102 ~ Clues

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"Kuroo why are you coming out here? You don't really know how to fight the lurkers" Kenma stated as the two walked together.

"Because it's Conny. I gotta find her. I don't wanna ever see anything happen to her" Kuroo explained.

"Yeah, you don't think she went after Kimi do you?" Kenma asked glancing beside him to Kuroo.

Kuroo sighed. "It does seem like a Conny thing to do doesn't it? But that might be the best case, then they can keep each other safe. I'm worried about Kimi being out there on her own" Kuroo said.

"Yeah, I guess so. But Kimi has always been independent, I fully trust that she will be fine on her own" Kenma said then thought for a moment. "Conny is tougher now too, she can fight the lurkers alright on her own. I don't think she is dead" he said.

"But it doesn't make sense then. Did she get lost in the woods?" Kuroo asked.

Kenma shook his head. "I doubt she went into the forest. She's scared of it" Kenma stated.

"What? Since when? We used to always play in the forest as kids" Kuroo asked confused.

Kenma just shrugged. "I don't know. Her eyes kept darting to the forest nervously when we walked together. I originally thought it was because of the lurkers in the forest but then when we got into the city she relaxed and there were more lurkers there than in the forest. So I figured it had something to do with the forest" Kenma explained.

"You are way too observant, you know that right?" Kuroo said lightly poking his friends ribcage.

"Kuroo watch out there are a few lurkers. Yaku and I can get them" Kenma said moving to quickly slice down a group of them.

The three continued walking searching for any signs of Conny.


Kai, Tsukishima, and Tadashi walked down the road. Tsukishima was making an effort to not look at or interact with Kai. Even when the monsters came he would simply kill any that were directly affecting himself and do his best to help Tadashi but he didn't even give Kai a second glance.

"What the hell Tsukishima!? You couldn't have given me a hand there?" Kai asked angerly as he ran to catch up to the taller boy after he had abandoned him there to defend himself. Tsukishima didn't respond to the boy or even acknowledge that he spoke at all.

"Okay what the hell did I do to you!?" Kai shouted grabbing Tsukishimas arm to force him to turn and face him. Tsukishima still refused to speak to the boy.

"Please just tell me what I did wrong?" Kai begged. He already felt crappy, not only did he lose the love of his life today, but one of his closest friends in the world was now gone too.

"Fine, you really want to know?" Tsukishima asked. Kai nodded a little nervous for the words to follow.

"You let her go like an idiot! And don't go ahead and tell me that she will survive out here because I already know she will. But here's my question for you. Why the hell would she want to come back?" Tsukishima asked.

"Are you an idiot? Of course she'll come back!" Kai yelled back.

"Really? Why? Go on tell me why? What is here that is better than what's out there? She will easily find a quiet place with food where she can just live happy on her own, so why would she come back to this shit show where she constantly feels like she is in the wrong?" Tsukishima explained, clearly upset.

Kai thought about it. As much as he hated to admit it Tsukishima had a good point. Kimi deserved better than this place and he was sure she could find that. Hell, he would probably choose anything over himself as well. Then he quickly shook his head denying this reality.

"I believe she will come back. There are people here who need her, she knows that she won't abandon us" Kai said.

"I won't ever forgive you if she doesn't come back!" Tsukishima suddenly yelled.

Kai stared at him in silent shock for a moment then a realization hit him. "You love her don't you? You always have" Kai asked. He knew the answer the second the idea came to him but he still wanted to hear it, he needed to hear it.

Tsukishima hesitated before nodding. 

Kai had mixed feelings at that response. He was a little sad to know that Kimi could be moving on soon. But even more than that he felt joy to know that she was going to have someone to love her still. Someone who could do better than him.

"Don't fuck it up, she deserves the world" he said doing everything he could to smile at the boy.

"Um guys..." Tadashis voice rang out from up ahead. Both boys ran over to him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Connys isn't it?" he asked holding up the hockey stick Conny had become known for using. Something within Kai immediately died at the sight of it.


"She's gotta be okay. She is fine" Kageyama kept muttering to himself. The other two weren't sure if he was trying to convince himself or slowly losing it.

"Kageyama we are going to find her" Daichi said putting a hand on the boys shoulder, it was taking every bit of self control he had not to break down himself. This morning everything was fine, both his sisters were okay. But now he had no idea if either of them were safe.

"Daichi would you shine the light over here, I'm going to kill those walkers" Iwazumi asked. Daichi shone the light in his direction as the boy swung his axe at the monsters. Iwazumi tripped after that, falling. 

"Are you okay?" Daichi asked letting go of Kageyamas shoulder to run over to Iwazumi. 

"Yeah, I'm fine but there is a cluster of dead ones here. Someone already killed a bunch in this area" Iwazumi stated looking beside him as he sat there.

Daichi moved the focus of the light to the heads of the monsters. "Looks like they were shot" Iwazumi said confused.

"Conny doesn't use a gun, she doesn't like the loud noise that draws more near" Kageyama said blankly just standing there, not moving any closer to the dead walkers.

"Alright let's just look around for signs of something. Snow has fallen since this afternoon so I doubt we'll find any footprints or anything like that" Daichi said moving his flashlight to look around.

"Over there, there's something stuck in the snow" Iwazumi said pointing. Daichi moved in the direction Iwazumi had said noticing something just barely peeking out of the snow that covered it.

"Is this one of our blankets?" Daichi asked picking it up and wiping off the snow.

Iwazumi nodded slowly. "She had that thing wrapped around her when she was talking to me" he said.

"Conny!" Daichi called out. The only answer he got was the growls from the monsters wandering the forest.

The walkie talkie in Kageyamas hand suddenly boomed with Tsukishimas voice. "Hello"

"Tsukishima" Kageyama spoke into it, hopeful that he found Conny. 

"We found Connys stick by the road" Tsukishimas voice said. At that Kageyama leaned over and began to vomit, feeling sick to his stomach.

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