108 ~ Home

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"Come on Bokuto we gotta go" Kayo said as the boy continued to sulk on the ground.

"Kayo" Kimi called out walking over to the girl. She was now panicked about Conny, she needed to know if her sister was okay.

"What's up Kimi? He'll only be a minute more" she said glancing over at Kimi.

"I - I need to go home. Or talk to someone from home or something" Kimi said trying to calm her thoughts down. Her mind was racing with endless possibilities. She had to just convince herself that Conny broke her leg or something on a supply run and that's how she got Kitas help.

"Yeah of course. Do you want us to take you back right now or do you know some way to contact them?" Kayo asked, her voice softening.

"Radio, do you have an old radio that works? And someone who knows how to work it?" Kimi asked hopeful.

"Yeah actually we found an old one a while back and I fixed it up, but it's been silent. We've tried reaching out to people several times but nothing happened" she explained.

"Can we try that? We used ours a couple months ago to contact a group we merged with. Can you get in touch with them?" Kimi asked, she just wanted the fastest way of confirming that Conny was okay. The travel back to the prison would take a few hours and she didn't want to wait.

"I'll try to get it to work for you, we'll go back right away" Kayo said. Then she leaned over to nudge Bokutos leg with her foot. "I need help, we are leaving and I'm not sure I'll be able to shoot them all down on my own. I need Fukurodanis best snipper to help me" she said enthusiastically.

Bokuto seemed to jump up at her words. "Don't worry Kayo I can take care of you! Even if you aren't as good at killing the roamers" he said excitedly.

"And he's back to normal" Kayo said, then turned to face Kimi. "Come on, we'll get in contact with your group right away" she said.

The three got back into the truck, heading back to Fukurodani. Bokuto excitedly shot his machine gun out the truck as they drove. Kimi sat there nervously chewing on her lip. Conny had to be okay, she always has Kageyama watching over her and he wouldn't let anything hurt her. She had to tell herself that she was just being over dramatic over and over again.

As soon as the truck stopped Kimi practically jumped out of it. Kayo followed at a fast pace as well wanting to help however she could.

"Someone will be around your radio right?" Kayo asked to clarify that they wouldn't just be talking while no one was listening.

"Um yeah, Kuroo spends most of his time in his office so he'll hear it" she said. Bokuto seemed to perk up at the mention of Kuroos name.

"Did you say Kuroo!? Is Kuroo with you guys!? Like I could see him again!?" Bokuto said, the excitement clearly present in his voice.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah him and Kenma are both in our group. You can come back with me for a few days if you want" she offered.

"Yeah! Yeah! Just let me talk to Akaashi about it first!" he said excitedly taking off.

"Bo! Hold on we have to contact them first" Kayo called out but the boy was already long gone. "Oh well, we have to go to Akaashi as well anyways. The radio is in his office" Kayo said motioning for Kimi to follow her.

Kayo and Kimi went into a house that was just the same as every other one. Despite being the leader, Akaashi didn't seem to care about taking advantage of it.

Kimi felt awkward just walking into his house but she followed Kayo anyways.

Inside was a mixture of messy and neat. She assumed Bokuto and Akaashi were sharing a place. Which explained the mess.

"Akaashi?" Kayo called out as she knocked on a door.

"What is it Kayo?" Akaashi asked he sounded annoyed.

"Are we bothering him?" Kimi asked.

Kayo just shook her head and laughed. "Nah, that's how he always sounds when he's talking to me" she said then opened the door, "Stop being such a grump I need the radio from here" she said grabbing the old device from the shelf and taking a seat at Akaashis desk across from him. Kimi took a seat beside Kayo. Bokuto was sitting on the desk near Akaashi, almost jumping in his seat.

"Bokuto told me you want to contact Kuroo" Akaashi stated as Kayo began fiddling with the dials.

"Yeah that's right, I just have to find the right frequency so shut up for a minute" Kayo said. Akaashi rolled his eyes at the girl but smiled when she turned her attention away from him to the radio.

After several minutes Kayo seemed to be pleased with the noise coming from the radio. "Hello..." she began to speak into the radio.

"Hello..." she spoke again hopeful.

It took several minutes before a voice came back. "...Hello" it was definitely Kuroos voice. It was a lot easier to understand than through their radio the first time. Kimi figured that was possibly because they were a lot closer now than they were in Miyagi.

Bokuto was nearly jumping in his seat. "It's Kuroo! Tell him I said hi!" he said excitedly.

"Is that Bokuto!?" they could practically hear the grin on his face.

"Yep, it's me Kuroo! I found your friend!" he said excitedly.

"Conny!?" Kuroo said immediately.

"Conny isn't there?" Kimi asked standing out of her seat in a panic.

"Kimi! I'm glad you're okay. She's not with you?" he asked.

Kimi shook her head despite him not being able to see her. "Why isn't she with you guys?" she questioned, a thousand thoughts jumping into her head.

"She went missing a few days ago. The day you left. We haven't been able to find her since. I was hoping she went after you but I guess not" Kuroo explained. Kimis stomach did a flip.

"I'm coming home. I'm gonna find her" she said quickly.

"Kageyama, Kenma, and Iwazumi are out looking for her right now, we figured they were our best fighters and smartest trackers" Kuroo said.

"I'm still coming home" Kimi said, she didn't feel well. She needed to find Conny.

"Kuroo, this is Akaashi. Do you remember me?" Akaashi asked, finally speaking.

"Yeah, I remember you. You were the one always keeping the stupid owl in line" Kuroo said.

Akaashi flashed a smile at that. "Yeah, I have a group here. How would you feel about being friendly allies with us?" he asked.

"I mean we have a voting system here for decisions like that, but I don't see why anyone would object to that" Kuroo said.

"Great, is it alright if Bokuto comes home with Kimi for a little while? He can help look for Conny. Plus I'll send a few extra weapons with him" Akaashi said.

"Yeah, that's great. Can't wait to see the goofy guy" Kuroo replied.

"See you soon Kuroo" Kimi said. "Ready to go?" she asked turning to Bokuto who eagerly nodded. Although she wasn't gone for that long it felt like forever. She was finally going back home, only now Conny wasn't there.

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