89 ~ Questions

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"You ready to go home?" Conny asked in a quiet voice after several minutes of holding Kageyama. His sobs had now completely stopped and he was just standing there clinging to Conny.

He slowly let go of the girl taking a step back. He nodded. "Yeah I'm okay now. What did we need to get here?" he asked rubbing at his eye.

"Oh right! We need some clothes for Mai, she's outgrown all the stuff she currently has" Conny explained, remembering that their outing had an actual purpose.

Kageyama nodded. "There might be some stuff in that childrens store across the hall" he said pointing to a larger store. He was having trouble keeping his voice in a normal tone, but Conny didn't care she wanted him to be comfortable showing his more vulnerable side to her.

"Okay, let's go check it out" she said taking his hand and rubbing gentle circles with her thumb over it. It was such an odd thing for him to be the one breaking down instead of her, she never wanted to see the boy hurting like this ever again.

As they entered the store they found several outfits that could fit Mai, along with some new winter stuff she might need soon. There wasn't a ton of winter stuff in the store since back when everything shut down stores were selling spring stuff, but they found enough. They used a backpack from one of the stores to put the things in.

When they were ready to leave again they found their winter stuff that they had worn on their way there discarded on the ground where they had left them. The two quickly got ready for the cold, and Conny threw the backpack over her shoulders before the two took off. Thankfully Kageyamas dad seemed to had cleared their entire path back to the road for them.

Conny walked silently beside Kageyama, holding his hand as they moved down the road beside the forest. Kageyama seemed to be slowly returning back to his normal self. He was playing with his knife in his free hand. Conny watched him moving it over and over again in his hand.

"You want to ask me something. You can, I want to talk to you. Even about him. Talking to you makes me happy" Kageyama stated as he could practically feel the girl staring at him.

"Your knife. He gave it to you didn't he? That's why you refuse to use any other weapon" Conny asked. She really hoped she wasn't overstepping with her question, but he clearly wanted to talk to her about it. Conny was similar in that aspect, she liked talking to Kageyama about things it gave her comfort trusting him with her secrets.

Kageyama smiled at the knife. "Yeah he did. Actually I was kind of young when he gave it to me, which I'm sure can't be legal. But I love the thing" he explained chuckling a little.

"Probably not" Conny laughed out. "I have another question, is that okay?" she asked.

"Of course" Kageyama said bringing his attention to look at Conny.

"Okay, well the knife means a lot to you. That's obvious. I've only ever seen you part with it three times. Once was in Miyagi when you slipped it into my belt. I understand why you did that. Another time you gave it to Kimi when she was going to try to trick Tsukishima, that also makes sense since we were all trapped and it was your best way out. But the first time I can't figure out why. It was forever ago, back in my room when we first met. You slid it across the floor to me to convince me that you weren't going to hurt me. I just don't understand why you would choose to part with it then, I didn't even know you had it. And you didn't know me or owe me anything" Conny explained her thoughts.

Kageyama thought back to the moment all those months ago. "Honestly it was a gut feeling. Every one of my instincts were screaming at me to trust you" he said shrugging. Then he grinned and added "besides I'm positive I could have easily disarmed you back then if I really needed to"

Conny laughed at that last part. "It's kinda funny that I had the same gut feeling telling me to trust you. Although I wanted to trust everyone back then. I wasn't ever going to swing my stick at your head you know" Conny said.

Kageyama chuckled nodding. "Yeah I know, I could tell but I pretended I didn't so I could gain your trust" Kageyama confessed.

Conny brought her hand up to her chest in fake hurt. "I can't believe you could do that to me! You practically lied right to my face" she said trying to pretend to be angry, but ending up laughing a little.

"I lied to you one other time you know" Kageyama teased, raising both his eyebrows.

Conny tried to figure out when it was, but gave up and asked instead. "When was that?"

"The night we all snuck out" Kageyama grinned. "I actually knew how to skate, I just lied and pretended I didn't so I could have an excuse to hold your hand" he said cheekily.

"I feel so used" Conny said shaking her head, laughing at the whole thing. Kageyama laughed as well giving her hand a light squeeze.

"I have one more question about your dad" Conny suddenly said.

Kageyama looked over at her again. "Go ahead" he urged.

"So I think I understand that he was some sort of end of the world enthusiast" she started. 

Kageyama laughed at her description. "A doomsday believer" he corrected cutting in. 

"Right" Conny said. "But you must have known that he could survive on his own then, so why did you keep claiming that you killed him" she asked curiously.

"That's a tough one. I think in my mind it was easier to just believe that I killed him and gave him an easy death than to accept the countless other possibilities that could have happened to him" Kageyama explained.

"Oh... that makes a lot of sense in an odd way" Conny said thinking about it. If either of her siblings were to ever die she would hope it would be an easy death, although even the thought of that sent shivers down her back.

They continued walking towards their home. Both happy to be beside one another. Both happy to be holding each others hand. Both happy they found each other.


"Kimi! Come in here!" Kai called out from inside one of the rooms as Kimi was walking past down the hallway.

Kimi turned into the room she had not been in yet. When she saw the two boys sitting with Kai she immediately knew whose room it was. It was the room shared by Iwazumi and Oikawa.

"What's up?" she asked looking at Kai who was standing opposite Iwazumi, a table in between them.

"This man is impossible to beat at arm wrestling!  I mean it, I didn't even last a minute!" Kai said pointing to Iwazumi.

Kimi raising an eyebrow at the red head. "That's an odd thing to brag about" she stated. Although she was curious about facing Iwazumi, she used to be fairly decent at arm wrestle matches. At least better than Kai.

"Let's go" Kimi said placing her arm on the table looking at Iwazumi.

"Okay" Iwazumi shrugged also putting his arm on the table. The two linked hands waiting for Kai to count down. When Kai got down to one they both started. Kimi managed to hold on for about twenty seconds before Iwazumi overpowered her ending the match.

"Why the hell are you so freakishly strong!?" Kimi asked in shock at how easy it was for him to win.

"Match me! I'm basically just as strong as Iwa chan!" Oikawa said jumping up from his spot on the bed.

"No you aren't wimpykawa" Iwazumi teased.

"You're so mean to me Iwa chan! I don't know why I'm still dating you" Oikawa pouted at the comment.

"Honestly I ask myself the same question all the time" Iwazumi said with a chuckle, only making Oikawa pout more.

Kimi laughed at the two. "Alright face me Oikawa" she agreed as the boy took the spot across from her at the table.

Kai counted down again, but this time Kimi was the one to win. Only making Iwazumi tease Oikawa even more. Kimi and Kai laughed at the two before deciding to say goodnight and go to their own room for the night.

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