162 ~ Remembering

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Atsumu moved down the hall towards the hospital room. He was sure that Conny would be there, he couldn't help but feel guilty for not being able to spend any time with her recently but he was thankful that she seemed to be happy spending a lot of time with Shirabu.

Atsumu had planned to spend the day with the girl though. He had pried himself away from the countless tasks he was needed for. Lately he had felt a little empty, he wanted that feeling of joy that Conny brought whenever he talked to her. 

"Hey is Conny in here?" Atsumu asked Shirabu as he entered the small hospital room. 

Shirabu glanced over to one of the beds where Conny was passed out in a deep sleep. "Maybe come back in an hour or two, she just fell asleep. We stupidly tried to pull an all nighter" Shirabu explained. Atsumu couldn't help but notice how Shirabu was in a really good mood, his voice sounded cheerful. He wondered if Conny had the same affect on everyone and it was really just impossible to be sad around her.

"Okay, I'll be back in a bit" Atsumu agreed, he didn't want to bother the girl from her sleep.

After about three hours Atsumu returned back to the room. "She up?" he asked as he entered. 

Shirabu looked up from a small journal he had been writing in. "I say go ahead and wake her now. It's her own fault for staying up all night" he said.

Atsumu nodded moving to Connys side. He gently shook her shoulder. Conny brushed him aside and rolled over with a groan. 

"Conny, yer not gonna sleep tonight if ya keep sleepin" Atsumu said trying again. Conny slowly rolled back to face him sleepily rubbing her eyes. When her vision came into focus she began to grin.

"Atsumu! I haven't seen you in a while" she said smiling at the boy.

Atsumu returned her smile. "I know. Figured we'd spend the day together when you woke up" he said softly.

Conny sat up. "You could have woke me up earlier" she said then she glanced over to Shirabu. "I definitely stayed up longer than you" she claimed recalling their competition from the night before.

Shirabu simply rolled his eyes at the girl, he couldn't believe how she could go from being tired and a little grumpy to her normal excitedly enthusiastic self within the span of a few seconds.

"Do you still wanna spend time with me?" Conny asked looking back over to Atsumu. She had surprisingly missed the boy quite a lot. The one thing that still confused the hell out of her were her feelings towards Atsumu, although she was sure that those were so complicated that she would never fully understand them.

Atsumu nodded to her question. "I wanted yer help with somethin" he answered.

"Okay" Conny agreed then turned to look at Shirabu. "I'll see you later okay?" she said. Shirabu nodded before turning his attention back to his writing.

"Shall we?" Atsumu asked holding out his arm for Conny to take. Conny giggled a little before linking her arm with his to walk.

Atsumu led her down a few hallways to the large bathroom she had been in once before. "Sorry Atsumu but you're just not my type" Conny joked upon entering the washroom.

"Haha yer a comedian" Atsumu teased back sarcastically as he began to search through the cupboards. "I was hopin you'd help me dye my hair" he explained when he found what he had been looking for.

Conny couldn't help but laugh. "It's the middle of the end of the world and you're worried about your hair?" she asked giggling a bit. Despite not having a lot of sleep she was in an extremely good mood and just happy for no specific reason.

"Yeah gotta keep up appearances" Atsumu replied grinning.

"But why piss blonde?" Conny asked shaking her head at him disapprovingly.

"First off that was rude. Second it has to be blonde, I always dye my hair blonde and Osamu dyes his grey. It's how people have always told us apart" Atsumu explained. Conny immediately understood why he felt the need to dye his hair without needing anymore explanation. He wanted to continue to look the way he did when his brother was around. In a way letting the dye fade would be as if he were excepting that Osamu was really gone.

"How do we do this? Wash your hair first?" Conny asked rolling up her sleeves.

"I'll get the dye ready in a bowl then all ya have to do is spread it on, start with a strand then move to more until eventually you get it all" Atsumu explained as he prepared the dye.

"Okay, sounds simple enough. Hope I don't fuck it up" Conny replied.

"Don't worry, I'll help I've never done this on my own though. Me and Osamu always do it together" he said. "Put on those gloves, yer gonna want them" he added tossing a pair of disposable gloves to the girl.

"Thanks" Conny said as she put them on. "Let's do this!" she added with a bit of excitement. She had never done anything like this before and it honestly sounded really fun to her.

"Okay, please don't mess it up too badly" Atsumu said handing her the bowl and leaning over. He was already getting the feeling that he entrusted this job to the wrong person. But then again there wasn't really anyone else he wanted to do it.

Conny began to spread the dye over his head trying her best to keep it contained and not make a mess. Atsumu briefly closed his eyes, he felt a bit of peace as Conny carefully ran her fingers through his hair.

"If I splashed this on your face how long would it take to come out?" Conny suddenly wondered out loud as she began gently to massage his scalp with her hands.

"Let's not do that" Atsumu replied carefully taking the bowl from her as she continued to rub the dye into his hair.

"Just a question" Conny said giggling a bit.

"I don't trust you not to act on that question though" Atsumu replied. 

"Oh come on. How could you not trust me? I would never purposefully ruin your appearance as a joke" Conny said defensively faking a look of hurt.

"Yeah okay, that sounds convincing" Atsumu replied sarcastically resulting in another laugh from Conny as if to prove him right.

"What do we do now?" Conny asked as Atsumu stood back up since she had finished.

"Now we wait for about thirty minutes before washing it out" Atsumu responded.

"Can you cut my hair while we wait?" Conny suddenly asked. Her hair had been short pretty much all her life, ending a little above her shoulders but since she hadn't been able to cut it since before everything went downhill it had grown quite long and she missed her short hair.

"Yeah turn around" Atsumu instructed searching through one of the drawers to find a small pair of scissors. Conny turned to face the mirror letting him see the back of her hair.

"Jeez Conny when's the last time ya brushed yer hair?" Atsumu said as he tried to run a brush through it before being painfully stopped by the knots.

"Don't know" Conny answered shrugging.

Atsumu couldn't help but chuckle at her lack of care about her appearance. "Yer an idiot. I'll do my best to fix this mess" he said between chuckles.

Conny stood still staring into the mirror as Atsumu worked away at her hair. Truthfully she couldn't even remember when she had last seen her own reflection. She didn't look very much like herself. It was incredible to think about how much her appearance had changed over time, as if she were a whole new person... maybe she was.

Atsumu finally managed to untangle her hair and began to carefully run his hand through it. The action almost reminded her of when she was a child and Daichi would brush her hair with care attempting to make her look presentable for school.

She watched as Atsumu carefully cut long strands of her hair letting them fall to the ground. The boy was completely focused on the task he was doing. He looked happy to her. She wondered if he could be happy like this, if he could find peace without the prison.

By the end Conny stared into the mirror, although her hair looked the same as it used to she still looked different, possibly more mature. Had she really matured all that much? Maybe at some point she had grown up without realizing.

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