17~ Just Being Teenagers

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Kimi found herself being shaken awake by Kai later that night. "What are you doing in here?" she asked squinting at him. It was some point in the middle of the night and it was strange for him to be awake still.

"I told you I would tell you later," Kai replied with a grin.

Kimi rolled her eyes slightly at the boy. "What is it?" she asked tiredly. She figured that she didn't have nearly enough sleep to deal with his nonsense.

"Come on. We are being rebellious teenagers. Wake up Conny," he instructed as he left the room. Kimi sighed already knowing that it was probably a bad idea. But she decided to turn to the sleeping girl beside her and wake her up anyways, choosing to trust Kai on this.

"Kimi?" Conny questioned rubbing her eyes as the girl shook her awake.

"Hey, get up Kai needs us," Kimi said in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake Natsu or Kiyoko who were both sleeping. Daichi had agreed to watch after Mai for the night so the baby wasn't in their room.

"Okay. What time is it? Me and Kageyama are supposed to get stuff for Mai," Conny said with a yawn.

"Don't worry we let you two sleep. Tanaka and Noya ventured out to get the stuff earlier," Kimi explained. At the time it she decided to send the other two out, knowing both Conny and Kageyama were far too exhausted to send out there.

"Oh, okay then," Conny said. The two girls then left the room, almost instantly finding Kai waiting for them in the front foyer.

"We are sneaking out to have some fun," Kai explained when the two gave him questioning looks as if to ask why he had woken them in the middle of the night.

"That sounds exciting!" Conny immediately said with a lot of enthusiasm behind her voice.

"That sound stupid," Kimi said almost at the same time as Conny as she frowned at the idea. It didn't make any sense to her to risk their lives outside without a reason.

"Can we get the other would be first years as well?" Conny asked, completely ignoring Kimi's comment on the idea. Unlike Kimi, Conny thought that a little fun was much needed, even if it wasn't the smartest decision. Making poor choices was supposed to be a part of being a teenager.

"Sure, just be quiet when waking them," Kai said nodding, he didn't really care who went as long as they were able to get out for a while. Conny quickly took off down the hall towards the other bedroom straight to the bed where Kageyama and Hinata were sleeping. She quietly shook them. Kageyama woke almost the second she touched him, Hinata was a bit more of a challenge to wake up though.

"Everything okay Conny?" Kageyama questioned quickly looking around the room. Conny nodded putting her finger to her lip to silence him. She motioned her hand in a wave to signal for them to follow her, which they did.

Kimi had followed Conny to the room but went over to where Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were sleeping instead. She had almost instantly gave in since she knew well that there was no point in arguing Conny and Kai when they got their mind set on something.

"Get up loser," Kimi said nudging Tsukishima's ribs with her foot.

"No thank you," Tsukishima replied as he rolled to his other side.

"Oh come on! Don't make me drag you out of that bed. We are going out and you and Tadashi are welcome to come," she offered.

"No thank you," Tsukishima repeated.

"Suit yourself," Kimi said walking away. It didn't take her long to figure out that she shouldn't argue with him since it only proved to put her in a miserable mood.

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