177 ~ Calm After the Storm

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A week and a half. Ten days. That was all it had been since the big battle. Yet somehow time managed to both drag on and fly by. Everyone was kept busy, but any free time Kimi had was devoted to Conny and Tsukishima. Somehow thinking about them when she was completely alone didn't bring her overwhelming anger or sadness. Instead it brought her peace.

She knew she would probably never fully let go of the guilt and responsibility she felt for both their deaths. But she liked to believe they were happy now, they didn't have to face the cruel world she was still stuck living in.

Connys death seemed to have knocked down a whole line of dominos resulting in alliances and agreements of peace she never even imagined possible.

After the war had finally come to an end people dispersed around Tokyo. Kenma had moved away to live at Fukurodani instead of the prison. Kimi wished he would have stayed since he was one of her only remaining friends but she understood why he had to leave. He didn't want to stay at the prison without the rest of Nekoma.

Atsumu dropped the idea of being in charge of the prison. He decided to move back to Inarizaki until he knew what he wanted to do, but Kimi told him he was welcome to come by the prison if he ever wanted to. It was a big step for Kimi to do that since she still had a hard time trusting people. But Conny trusted Atsumu so Kimi did too.

Atsumu had offered Kita to come back to Inarizaki but Kita had decided to stay at the prison for a while longer, although he did promise Atsumu he would be moving back with him soon. Kimi got the idea that the two were going to attempt to mend their friendship.

Iwazumi and Oikawa stayed at Inarizaki. Kimi still hated them for what they did but she was trying her best to let go. She knew deep down that they were only doing everything they could to keep their own group alive, but it didn't stop her from wanting to avoid them at all costs.

Everyone else went back to living life normally. Or what they hoped to soon become a new normal.

Ten days ago Kai had suggested that they bury Conny beside Daichi. At first it sounded like a good idea, like something Conny would have wanted. But once they dug up the hole and were about to lower Connys body something suddenly popped into Kimis mind. Something she was sure that if she had taken less time being angry and just thought before, then she would have figured it out much sooner. Where Conny had disappeared to for so long.

It was that little house in Miyagi she spoke so fondly of living at with Kageyama. Kimi was almost positive that it had to have been the location Conny brought Kageyamas body and that it was the place they should lay her to rest.

Sure enough when they made their way over to the house there was a small grave in the backyard and although there was no writing or clear indicator that Kageyama was the one buried there Kimi knew. She didn't know how she knew but she did.

As they buried Conny next to Kageyama, Kimi had decided to slip the crumpled up condom wrapper into the grave with her. Although she would have liked to have held onto anything that could remind her of her sister, she felt that it was necessary to leave the wrapper that in any other situation would simply be seen as garbage. 

Connys funeral was very tough on everyone, no one really wanting to part with the girl. Somehow Conny had managed to have some sort of impact on each person where they could look back on her as a fond memory.

Now ten days later Kimi found herself on her hands and knees working hard to salvage what was left of Daichis garden. It had taken hours to restore it but she had been working hard to make it look identical to the way Daichi had left it. Kiyoko had told her that she would be more than happy to take on the responsibility of gardening from there on out once her child was born, which was due for a week or two from the current date.

Kimi sat back admiring her hard work. There was just one thing missing from the garden. She pulled a small pack of seeds from her pocket, handling them carefully. It was the seeds her brother had once given to her sister. Neither of them would be here to watch them grow but she would ensure that she let them grow long enough to produce seeds that she could plant again so those seeds would continue to grow. Even though it was only stupid vegetables, she liked to imagine that the two could live on in them.

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