some of the guns into a bag. Kageyama and Kimi quickly packed bags themselves so the guns weren't all in the same place. Once they had packed up all the remaining guns and ammo they climbed back up the ladder. 

Conny and Kageyama went back to their seat together. Kimi spotted an empty seat and was about to sit in it when she felt Kais hand pull on her arm causing her to fall back into the seat beside him. Sugawara had decided to just drive around the area in search of another building they could potentially take over.

"What?" Kimi asked not looking at the boy. She wanted to talk to him later when she had calmed down. She wanted to take Connys advice but she wasn't ready to do that yet, she needed to think over what she was going to say.

"You don't have to look at me, but please listen to me" Kai said hoping the girl wouldn't get up and move. Kimi didn't say anything so Kai took that as an invitation to start talking again.

"I fell in love with Kimi in middle school. When the world ended and we were staying at Karasuno I only found more reasons to love Kimi. And now, when you claim that Kimi has changed and isn't the same person. I still look at you and can only see the girl I love. I don't give a crap if this world makes you go insane I'll still love you. I'm sorry for making you feel like a terrible person, let's just move on from this" Kai said watching the girls facial expression change as he spoke.

Kimi finally looked over at him. "I want that" she said nodding holding in her tears.

"Me too" Kai said smiling softly and wrapping an arm around her to pull her close to his side. Kimi let him hold her staring out the window as buildings passed by. She saw a flash of something familiar through the windows of one of the buildings. She sat right up, startling Kai.

"Did you see that?" she asked him immediately. He shook his head confused. "Suga stop the bus!" she called out standing up and moving towards the front. Kai stood and followed the girl, a little worried about her.

"Open the door for a minute" Kimi asked in a hurry. She needed to confirm what she saw in the building. Sugawara opened the door letting her out onto the sidewalk, Kai quickly followed behind her.

Kimi took off at a run towards the building a little back, Kai was quick to follow. She stopped, swinging the door open and walking inside. She couldn't help but smile when what she had thought was there was confirmed. When Kai caught up to her and walked in he couldn't help but grin as well at the sight.

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