54 ~ Broken

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Tsukishima helped Conny move out of the room. It was true that some of her strength was slowly returning, but she still felt like shit. Although she could move her arms she could barely walk. And her throat was still dry and painful.

As Tsukishima helped her limp into the hall she couldn't help but glance back into the room at her friend one last time. They made brief eye contact. But it wasn't like all the other times they made eye contact. This time there was no giggly feeling as her body was filled with the joy she couldn't explain. This time there was just a stab of regret as she saw the pain and betrayal in his eyes. 

It was almost enough to make her turn around and run to him. Almost enough to make her break down, and she did break down on the inside. But she was almost positive that Kageyamas judgement right now was clouded by a need to protect her not the whole group. So she broke eye contact and moved forward with Tsukishimas help.

Conny hadn't been out of the room in weeks, other than her brief trip outside, so it was refreshing to see the rest of the school again.

"I'm not going to tell you how to act because I am sure you know Kimi better than everyone else here. But just remember this guy is dangerous, do what he asks" Tsukishima explained as they walked down the hallway. Conny nodded.

"Here, drink this" Tsukishima said helping the girl drink some water.

They made their way to the front hall and waited for the sound of the loud truck making its way into the driveway of the school. They heard the noise of the group arriving and Conny immediately tensed up.

"Just play it cool, the stuff from the garden is already here. They will take it and leave that's all" Tsukishima said. He attempted to move her so it was barely noticeable that she was relying on him for support to stand.

The group burst through the door with a loud entrance. Conny immediately figured out which was Terushima based off the way he held himself, walking with confidence like he owned the place... Which he basically did.

When he laid eyes on Conny  a smirk spread across his face. "So what have you got for me today princess?" he questioned moving closer to the girl.

"We have vegetables. Take them and get the hell out of my face." Conny said doing the best Kimi impression she could manage, despite her heart racing.

Terushima glanced at the box filled with the food collected from the garden. "Aw that's it? I was really expecting bigger things from your group princess." Terushima said taking a step closer to Conny.

Conny rolled her eyes. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm sure people are used to expecting bigger things from you only to be disappointed so this is only karma" Conny said making a scene of glancing down to his crotch area when she said 'you'. Tsukishima had to hold back his laughter at the comment. Connys heart sped up even more when the boys face flashed annoyance, this was the most bold she had ever been.

"Well aren't we arrogant today? Huh princess?" Terushima said taking yet another step closer to her. Conny felt like she might crumble if he got any closer but she continued to keep her cool. 

"You're going to have to either learn how to brush your teeth or take a step back." Conny said. She only prayed she was passing as Kimi. Terushima narrowed his eyes, trapping a metal tongue piercing between his teeth.

"I want the keys to this place." he stated, not moving. No closer but also no farther. Conny was nervous, she only hoped her pounding heart couldn't be heard.

"You can't have them" Conny replied keeping her voice steady.

Terushima chuckled at her response. "I thought I made this clear last time. Anything I want is mine. Do I need to make an example out of someone of what happens when I don't get what I want?" Terushima questioned.

"I'll go get them" Tsukishima cut in. Conny didn't see him last time attacking Kai, she had no idea just how serious he was being with his threat.

Conny was leaning against a wall so she didn't need Tsukishima to hold her up. Although she felt her heartbeat pick up when he did leave her side. There was only one other boy in the area other than Terushima, the others had disappeared into the building already which made her even more nervous.

Tsukishima returned only a minute after he left holding keys. He handed them to Terushima. The boy excepted the keys, a grin making its way across his face.

He leaned forward to whisper in Connys ear. "Do I make you nervous?" Conny shook her head no, she didn't have any idea how Kimi would respond to that situation. Terushima chuckled at the girl.

At that moment a couple other boys made their way back to the front hallway. "The doors are all locked up" he said.

Connys head shot to look at Tsukishima from the words, panic crossing both their faces.

"Awesome Kazuma! And the windows?" he asked looking over at the other boy, his body still close enough to keep Conny still on the wall.

"Sealed" Kazuma answered.

Terushima then turned back to face Conny. "So princess, explain this to me. How was it that you made it back from Date Tech before me when I left well before you? Doesn't make sense now does it?" he questioned.

"I don't understand why she felt the need to visit another group, I told her not to fuck with me." he then took a step away still looking at Conny. "Your acting though was incredible! Almost had me convinced there, if the world wasn't shit you should have gone into acting..." he said. Then shrugged "Oh well" he said as he turned to leave out the doors.

He stopped at the entrance of the doorway as all his group had already filed out. "Does it smell like smoke in here?" he questioned a grin visible on his face.

"Wait-" Conny called out. But the boy simply stuck up his middle finger before leaving, locking the only exit not already locked behind him. Conny watched as the group got in their trucks before driving off.

The two looked around at the smoke already filling up the front hallway, there were fires started on both sides of the school area they had cleared out already, possibly more fires than just that.

It was that moment that Conny realized just how weak she really was before collapsing foraward hitting her head on the ground. Tsukishima rushed over to the girl, desperately trying to wake her as the fires continued to burn the building around them.

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