51 ~ Ninety Three

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"Tobio..." Connys voice was weak as she looked up at the boy who had his arms wrapped around her.

"Yes Conny?" Kageyama said looking down at the girl as he spoke. 

"We never found our classroom... We were supposed to find our classroom... I really..." Conny stopped mid sentence to cough a few times before continuing. "I really wanted to go there... Just to see it..." she finished coughing once again.

"Don't worry about it Conny, we'll get there. Tell you what, you and I will clear it out as soon as you can walk again" Kageyama said smiling softly at his friend.

"Yeah okay... But if I don't get to, can you still go?" Conny asked, unable to return his smile.

"I will if I have to, but I'd much rather go with you. So you should focus your energy on getting better, okay?" Kageyama said. He had only agreed because he knew Conny would be insistent if he didn't agree. But if he were honest with himself he knew that if she couldn't go to that classroom he would never be able to set foot in it.

Conny remained silent for a few minutes, it was odd for her to be so quiet.

"Hey did you know the first time I met you I briefly thought your name was cow-gay-lama?" Conny said with a very small painful giggle.

Kageyama scrunched up his face at that, a grin visible. "Should I start mooing then?" he asked.

"That would be something. I can't picture you mooing, but I think cows will be my favourite animal from now on" Conny said grinning.

"What, no love for the lamas?" Kageyama said laughing a bit at how ridiculous the conversation was.

"Well Tobio, everyone knows that cows are superior to lamas" Conny said in a serious almost scolding tone.

Kageyama began to laugh. "I didn't know that was common knowledge."

"Don't worry, I'm always happy to share my large assortment of knowledge with the less intelligent" Conny joked. 

Kageyama shook his head, a smile on his face. "I thought you were supposed to be a moron you dork" he said.

Conny laughed. "That's just what I wanted you to -" she was cut off mid sentence by her own fit of coughing. This one worse than all the previous ones, to the point where Kageyama had to physically sit her up so she could spit up the blood from her mouth.

When she was finished Kageyama pulled her back down to lay against him. He quickly realized she was crying again. Conny had never been emotionally strong and this world was slowly breaking her down, piece by piece.

"I don't wanna die Tobio" she whispered into his chest, her voice hoarse and barely comprehensible, but he knew exactly what she said.

"I'm supposed to live to ninety three" Conny said.

"I know, it'll be okay... don't worry you dork" Kageyama whispered holding her closer.  "You will live to - did you say ninety three?" Kageyama asked suddenly registering what a strange number that was.

"Yeah, I've always said I will live to ninety three ever since I was a child" Conny explained.

"You're so weird" Kageyama chuckled giving her a squeeze. "If you live to ninety three then I'll live to ninety two" he added.

"Why don't you wanna outlive me?" Conny asked, studying his face with her eyes. 

"I have my reasons" Kageyama said, running his thumb over her cheek to wipe the tears.


Connys body moved up and down slowly to the rhythm of her steady breathing. Kageyama could tell that she was sleeping, yet he still didn't want to leave her side, not even for a second. But he managed to convince himself to carefully move her over so he could stand up and help the others.

Kageyama slipped between the curtains to see each person. Natsu was the first. She was sleeping, but he was almost positive she looked a lot better than she was the first few days he had been there. She was obviously still sick, but it looked like her immune system was working hard. This gave the boy hope, maybe it wasn't a for sure death sentence.

He decided not to wake the little girl and instead moved over to Ukais area. The man was awake, staring at the ceiling. Unlike Natsu, Ukai seemed to be progressively getting worse.

"Would you like some water?" he asked. Ukai glanced at him, barely even moving.

"Yeah..." he croaked out. Kageyama helped the man drink some water. He wasn't sure how else he could help him.

"How is Daichi, and Conny? And the little girl?" Ukai asked when he was settled back down in his spot.

"Natsu is starting to show signs of getting better. Daichi seems to be in bad shape, same with Conny" Kageyama responded. He wasn't about to lie about their condition. He always just told things as they were, lying only hurts people more in the end.

Ukai took in the information before coming up with a response. "At least the kids improving. I really do hope the other two start getting better as well soon. I knew Daichi before, he used to come to my shop all the time. And Conny, the poor girls been running around helping everyone else for weeks, she better fight this virus after how much she helped the others stand a chance against it" 

"I can't say for sure that they are going to get better, but I can assure you that they are fighting. That's never seemed to be a problem with either of them" Kageyama said. He didn't want to think about the possibility that they didn't get better, but he also wasn't going to pretend it didn't exist.

"You are a very realistic person aren't you?" Ukai spoke in a weak voice.

Kageyama shrugged. "I just don't see the point in lying to myself and everyone else. Pretending doesn't change the outcome" he said.

"That's smart, especially in this world. I respect that" Ukai agreed. "Go check up on the others, this old man is gonna get some sleep." he added.

Kageyama nodded leaving his area to visit Daichi. Upon seeing the boy he grabbed an extra blanket. He placed the blanket on top of Daichis body that was visibly shaking with shivers.

"Thank you" Daichi mumbled. Kageyama nodded, taking a seat on the edge of the older boys bed.

"How's Conny?" Daichi managed to get out.

"She's still fighting. I promise I will tell you if anything changes with her, but you need to focus on yourself right now. Do it for Conny and Kimi. They are both tough, but I don't want to even think about what it will do to them if they lose you" Kageyama said.

"I'm not giving up. I can't leave them, not now" Daichi replied.

"Good" Kageyama said.

"I trust you. I think you should know that. I think it's important." Daichi said weakly.

Kageyama stared at the boy. He knew that Daichi had been wary of him when they first met. Of course he was, it made sense. Conny was his family and he didn't want her to get hurt. Kageyama obviously knew and understood that he was a valid member of the group now, but hearing that he was trusted among the group was something he didn't know he had desperately wanted and needed to hear.

"Thank you" he whispered, his eyes still wide from the surprise and joy of hearing those words.

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