47 ~ Agreement

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"Ah, finally worked up the guts to face me? Took you a while, I'm sure Kanebi here was really cursing you out" Tersushima said with a little cheeky grin.

"I'm sure he was" Tsukishima replied flatly. He gave little to no emotion with his words.

"I see you are one of few words" Terushima said stopping to stand face to face with Tsukishima.

"More of I don't waste my time with useless conversations" Tsukishima retorted, resulting in a loud chuckle from Terushima.

"Alright then, I guess I won't waste your precious time. I was expecting an empty school, so imagine my surprise when you are still here when I arrive. What's up with that shit?" Terushima spoke smoothly.

"We didn't want to leave" Tsukishima said brushing off the question with a shrug.

Terushima laughed again, the sound sent shivers down Kais spine as he watched the action unfold only a few steps away from him.

"Well you're fucking gonna leave" Terushima said when he finished laughing.

"I don't think we will" Tsukishima said, his expression still blank. He didn't show the slightest sign of fear when speaking to Terushima and it was frustrating the boy beyond belief.

"Did you not hear what I fucking said?!" Terushima shouted in frustration. "Date Tech did the same thing as you and they are nothing now!"

"You see there's your problem. You're comparing Karasuno to amateurs. We aren't amateurs when it comes to killing" Tsukishima laughed out.

Terushimas expression contorted, a clear mix of anger and frustration.

"How will your group like watching me splatter their leaders brains all over the place?" Tersushima asked suddenly pulling out a gun and pointing it at Tsukishimas head.

"You want to know my honest answer to that question?" Tsukishima said moving closer to the gun, using his height to make himself more intimidating.

"Yes" Terushima said not moving.

"They'll think it's hilarious that you wasted so much time on a mere lackey who has no say within the group" he said grinning as the realization that Tsukishima had been lying hit Terushima.

Kimi finally convinced herself to move from the spot she had been frozen in. She pointed her gun towards Terushimas head stepping out of her spot.

"Don't shoot him or this bullet is going in your skull" she called out moving closer.

"I'd be careful. That thing is dangerous princess" Terushima said looking at Kimi through his peripheral vision, not turning his head to look at her directly.

"I know what I'm doing, although not really sure I could say the same for you. Rookie mistake leaving yourself vulnerable like that" Kimi said taking a step closer.

"So what do you suppose we do now princess?" Tersushima said turning only his head to face the girl. "I'm guessing your not a wimp like my buddy Kanebi over here and will actually shoot your gun. But I'd also say you don't want lackey number 2 here to die either" Terushima said first nodding his head to Kai then to Tsukishima.

"Whereas me, well I don't really care who you shoot. But since you're pointing that gun of yours at my head, that irks me a bit. So we're at a bit of a stand still aren't we" he added.

"I don't shoot you, you don't shoot him. You leave and we never hear from each other again" Kimi said with authority.

"I'm sorry. No can do princess. You see you have a nice set up here. A source of food, and safety from the biters. That's something I want. And when I want something I take it" Terushima said.

"I really don't see how much use you'll get out of it when there's a bullet in your skull." Kimi said.

Terushima grinned as he started playing with his piercing. "Well aren't you adorable. But I don't lose so sorry princess, I'm gonna have to take your castle" 

"I'm sorry peasant, but that's not happening" Kimi responded, clicking her bullet into the chamber to show the boy just how serious she was.

Terushima paid no mind to her preparing to shoot as he began to laugh. "'Peasant?' You're funny" he grinned a sickly smirk "I like you. I'll let you share this castle with me. I'll take care of everything else. All it will cost you is your people"

Kimi shook her head, she couldn't even believe he would offer something like that, as if she would ever accept that.

"Yuji" the same boy from earlier spoke moving closer. 

"I'm a little busy Kazuma, what is it?" Terushima questioned sounding slightly annoyed.

"We found more people, one shot Futamata. He's dead. But we got them under control after that. What would you like us to do with them?" Kazuma asked. Kimi felt her heart skip a beat at his words.

"Oh well, I guess kill em" he said, showing absolutely zero remorse for the dead person from his group.

"Wait" Kimi called out. But Kazuma continued on his path not listening to her.

Terushima began to grin again. "Kazuma hold up a minute" he ordered. The boy stopped in his tracks.

"What do you want in exchange for their lives?" Kimi asked after sighing lightly.

Terushima looked amused. "A princess who cares for her commoners" he said with that same twisted smirk.

"Don't waste both our time. Just tell me what you want" Kimi said in defeat.

"You know what I'll give you the same deal as Date Tech before they decided to fuck with me" Terushima said.

"I want all of your guns now, and ninety percent of the food you have. From now on that vegetable garden belongs to me. You work it and give me what you get from it. You may keep thirty percent of what you scavenge on your own. You may also keep the school, but anything of any value to me, is mine. Then you and all your little peasants can live in harmony here or whatever. Got it?" Terushima explained.

Kimi looked to Tsukishima, he avoided her gaze refusing to meet her eyes. She turned her attention to Kai who nodded with a pleading look.

"Deal" Kimi said looking to her feet. She felt like she was giving in, but right now all she was worried about was keeping everyone alive.

"Awesome!" Terushima said moving towards her as Kimi lowered her gun. He held out his hand expectantly looking at her. Kimi looked down at the gun she had taken from Tsukishima the very first day she met him, then with a sigh she placed it in the boys hands.

"Good girl, now run along and collect all your guns and a few food goodies for me" Terushima instructed. Kimi hated this, but she had no other choice but to just do as he said.

In less than ten minutes their guns were loaded onto his truck along with a good portion of their food.

"Now don't forget that everything you own now belongs to Jozenji. I'll be back to collect more of my things in three days at six so you better have something good for me" Terushima said as he climbed onto his truck.

"We don't have a clock" Tsukishima said in a sassy manner.

Terushima chose to ignore his comment before driving off with his group. 

The group of Karasuno all stood watching the truck disappear once again, all with defeated looks on their faces and slumped shoulders.

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