171 ~ Traitor

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Tanaka and Nishinoya had finally managed to fully break down the fence. Kimi looked ahead seeing that a good portion of the walkers had already been cleared by Yaku, Lev, and Kenma. She couldn't directly see where they were but she was sure they were still busy with their initial task of destroying all the storage containers.

There were various people shooting at them from hidden places as well as a few more monsters that had been gradually reaccumulating.

Suddenly her walkie talkie began to make noise. "Kimi.." Kenmas voice came through the speaker.

"Yeah Kenma, it's me. Is everything okay on your end?" Kimi questioned back into the device. 

"... You can't trust Iwazumi or Oikawa. They have been on Inarizakis side the entire time. Make sure everyone knows that. They are willing to kill to defend this place" Kenma replied. His last statement made Kimi question what had happened. Kenma wouldn't have used the word kill if he didn't think it was necessary. But she understood that now wasn't the time to push on something like that.

"Thanks for letting me know. Be careful out there" Kimi responded.

She then turned to Kai who was distracted shooting at the oncoming monsters. "Kai, make sure the group knows to watch out for Oikawa and Iwazumi, they aren't on our side. I'm going to sneak in and try to find Miya. I think if I can kill him then I can put an end to this war" she instructed.

Kai turned to stare at her for a moment. "You shouldn't go alone" he said.

"I know it's dangerous, but it's easier for me to sneak in unnoticed if I am alone. Besides I need you here to take charge of everyone here while I am gone. I have a feeling a lot more people will be coming out to fight us soon" Kimi explained.

Kai thought for a moment. He was still hesitant on the idea of her leaving alone.

"Kenmas group already cleared a lot past this point so I shouldn't run into too much trouble, I just need to find Miya and end this before too many people end up dead. You guys keep pushing on though, fight back. We are going to infiltrate this place" Kimi added to give him a little more reassurance.

"I guess, just be really careful. The last thing I want is to lose you" Kai said hesitantly.

Kimi nodded to his statement. "I know, don't worry no one can take me down right now. If I die then they pretty much win the war and there is no way I'm gonna let that happen" Kimi said. She wasn't trying to sound arrogant but she knew that somehow without meaning to she had become the leader once again. Whichever side could take out the others leader first had a clear advantage in the war. 

But Kimi wasn't going to be the first to fall. She was going to get her revenge for everything and everyone they had taken away from her.

"Next time I see you, Miya will be dead and we will have won the war" Kimi said giving Kai a tight hug.

"Okay" Kai whispered before letting go. She turned and ran off. Then she was gone, nothing but a blur in the distance. "I really hope this does end soon" Kai whispered as he glanced over to his group firing bullets into swarms of monsters as well as trying to hit the hidden people firing at them.


Kimi continued on in her journey, turning alleyways and hiding behind buildings. She needed to be faster, she needed to win faster so less people had to die. There was no turning back now, they were committed to this attack. And they were going to win.

As she turned a corner she forced herself to stop out of pure shock of the person in front of her. She was about to run to the girl and hug her but the look of horror on the girls face when she spotted Kimi made her stop in her tracks.

"So it's true? You guys are really attacking like this?" Conny questioned with wide eyes at the shock of running into her sister. She knew it was her group attacking but she still didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe that her people would resort to murder like this. 

"Conny... we didn't have a choice" Kimi slowly tried to explain. Since she came up with the idea to fight back and take revenge she had a small bubble of guilt knowing how much Conny would hate it, but she never actually expected to be confronted by Conny. If she were being completely honest with herself she had hoped that if Conny ever did return she would never have to find out about how Kimi led an attack aimed to wipe out another group.

"No choice Kimi? This is a choice. I'm not defending them I know they've done shitty things... but when did we become these people? The people we used to be terrified of" Conny questioned tears filling her eyes.

She had so many mixed emotions and she had no idea how she was even supposed to feel about the situation. She just wanted to find a way to make both groups happy, she didn't want more people to die from either group. 

"You're not defending them Conny? It sure as hell sounds like you are. You're painting us to be the bad guys in this war when you haven't even been around for the past few months. You don't know shit about this war so stop acting all high and mighty like you're above it!" Kimi burst. She loved Conny and she had convinced herself that she wasn't angry at Conny for leaving but Connys words were frustrating her now. Conny knew better than anyone else what kind of people Inarizaki were, so why the hell would she choose to defend them?

"I'm not trying to act like I'm above it Kimi! I know exactly what kind of person I am and I have never once considered myself better than anyone else. I just need you to understand that I don't want a fucking war where everyone fucking dies!" Conny shouted back. It was really rare for her to push back when being yelled at but she knew she needed to get her point across.

"I just don't want to lose anyone else..." Conny added in a whisper. She was so done with all the fighting and dying. She just wanted some peace where people could live among each other without trying to murder one another. It was bad enough that they had to deal with the dead walking around but when the people were fighting each other too it only made things that much worse.

"That's war Conny. People are going to die and we can't do anything about that" Kimi said. She did sympathize with her sister but she still couldn't agree to stop fighting.

"I'm sorry that you see it that way. But I still want to try to talk things out. I really think I can make Atsumu listen to me, he isn't the bad guy you think he is. He has had to go through so much just like us, but I think he will listen to me if I can find a compromise" Conny explained.

Something suddenly clicked in Kimis head as Conny spoke. "How are you even here? You didn't come with us... You were already here weren't you?" Kimi asked slowing fitting pieces into an invisible puzzle.

Conny nodded, not wanting to lie to her sister. "I came here a while ago. I wasn't ready to go back to the prison. But I slowly discovered that there are people here that I care about" Conny explained. She knew Kimi wasn't going to understand but she was going to be honest anyways.

"So whose side are you on?" Kimi asked wanting more than anything to cry. This felt like betrayal to her, it hurt far more than any wound she had ever experienced.

"I'm not on either side Kimi. I don't want to be a part of this fucking war!" Conny yelled in frustration. She was done with the whole sides thing. She didn't want there to be sides in the first place. Why couldn't they just coexist? Why did it have to be a big fight?

"That's not how war works Conny. You pick sides... and I can clearly see which side you are on" Kimi said turning so Conny wouldn't see her begin to cry. Before Conny could respond Kimi took off not wanting to accidentally say anything more hurtful while her emotions were running wild.

Conny stood there in shock. Kimis words stung. She wanted nothing more than to stop the war but maybe Kimi was right. Maybe she just wasn't capable of stopping something so big and she was just being naïve. So she stumbled forward in her continued search for Atsumu. Although now it felt a little less important.

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