32 ~ Trapped

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"Kai..." Conny whispered into the darkness.

"Don't worry Conny, I'm here," Kai responded as he reached in front of him to touch her arm. He could tell she was doing everything to hold it together. The closet they had escaped into was pitch black, making it nearly impossible to see in front of them.

"What are we gonna do?" Conny asked nervously, paying close attention to the banging coming from the other side of the door.

"I think I have a plan," Kai whispered in response. Conny was happy by his news, since she was not the fastest thinker so she had hoped Kai would be able to come up with something.

"You have your hockey stick right?" Kai asked as a reassurance before explaining his plan.

Conny nodded, then realized he couldn't see her. "Yeah, I've got it still," she answered verbally.

"Okay, here's the plan..." Kai began to explain. "We have a hockey stick, gun, and a baseball bat. There are two of us and a lot of them. I don't think charging out at them is a good idea. It would be smarter to take them on in smaller proportions," he continued.

"Yeah, that would be ideal but it's not like we can just ask them to line up for us to kill them one by one," Conny joked, not entirely sure what he was hinting at.

"True, but we can force them to," Kai replied.

"Huh?" Conny asked confused.

"I'll open the door slightly and you kill the ones that attempt to get in as fast as you can. I'll try to minimize the flow of them the best I can," Kai explained.

Conny thought for a minute about the plan. "Okay, but that's gonna take a lot of strength to keep the door closed over with them all pushing. Are you sure you can do it?" Conny asked, voicing her worry.

"Don't worry about me Conny, you just keep on killing them. I'll keep the door shut. If something goes wrong and I can't hold it open anymore, I want you to jump back and we will face them together," Kai replied. The last thing he wanted was for the monsters to all swarm her at once without him being able to help her.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," Conny said as she nervously focused her attention on the still shut door.

"Alright, let's do this!" Kai said, mentally preparing himself while trying to pump Conny up at the same time.

"Hell yeah!" Conny agreed, holding up her hockey stick. She just had to firmly grip the stick and swing it as hard as she could at the monsters heads, the same way Kageyama had taught her.

Kai then turned the knob of the door, the second it was cracked open he felt an incredible force pushing against him. "Try to be as fast as you can," he grunted out, already straining his body to hold too much weight. Conny didn't need to be told twice as she quickly began killing the walkers swarming the entrance of the closet.

Conny had gotten through a bunch when they finally ran into an even bigger problem. The more she killed, the more bodies that would clog up the doorway making it even harder for Kai to keep the door closed over.


Kimi peeked her head out to see the hallway. The monsters seemed to have all detoured to one of the other classrooms. She couldn't remember if it was the classroom Conny and Kai went to or the one with Kageyama, Noya, and Tanaka. The thought of her sister being over there made her stomach turn, but she had to force herself to push that thought aside.

"It looks like they are mostly distracted. If we go out to the left towards the doors we came through we should be okay," Kimi whispered back into the room.

"Okay," Ennoshita replied, clinging tightly to the bottle of calcium gluconate in his hand.

"Alright you two first, I'll follow in case any walkers notice us," Kimi instructed as she motioned for them to go ahead.

"Be careful," Tadashi whispered as he passed Kimi, following Ennoshita out of the room. Kimi followed Tadashi as the three began down the hallway. She couldn't stop herself from glancing back at the classroom that was now completely overtaken by walkers.

"Go help them. I'll take care of Tadashi," Ennoshita spoke up when he noticed Kimi's longing look towards the chaos. Kimi nearly jumped, startled by the sudden voice in front of her.

"Oh no it's okay. I'll help you," Kimi said, shaking her head. She really wanted to find Conny, but she had to focus on the current task at hand.

"Please go. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to them that we could've prevented. Besides I've been out there for a while now, I can deal with a few roamers," Ennoshita argued back.

Kimi had to take a minute to consider her options. Safety wasn't too far away and Ennoshita had to be somewhat decent at fighting. She trusted that the two could make it on their own. They didn't need her, she could go help the others.

"Okay fine. But be careful and if anything happens to either of you, I'll-" Kimi was cut off by Tadashi.

"Don't worry we'll be fine. Now go," he insisted, urging her to go help out in the crowd.

Kimi nodded once, then jogged off in the direction of the danger as Ennoshita and Tadashi left in the opposite direction towards safety.

Kimi quickly made it to the edge of the monsters and began attacking them one by one stealing some of their attention. She wasn't thinking completely logical like usual. She was just trying to be fast so she could find her sister. But her lack of caution quickly became her biggest problem.

Slowly Kimi began to attract more and more unwanted attention. She couldn't come up with a plan, all she could do was try to find her sister.

There were now multiple monsters trying to swarm her. She was fighting back well, but the sheer amount of them was too much for anyone to handle.

Oh shit. I might die.

The thought briefly crossed her mind, but she didn't stop moving farther into the crowd of monsters. It wasn't until she was completely surrounded by monsters that she finally realized the severity of her situation.

Yet she wasn't upset or scared. Death had always been a strange idea to her. It wasn't a bad thing or a good thing, it was just something that happens.

Kimi took in a deep breath almost closing her eyes before seeing a monster crumble in front of her followed by a few others. She looked over to see who had done it.

She hadn't even registered the sound of gun fire until she saw the weapon in the boys hand.

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